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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 17 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    GW doesn't change their pots for a few key reasons.

    Brand recognition, they are super recognisable, which is a surprisingly big thing. It helps particularly with the assumption that a significant amount of GW stuff is bought for people.

    Straight from the pot. When it comes to basic, super beginner painting, its a lot easier. You don't need a pallet, you can stir it with a stick inside the pot etc. Dropper bottles basically require a palette, whether its wet or dry. Should you be painting straight from the pot? Not particularly, but it makes it a lot easier for beginners. When it comes to the contrast/xpress/speedpaints I actually prefer the bottles, since straight from the pot is a reasonable approach.

    They have a giant machine that makes those pots.

    I have far too many paints, a habit I picked up during lockdown when I had no hobby time. There are various paints I like a lot in most ranges, but it feels like by far the most consistent paint I've used and basically my main paint line now is Duncan Rhode's Two Thin Coats. A bit more expensive than I'd like, but enjoyable to use. 


    Nah, they do it cause people need to rebuy their paints more often and every other reason feels like an excuse to me. :P Requiring a palette? Take a plate outta your cupboard and that's good enough for a start. You need to thin GW paints anyways, it's not like they're truly 100% pre-thinned. But ok, you like them that way and perhaps less experienced painters like the economics in general, I can just say that I hate them and that's the single reason why I buy them less and less. I'm not gonna refill them to make them usable.

  2. I use various brands, mostly Vallejo but I got quite a few Scale75 and Reaper MS paints as well. Citadel colors I mostly avoid these days, solely because of the pots used. I'd like to try other brands too but getting them is too much of a hassle and if they were better than what I have, I'd be unhappy with my current ones. Ignorance can be bliss after all! xD

    It's amazing that GW didn't change their pots to something good by now though. GW paint pots are inferior to ALL others since 25 years by now. The first ones used, the ones GW did with HMG, were actually the best as the paints at least didn't dry out in those.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We even know the very likely name of the model:


    Ok, ok, you guys saw it before me, message received, way to pee on my parade! 😝 I'll be in the cellar, flagellating myself for my transgressions! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

    Soul Calibur! (Astaroth main).

    (They should make a Blazblue game in the style of SF4)

    Nightmare/Taki/Cervantes here... despite only playing Yoshimitsu in Tekken! I never got past his commands being different between the two games. 😂 SC was such a fun series, too bad it doesn't get appreciated more.

  5. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    The only way to make everyone happy would be having that many kits for each race that you could end kitbashing one mini into another unit without it looking too weird.

    Yeah, that's unfortunately really unlikely - when the day comes that people can print GW minis from home, they might do more sculpts so that everyone can include whatever fantasy race they want. The 3d modeling now takes the most skill out of all steps but it's the easiest for GW. Definitely easier thanmaking molds and shipping products all over the globe.

    Perhaps they should add expansion packs for units like they do with Horus heresy marines but only sell the digital files in a way that you can't share them. Like a PDF kind of file for 3d printing. Then people could print more cool GW stuff while Gw still can make the basic troops and sell them as usual. I'm getting ahead of myself, I figure that would only make real sense for... you've already guessed it... spees mahrines.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Sception said:

    I liked CoS as a mixed fantasy race faction simply because you /never/ see that anywhere else.  Every other fantasy game and series and whatever always has the dwarves off in dwarf society, elves in elf society, humans in human society, orcs in orc society.  Where they're mixed, it's always one subjugating another and mostly segregated regardless (see elves in dragon age).  Sometimes the dwarves/elves/whatever have novel and interesting societies, usually it's the expected cliches.  Either way though, you'll have a mix of fantasy races in the protagonist lineup or player party, but in the world everything stays separate.

    Cities in AoS was a very rare exception, with modern Azyrite society born from refugees of all the realms fleeing chaos, collectively turning to sigmar to protect them as their own gods fell to Archaon or were driven into hiding.  What kind of society does that produce?  How do people live and work together when their neighbors might have lifetimes far shorter or many times longer than their own?  Are all the captains and guild leaders elves out of seniority alone?  Or are retirement ages mandatory, with humans living out their last days with their family while dwarves are obligated to take up a second or third career and elves a seventh or eighth? How common are cross-species relationships, do they increase or strain social cohesion, and do they ever produce offspring?  I mean, even if not naturally, there are gods are right there, physically present in Azyr, theoretically you can go to their house, knock on their door, and petition for a miraculous exception.  Speaking of, Sigmar and Grungni are there, but do the former followers of other gods regret their abandoned faiths, or resent the gods that failed or abandoned them?  We know the humans, elves, and dwarves, but are there other, rarer, stranger folk who are also part of Azyrite society?  halflings, gnomes, greenskins, faries, sylvaneth?  undead, even?  Did no vampires or wights escape to Azyr and, with Nagash's apparent demise, pledge themselves to Sigmar?  We know Sigmar's stolen the souls of some undead to forge them into stormcast, were none freely offered?  And if there are any Sigmarite undead in Azyr, how have things changed for them in the modern age with Nagash back, but now as Sigmar's enemy?

    I'm not saying these kinds of stories are ~more~ interesting than those you could tell with just humans in azyr, just dwarves in their sky cities, just treelves in their forests.  But they are different stories, and ones you just don't get in most settings.

    I'll live with overwhelmingly or entirely human cities of sigmar, I don't think it'll ruin the game or setting or anything, I don't think it reflects a negative worldview by the creators or whatever.  Heck, I don't even play the faction.  But I liked what the previous version did for the game and the setting, and even with fantastic new models I can't help but feel the new version is a bit dull by comparison.

    Well, DnD has lots of very diverse regions in the sense of elves, humans etc. living door to door. But in a TT game it's definitely a notable exception.

    Ironically enough, the first TT force that had very racially varied units is the Imperium in 40k, despite being the most xenophobic bunch out there with Ogryns, Ratlings and the like (they justified it with these being meta-humans, apparently that's good enough, despite burning you at the stake if you got a 6th digit for fear of it being a Chaos mutation....lulz).

    I wanted to see CoS in a similar vein, ideally even more intermingled but like I've written in waaay too long posts now, it's hella difficult to make it work. So maybe more interesting WarCry stuff and non-human units could be a decent compromise...

    • Like 2
  7. 18 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I mean you're still making the joke about it, so you're still bringing it up..? I honestly like discussing logistics and army themes with you until I get to the part where it seems you have to throw in these weird jabs. The black guy could be a black dwarf. the lady could be a lady dwarf. both things people have been asking for... and no one would "be angry anyways."

    like I agree with all of this! we're having a great convo about design practices in GW! and then... it gets weird because you hurt your point with a 'joke' about things that are and should be non-issues.

    I'm making a joke cause laughing about it is better than the alternative, I'm not hurting my point at all IMO but sorry if it offended you - they can't include everything, it's pretty much impossible if you take the logistics into account and there will be drawbacks (e.g. other variants would get excluded).

    To use another example that doesn't include sensitive RL themes in the same way as they're a bit more removed from real people: Let's say I hope to see more varied Kairic Acolytes (and it was their time to get a new kit). Disregarding the background of them using spells to look like they do - they shouldn't just all be buff dudes, I want some buff gals in there (like the single one we got with Underworlds, a shame we only got a single one), fat ones too, maybe some with hair, all bald and masked is boring after all, maybe even some Tzaangors that are also Kairic Acolytes. Or dwarfs. Or whatever else you think of, it doesn't matter outside of the fact that the minis will start to look very distinct - how is GW going to create a decent kit that doesn't look like an army of the same couple of clones when you field let's say 60 of them and the differences in body dimensions forces them to break up the kits into various groups?

    The Tzaangor Acolytes and Dwarf Acolytes would likely look pretty similar as the similarities gets more pronounced once they are more "identifiable". Same for the other "subgroups". And Kairic Acolytes are an easy example too as they all wear similar masks and have no distinct faces unlike CoS units.

    This however is basically what some in here hope for. All I'm saying is if you add this or that you will unfortunately lose something else. Doesn't matter if it's this particular model or another, but it's ultimately a trade-off as they don't have the resources to do everything. 

    I hope you get what you want, I truly do, I have no skin in the game no matter what you think and I'm not out there to offend you in this discussion, I'm just playing devil's advocate but it's simply hella difficult to make it happen in a way that everyone gets what they want - that's what I'm saying. I'm all for GW adding aelf and dwarf units and put black or lady dwarfs in there (and I'd like to see more clearly Asian-looking (in the features) minis personally as well, I feel like they get overlooked), why not - I think Fyreslayers have those by now - so they are already established "in-universe".

    What I'd find much better is to find an overall consensus and keep asking for that - e.g. if they got another gun crew or steam tank that they make the minis in there more varied or that they add units of other races than just humans and repeat that like a mantra.

    I figure that people from GW read these boards and might like an idea for a unit in there. Why do you think I go on about heavyily-armored Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors all the time? I do it in hopes of DoT getting their own kind o Chosen, maybe someone working at GW comes across my suggestion and think it's cool. But if we ask for "everything", it's kinda impossible for them to do it and they won't even bother. 

    • Like 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    Really :// this forum is not the place to discuss whether you think inclusion and diversity belongs in the setting so please don't make jabs at people who do.

    I‘m not discussing that anyways, so don‘t try to twist it into something it isn‘t. We‘re talking about aelfs/dwarfs and mainly how it‘s difficult to make that reality when you have to keep in mind the logistics of it - a unit consisting of three races is very difficult as the unit would be more akin to let‘s say a WarCry unit than your typical kit. Parts wouldn‘t be interchangeable, the minis look more like clones than if you could mix them freely as each base fits all heads etc. then when you add those races in places where they would fit well, you‘d take away something else. I‘m not complaining that there is or isn‘t something in CoS, it‘s just damn near impossible to make everyone happy. That‘s the reality of it unless they being out various kits for the same unit (one dwarf, one aelf, one human) and that‘s most likely not feasible business-wise. 

    I lament that CoS isn‘t as mixed as it originally was envisioned but I understand the problem why it isn‘t. Perhaps new units consisting solely of aelfs/dwarfs is the only good option. Or make WarCry etc. variants of units so that more non-humans etc. can be in there. But it‘s difficult for them to make everyone happy. I just packaged the reality in a snide remark, don‘t kill the messenger. 🫶

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    not saying everyone needs to get along all the time for sure, but... GW shouldn't paint themselves into a one-note corner even if people expect a "particular flavor"; I think that constrains all of their games, and even if it's too late for 40k? AOS doesn't need to do that same, rote grimderp. A lot of us enjoy AOS exactly because it has a different tone than 40k.

    I dunno, if they're alluding to human followers of the GHR, i think they can keep multiple races in COS. It would be amazing to see all kinds of weird cults from all of the gods of the Realms. Maybe that'll happen in Warcry, Underworlds, or a new Mordheim/Necromunda equivalent. I'll keep some hope since Whitefang has said things are going to get positively weird.


    Well, it‘s up to them. I think Warhammer having a certain flavor is something that sets it apart from other fantasy IPs and it might be in their best interest to have a certain mood in AoS as well as people associate these concepts with all things Warhammer - I can see good aspects in either case if done well.

    BUT I think it‘s really unfortunate to have CoS start as a mixed faction at first and then taking that - by then - defining and quite unique (in a larger TT wargame) characteristic away but I found the segmentation of various forces to be a stupid move as well (like ONLY slayers, ONLY ardboys, ONLY whatever as the base of a new faction).

    I like variety, so naturally I‘d be all for mixed units in CoS‘ case but I understand the logistical problem with that in let‘s say basic troops. So they should just have new aelf and dwarf units in a new wave. Also, I liked the suggestion of having one of the crew members not being a human for example. But then you‘d either take away the lady or the black dude in that particular case, so someone is gonna be angry anyways. They really can‘t win! 😂 

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Intriguing post from my local store:

    Weird hint about weird things, or just some Warhammer store staff jibber-jabber? I'm kind of assuming the later.

    There are devotees of the Great Horned Rat from other species than Skaven? That’s really not news, that‘s just Skreech Verminking from this very board!

    • Haha 3
  11. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    in AOS it is not the default and I felt like that was the point when I started reading the lore--that ALL of Order HAS TO work together (and sometimes with Death/Destruction) to survive Chaos. If Phil Kelly is to be taken at his word, there is quite literally no room for the constant squabbling of WHF or the xenophobia of 40k. The fact that Reclaimed exist as a concept also tells us AOS isn't exactly like 40k or WHFB.

    GW's new kits are superb at hiding mould lines and the "sprue spurs" from clipping. If the AOS sculptors were allowed to do mixed kits for COS, they absolutely could and would knock it out of the park. i do think specialized duardin and aelf units are most likely, and mixed units will still come down to kitbashers, but it seems like such wasted opportunities to turn around and say COS models are somehow only humans.

    on top of this list, we've been told that the first wave of COS is designed for Hammerhal's Dawnbringer Crusades and not even necessarily what the city garrison, let alone non-Aqshy militaries, look like. Even the likely Religious Units wave for Cities doesn't need to be human only.

    Ironweld seems like the coal mine canary for whether duardin and aelves stay in Cities, so hopefully we see them in the 2nd wave.

    Oh, I’m pretty sure AoS will become even closer to WHFB/40k in mood and outlook as recent stories already feel more similar to the writing of old; it‘s already closer than it used to be and I think GW knows that people in general expect their particular flavor in all of their settings. Plus it‘s hard to argue that other Order factions would not be wary of Idoneth or anything Morathi has to do with. 

    But I‘d like to see more variety in CoS as well (not because I like them all being dandy with each other, I don‘t care about them being happy together, they should be miserable if I could chose, I just find armies with lots of really different units much more interesting, I guess that‘s why Chaos always spoke to me as we got mortals, beastmen (well, a couple are left) and daemons ideally), it‘s just not the likeliest thing in my opinion.

    But I‘d gladly be wrong. It‘s no dealbreaker for me in either case, CoS would also work as just humans for me, especially if they promote them to the main faction in regards to having them be our eyes into the realms, as boring old humans are most relatable after all. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    IMO is not about having a unit with variation, but a unit with small touches (or dedicated units to other races).

    For example, the black guy drinking, why not put a duardin drinking instead? That wouldn't be that much of a problem.

    Gran Cañón Fundehierro

    Yeah, I agree with you, that would've worked well there. Like I've said, I think mixed units are difficult to pull off but a mixed army would be easy if some units were just aelfs or dwarfs. Some special minis like crews could easily be mixed. But obviously it's not my call.

    I'd actually see a good use for WarCry in there, where they could create mixed units themselves that people could then mix with their AoS units. 

    • Like 2
  13. CoS staying „diverse“ is simply unlikely for two reasons - it‘s still Warhammer, xenophobia and all that is part of its core premise and is rampant usually and what‘s more of a proper reason is that mixed kits are difficult to do well I figure.

    I think a kit mixing aelfs and humans wouldn‘t be too much of a hassle to do as the overall body is interchangeable depending on armor design but when you throw in dwarfs it means you got let‘s say a third of a unit looking VERY distinct. The models in the army would sooner start to look like clones even if they add lots of extra heads. And if they add female models to it, it would feel pretty much like back in the day when whole units were made up of the same 5 models. So there‘s a bit of a trade-off. 

    I like the new look of Cities and would prefer more races in there but I think it‘s simply down to logistics. Perhaps specialized units will stay non-human so that at least that way they got more visual variety.

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  14. 25 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Same here. It feels like they've really done their homework on this new edition... trimming the fat where it was needed, but keeping the fun stuff intact. 

    I'm just hoping that they're not just previewing all the good stuff, and when the edition is actually released there's going to be some difficult-to-swallow bits afoot! 

    Can‘t be worse than Beasts, SCE and BS getting slowly faded out at least! 🤭

    I hope we don‘t get too many extra objectives like doing X for extra points as special army rules. I feel like it just distracts from the main game/battle. Wasn‘t exactly difficult with Disciples (not sure how other armies fared) but I‘d rather focus on the real game so to speak. 

    • Like 1
  15. As one of the loudest haters of AoS 3.0 rules and a fan of simple rules, I think that this new take on „adding depth to the game“ sounds like a pretty ingenious solution. Quite happy to see that they really put lots of thought into it and gave us more action without having monster rampages and whatnot.

    • Like 2
  16. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



    I am 100% certain Ogors are staying. We couldve had the exact same arguement for Seraphon or Skaven getting the chop but BOC has people in flight mode.

    Theyre going nowhere.


    Hopefully! 🤞 But if the future of Beastmen lies in TOW or as part of other factions (Tzaangors and Slaangors will stay I reckon and like I‘ve said before, I think Khorngors and Pestigors are more likely now than ever as GW needs an olive branch+3 for BoC fans), there‘s a chance for Ogors to get removed/rehomed as well. Not hoping for it but GW‘s recent removal of certain forces does not inspire confidence either, so I‘m sure we‘ll see a lot of (false) rumors in the upcoming months.

  17. 1 hour ago, Luperci said:

    It's not strange at all really, I don't think, the whole point of aos was so the designers could make new species and creatures. They've been around for a long time now and have really neat lore, for anyone who doesn't know they used to be called the goroa and part of destruction but fought against gorkamorka, as they were losing they turned to chaos which caused the orruks and ogors to properly force them out of their homelands and turn into full fledged chaos worshippers.

    I don‘t want to say that I don‘t like Ogroids in any way or that I think others should‘ve gotten their spot, I just mean that GW could‘ve fortified other races/creatures in their place if they wanted to and obviously didn‘t; I think this might suggest dropping Beastmen has been long in the making. Perhaps since the very day they decided to pursue TOW for sure…. Might just be paranoia but I‘m a bit afraid for those forces that haven‘t received much. 

  18. What I‘ve always found strange was that GW created Ogroids instead of making Ogors or Minotaurs, both would‘ve filled that spot and they combined them. Fimir with some adjustments could‘ve worked too.

    I could now imagine classic Ogors (as their own faction and not part of CoS or something) to get removed as well and GW just keeping more bestial or unique variants of the Ogor concept around after removing Beastmen. Beastmen will live on in the aligned Chaos forces (I bet we‘ll see Khorngors and Pestigors now), so they‘re not completely gone but I think it‘s not surprising that people are less confident in GW keeping a couple of factions (or part of those factions) around, so there will be lots of similar rumors making the rounds I bet. 

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