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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    Cant believe we have just over 24 hours to wait for a new AOS Edition reveal!!

    It truly feels like 3.0 was revealed with the Kruelboyz only months ago.

    Once can complain about certain things (Beastmen e.g.) but overall the speed of new releases, especially for AoS, is stellar. GW never released so much for a system in such a short time. While I do think that some releases should've been switched around to support some factions earlier and others a bit later it's still pretty amazing. 

    • Like 9
  2. 4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    There's always been male wrestlers in their marketing... 




    Too soon? 🤭

    I'll make it even too sooner: does that mean those male wrestlers haven't accomplished anything of note in all those thousands of years that we never once seen or heard anything of them? 🤔

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    The SCE AoS3 battletome has a good solution for that. In the PtG section when you liberate and repair Shrines to Grungni your heroes & units can skip reforge flaws when resurrecting as Grungni himself will reforge them in thanks avoiding the flaws.

    So it’d be like Dark Souls 2’s difficulty where you can choose to either repair his shrines and resurrect full and healthy with minimal flaws(and possibly a questionable story ending of taking too much time letting the villain enact his plan) or go full tilt and skip most the Grungni shrines which will permanently lower your health & lose experience

    BUT you could get benefits such as more lightning powers in proportion of lost perma-health and you can resurrect at Vigilor marker arrows instead which are handier since you place them anywhere.(story trade here is you getter a better ending but your character may find themselves an automaton, tho maybe a perfect ending let’s you see them a Reclusian and a mortal friend they made on the quest their Memorian returning the favor of the times you saved them)

    I’d also add some different upgrade armors and effects to the reforgings like a Questor Apotheosis Cape made from the Apotheosis Banner strands which let’s you pull a Sekiro so you “fake die” the first time as you blast away and slam back into the unsuspecting enemies as a lightning bolt(with half health).

    On flaw stuff they could use the Soulbound flaw chart. That could spice things up in subtle ways like a Thunder voice hurting conversation choices and scaring away timid traders or rain refusing to touch you means as area where rain would wash away something like Gloomspite toxic spores means you have to hustle to a body of water to roll through instead.


    "You develop an allergy to an animal you cared for in a previous life." 

    This writer needs to be stopped, what an evil wretch! 

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    • Haha 3
  4. I actually think a Dark Souls or Diablo-esque game would suit AoS particularly well and I think it would have a bigger chance of being a success than more logical genres like RTS or TBS games.

    I‘m afraid for anyone trying to do a decent RTS game. As far as I can tell, no game comes close to SC and SC2 there and the genre isn‘t very popular these days either, turn-based strategy even less so (which I find would reflect AoS the best). 

    • Like 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, ArtistDog said:

    I'm going to try to put this politely: "AoS is a bad setting because it's big" is the absolute dumbest critique people seem to think is actually super smart and I'm tired of hearing it. The Mortal Realms are a fantastically deep setting and incredibly appropriate for video games, despite GW not having licensed many yet. If you prefer the Old World, that's cool! But I think it's unhelpful and inappropriate to turn the Age of Sigmar Rumour Thread into yet another dissertation on why the Mortal Realms are a bad setting.

    A smaller setting creates more narrative urgency. There's a reason why the setting shrunk a bit from the almost endless one (if it's almost endless, you can just settle somewhere else.... thus less conflict) we had at the very start. It was definitely not dumb critique at first, but GW is working on fixing it or has more or less fixed the big issues by now anyways, so it's kinda irrelevant.

    I wouldn't say it's a truly "deep" (perhaps rich?) setting as of yet but AoS is still kinda young. Everyone needs to give it at least another 15 years before they can really compare it to WHFB or 40k as those games have a giant head start, so it's pretty unfair. Those settings weren't that deep or well defined at first either! I'd say the rate at which AoS grows/deepens/gets more defined (pick whichever fits) is MUCH, MUCH faster than any other GW setting ever though, so that's something even the worst critic has to acknowledge. 

    What I personally can understand more is if someone doesn't like certain aspects of AoS. Like Lumineth😤 it seemingly revolving always around gods, superheroes and god-beasts when it would be IMO cool to see more of regular Joes and Janes! But that's not something that truly bothers me. 

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    That's an unexpected hero for the Skavens... it is too... clean...

    Dude looks more Slaaneshi than ratty. 🤔 I wonder who thought that wrestlers who are only known to real wrestling fans will be a great marketing ploy though, ngl… if they got John Cena, then we‘d just see the full artwork but that‘s a name people would know. Not saying they won‘t be fun but it‘s a left-field choice. Maybe we can get fitness influencers next edition. A raging Greg Doucette would be funny! 

  7. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    the lexi page doesn't even mention how they were defeated originally lol

    I feel like I'm contractually obligated to say magic, but that's the least likely scenario. I think the C'Tan and/or Old Ones did but there's no clear answer. Originally, IIRC, the Enslavers ensnared the weaker servant races (like Eldar) of the Old Ones and became a threat to the Old Ones themselves that way, ultimately killing most of them or at least making them leave that part of the galaxy. In the newer lore, I think the Old Ones had a war with the Enslavers and C'Tan at the very same time, which resulted in the Old Ones dying/leaving, the Enslavers being fought back and the C'Tan, in their weakened state, being overthrown by the Necrontyr, who then went for a nap as the galaxy was kinda dead. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    wouldn't an Enslaver outbreak be much higher up than Necromunda though? i got the impression the Inquisition or Grey Knights dealth with Enslavers because they apparently mass-mind control humans. Seems strange to put them in a ganger game

    IIRC Enslavers are controlling untrained psykers who dabble into the warp and use their victim’s bodies to create a warpgate so that more enslavers can enter the real world. Since it‘s pretty much game over once they do and the Imperium would probably instantly go full exterminatus on the system, I‘m not sure if this creature will be an enslaver, despite looking quite similar to them. 🤔 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    More Callis and Toll, Skagrott, Elania and Elathor, Cronk, Ionus, minor Vampires etc. 

    Less Archaon, Teclis, Sigmar, Nagash super duper gods and entities. 

    Yeah, it should be something truly special to have the big guys be part of a fight or campaign, not the norm. 👍 

  10. 10 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    How are they explaining/handling mortal lifespans in the lore these days, btw? Is there a (solid) lore justification for how Thanquol is still bopping around when Skaven have infamously short lifespans, for example, or could there have been a cooler, more over the top AoS way of explaining how he’s still around, if he should even be around at all? 

    In a universe that is so mystical and full of magic, they could probably invent 10000 decent ways for prolonging one‘s life I guess. But I don‘t know the exact reason either. 

    edit: just searched the net and apparently in WHFB they already had „magic medicine“ to prolong their life cause they only have 10-30 years max naturally apparently. Poor rats. 

  11. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Mhm. Because it's time for other characters. If the story was about the same characters all the time it would be boring.

    But isn‘t that exactly AoS? We always hear about the same 15 characters… as someone who likes their own characters or second-tier chars by GW more than the super-duper heroes, I think it would be cool to have more lore where average joes and janes fight, not always demigods vs. creatures of myths or superheroes vs supervillains. It‘s a bit boring to always resort to going back to ultra-powerful beings. I think old Warhammer had it more interesting, where you often read about some random general doing his best to save his underlings/city from some fierce orc warlord, beastmen or Chaos warrior but while all these people were mighty, they were far from super-powerful. 

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Hollow said:


    CoS - Flagellants, Character and Cogfort. (Would love a Duaradin and Aelve infantry and character kit in a CoS aesthetic and for the current Dwarf and DE kits to be removed/moved) I'd also like to see a light cavalry kit with similar design notes as the Wildcorp Hunters kit. 

    Seraphon - Sauras Guard and Character. New Skinks and Character (A new plastic version of the skink holding the sickle in one hand and a heart in the other). Big Brachiosaurus-style centerpiece model. 

    Sylvaneth - I know it is unlikely but I would love to see more "Wood Elf" style minis in AoS. I like Sylvaneth but I'm a sucker for Woodies, I want AoSied Legolas! Not just Treekin. A couple of units in a similar vein to other awesome Cursed City Kurnothi Character please! 

    More Qulathis or however you write her - it‘s a shame they didn‘t release her as a single character as she‘s a standout mini IMO.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Mcthew said:

    We were very lucky - I had Soulblight and Skaven armies left over from early 90s Fantasy Battle which had my kids hooked.

    Just grew from there.

    Double lucky I guess that I've got one son who loves Destruction, and another who splits his time between SCE and Slaves2D. 

    Then there's me with the unholy quartet of Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Khorne, amongst others. 

    Seriously tho, struck gold with having kids who are as geeky as I am.

    Yeah, that really sounds amazing - exactly like the dream of pretty much all fathers (at least the ones I personally know); to get their kids interested in the things they themselves dig. Should I ever have kids, I’d like to relive my youth that way too and will try my best to get them into warhammer and video games. 😄 One of my mates has a daughter and she‘s starting to get really interested in Warhammer now that she‘s getting old enough (she‘s 8 now, a bit too young perhaps still). She often helps him paint his minis (so some of his gitz have pink robes) but that‘s one of the sweetest things I‘ve ever witnessed. I hope she keeps being interested in minis/warhammer. Much to his chagrin, she‘s a huge fan of Horrors, especially blue ones. There‘s hope for the young generation! 😂🤣😂

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Mcthew said:

    I'm in the former camp, able to field 2k points of around 15 factions between myself and my two sons. It means we've not yet played the same game more than once in over 7 years of AoS and we play about 25 AoS battles every year. We love variety and AoS largely offers that although I admit there are a couple of factions we find neglected or dull to play (Idoneth in the former, new CoS in the latter). 

    We dabbled with 40k (9th edition and then 10th) before the fun experience of the first couple of 10th ed games grew quickly dull (we started calling it Borehammer 40k).

    So the news of the AoS 4th Ed rewrite/ reboot, plus the squatting of BoC and Sacrosanct didn't land well (we have both armies, and still love playing both). We decided early then that we'd stick with 3rd Edition.

    But there are silver linings: by not upgrading to 4th, we're saving almost £500 on battletomes alone. We've worked out that we'll save around four times that over the course of 4th edition if we stick with 3rd, and I guarantee we'll still have as much fun playing AoS over the next few years.

    I mean, we still have an Xbox One and use that every day. Not once have we thought we should get the new model when the current one is still fun. Maybe we should be approaching the hobby in the same way? Might mean that price rises don't effect us that much if people buy less GW stuff, thinking they must always upgrade?

    I wish I was more like you guys, seriously. I just know that for myself less is more. My Tzeentch forces are quite big as it is, I got pretty much everything. 40k sucks as a game currently so I’m more of a collector than a gamer. I just kinda wish I had the determination to collect lots pf factions and not get overwhelmed. I guess two sons helps with that. Hmmm, time to create my own spawn then.


    But what will I do when my kid one fateful night tells me that he or she wants to collect Lumineth and not play Tzeentch? 😱😱😱😱😱

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Flippy said:

    The semi-positive effect of this is that we can reconsider our hobby spending habits. What surprised me on this forum was that so many folks seem to auto-buy certain products (e.g. starter boxes) just because of their perceived „good value”. What’s the point if you don’t collect certain faction?

    I don’t really think I will buy anything at the start of the 4th. edition. Maybe the core book, but even on this I’m kind of reluctant.

    Most warhammer fans simply find too many factions cool and got too little self-control. It’s the harsh truth. Been there myself when I was younger and „more impressionable“. It‘s like when you find a great shirt and then buy it in multiple colors despite only 1 or 2 of those suiting you. It‘s a form of hype and GW has been masterful at exploiting that. White Dwarf basically bombarded you with cool stuff you don‘t „need“ when you already had an army.

    If time/space/money was no issue, most wargamers would have 10 armies. Can‘t fault them, I‘d be one of them too, but I‘m glad that I delude myself into being a Tzeentch-only guy. I‘d love to have nids or Skaven or FEC, Soulblight or a couple others though but I settled on my very favorite - with Thousand Sons, Slaves and DoT as well as daemons that‘s more like 2.5 armies already anyways but if I imagine that I‘d collect a totally unrelated force on top of all of that… I get anxiety! 😂


    I see it with a guy in my group who collects gitz, orruks, has some stormcast, plays SW legions (all 3 factions)… it‘s a bit much (for him). I bet he‘d have a better time as a hobbyist if he just focused on his favorite two factions instead of having full forces for each. 

    Over here we say „possessions are a burden“ and I feel like this applies to most wargamers as well. I‘m sure some are cut out to own a lot of factions, I‘m just not convinced that it‘s the majority of us.

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  16. 13 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    You've got it backwards, I think, you can always target flying units through obscuring terrain.

    Flamers awkwardly „hop“ around, they‘re only flying if they perform an action. Totally unfair, it‘s wonderful! Time to buy more flamers and torment my friends! 🤩


    I‘m sure GW will change the wording to ruin my nefarious tactic but until then I‘m in party mode! 

  17. 15 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Now you've truly hurt me my friend, since I have more tzaangors then I could ever use outside of an apocalypse game.

    A fate nowadays shared by all those who buy any box with Tzeentch written on it. I‘m sure when our next hero comes out, GW will kindly throw a customary set of 20 Tzaangors alongside him into the box and then be so kind to charge us only a slightly smaller price again! Isn‘t it great to be a Tzeentchian? 😎👌🏻 



    • Haha 1
  18. Just now, Twisted Firaun said:

    @MitGas I play slaanesh solely because they have a vaguely middle-eastern aesthetic going on, please get your mind out of the gutter.

    You‘re right, dunno what came over me to accuse a follower of Slaanesh of degenerate motives!

  19. 3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    I just want to be able to run an army of evil trains, is that so much to ask GW?! I mean you already brought back LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! and it looks like CA already went and designed a pretty balanced army list and aesthetic to be used. 

    Running evil trains? Depending on the train you are talking about that‘s already possible with Slaanesh! 🤙

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