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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. I loved the scene when John Warhammer fornicate- erm 40ked all those Xenos ******. So epic.
  2. No, that sounds so awesome I'd kiss you if Santa fulfilled your wish. Unfortunately I didn't think of that when writing Santa and instead asked for a Jessica Biel clone and/or a real Tifa. Still waiting for that... 🫠
  3. Imagine selling your soul to Khorne only to be slain by a git. AoS is truly the system where anything is possible. Who asked you? 👺 It is extremely obvious that my arm uhm "Disciples of Tzeentch" need awesome sorcerer-warriors, a Fatemaster, maybe some clown from the world that was (Aekold would fit lorewise, Egrimm would be a nice centerpiece), perhaps new Forsaken... Malerion-lovers are used to waiting by now,, so they definitely won't mind 🤙
  4. GW taking out the customization of our heroes wasn‘t a great step. I also dislike how it cheapens single figure heroes, bigger is now definitely better and that doesn‘t work with the background in many cases. I‘m actually happy to see Tonhel‘s and Luperci‘s thoughts on the matter as they do mirror my own. It‘s not a dealbreaker for me but I think people love custom heroes. It‘s a perfect way to add a personal touch to your army and feel more attached.
  5. Well, if GW wanted to, they could easily expand on FS as well. While I agree that the ceiling has been reached when it comes to nude, angry midgets that all look the same, they could for example add armored troops, cavalry, fire creatures, beasties.... whatever else that feels fitting to their so far established theme. They've certainly wore out the slayer shtick though, conceptually FS are a terribly boring creation, so it's time to spruce em up! Difficult to put it more nicely, but IMO the hyper-focus on single cool aspects from WHFB as a limiting blueprint for the first few AoS forces was in general a bad decision that worked for some factions but not all. High time they fixed that issue with FS.
  6. Yeah, it‘s a lovely piece indeed, I think there are a couple of amazing Tzeentch warrior artworks out there - what I love about Tzeentchian warriors is that they‘ve got a sophisticated, eldritch but muted evilness to their design - not the typical skull/chunky armor we usually see from Chaos that just screams „I’m what an 8-year old imagines evil to look like“ and not as fancy and outlandish as Slaanesh‘s visuals. Those Tzeenchtians could be noble warriors at first glance but once you see the details and how off some aspects are, whether their armor, weapons or even mutations, you learn that they‘re not your saviors. There‘s usually a strong identity there that got twisted and transfigured into what they are now. Like with the Thousand Sons models. I know one day we‘ll get them and I can‘t wait - I‘m really happy all in all with the things we‘ve got starting with Silver Tower and seen, e.g. the new Curseling but it makes it more difficult to wait for the last pieces of the puzzle. Tzeentch Elites and spawns (new spawns would look amazing surely) are my favorite units in concept and both of those could use (new) minis. Anyways, if the upcoming releases will be as good as the ones we got in recent years, the next edition will be amazing - we‘re slowly getting to a point where most armies feel quite complete. Now the last few need proper releases and some need a few smaller waves and we‘ll be healthier than any other GW system overall when it comes to minis (well, 40k is pretty much there already with very few exceptions… but compared to WHFB, AoS is amazing in that regard).
  7. I just want a single kit; heavily armored Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors - is there room for those in the best Edition ever? I‘d take more though, just saying. I figure Malerion is a given too, perhaps near the end of 4th ed? Can we get one of the GW sculptors to join? Anyone knows them? I‘d pay good money 😂
  8. I‘ve already received my 3d prints (the Tzeentch stuff from Lost Kingdom miniatures, ordered over etsy seller 3DMiniaturesWorld) - just wanted to share a quick pic showing the quality! One needs to clean them up a bit around the edges (not so different from plastic minis), but the quality is pretty darn amazing IMO! I don‘t see any difference to say a Forgeworld resin head. So if the modeller gets the proportions somewhat right, they‘re additions to the official GW models!
  9. If the minis are as good as Skaeth and Coolathis, then it doesn't even matter. 😇 Would Sylvaneth fans like more classical aelfs (I know nobody well enough that plays them, so dunno what the consensus is)? Maybe they only want vegetables and trees but I think it would be hella cool to introduce more variety into their range, so I hope their next update will be just that. I'm pretty sure Umbraneth and the River temple will be quite decent minis too. I'm most worried about Idoneth, they need more stuff most as far as I can tell.
  10. Khorne‘s just a colossal hypocrite, everyone knows it, yet nobody tells him cause he‘s got the temper of a 4-year old that didn‘t have his nap yet - life in the realm of Chaos is hard, guys. 🤦‍♂️
  11. Perhaps GW just made good of the fact that nerds usually have decent enough income and thus they can milk us dry without too many customers abandoning ship. In general it seems that people are more willing to pay premium prices for their interests. I‘m just thinking about pc components there. 20 years ago, almost no one would‘ve bought a terribly expensive graphics card, now they‘re sold out for months after release. It‘s AoS‘s version of an olive branch to appease me for them throwing Lumineth at us once again! 😤 Lumineth, new Stormcast in 4th… maybe a couple of new space marines are in order too! Thank God there will be Skaven! 😋
  12. Don‘t try it, Adam. When you go all “NoonoOOOooOOooo“ then it‘s your own damn fault!
  13. Damnit, I just summoned our weirdest Lord of Change, Se‘An Con‘Nery with this…
  14. The „classic“ knights were a downgrade already to the mixed metal/plastic iteration before them. Consider yourself challenged! *unsheathes not one but TWO red GW inch measurement sticks* Pray to your false gods or just tell them then what you wanna whine about in person after I‘m done with you!
  15. So they will have ridiculously tall helmets with elven heads on them in turn?
  16. Yes, cause cats are known for their love of water! 😋
  17. Mandrakes vs Night Lords is kind of an odd match-up. Especially because Mandrakes would be probably scarier than Night lords, thus stealing their shtick. Mandrakes are a really cool design, they could probably work in AoS too.
  18. Finally Kragnos isn‘t the ugliest creatire in all the realms! 👏 It could be from Chamon as it‘s got metallic spots. 🤔
  19. One kinda interesting thing I can add is that in BG3, only around 3% of players played dwarves IIRC. Elves were first before humans and half-elves, those three made up the majority of player races. Doesn‘t have to mean much but perhaps dwarves aren‘t as popular as one might think. We got no dwarf player either in our group although half of them love dwarves. Were Votanns a success? I figure that races that weren‘t playable for a long time do have a big bonus with people… at least if they keep true to their online word. edit: that sounds waaay more negative than I wanted - I‘m quite optimistic regard CD… if they manage to make the minis compelling that is. If they pull another FS, then nope.
  20. That sounds like a terribly easy win for the Drukhari‘s legal team.
  21. All I wanna see are at least some of them wearing huge hats. I don't even find them silly. Oh and one of them should have a face like Wario. This particular sorcerer of very little reknown, Norbert the Super-Cruel (we told him Norbert doesn't really work and super? really?) even tried to establish this fashion trend amongst Tzeentchians but unfortunately it didn't stick! It's one of my favorite designs tho! ❤️
  22. The next kit for Chaos spawns will definitely cost me dearly. I'd love to field a ton of them... right now both the rules and models prevent it. One can build a couple of quite decent ones with the current kit but we all know that a new kit would blow them out of the water.
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