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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Your scenery is always an inspiration! 👌
  2. I think the prerender is pretty close to a mini actually for the most part when it comes to the details. Probably more small detail in the leather parts and ponytail and different overall proportions plus I figure that things like trim or other details might have less height but feels like an extremely good preview of the actual minis at least. The nose might look off now because the face is quite slim overall now and it‘s just a totally straight and broad line.
  3. Why is Neverchosen suddenly so quiet? 🤔
  4. It does fit their theme of being god-forsaken though! Too bad GW really pushes that aspect in all regards - god-forsaken, miniature-forsaken, rule-forsaken. 😆 I really hope they find their creative spark again with IDK, cause they could add sooooo many cool and for a TT gane unique things to them - not just some aelven hero but go wild with the theme and either Lovecraft it or at least Aquaman it.
  5. Yeah, and then how is it possible that a Skaven raised the four great artists Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello - can you explain that please?🙄
  6. Nyah, let‘s hope your marriage is more promising than the deepkin release schedule! Get rid of your aelf problem and start playing Tzeentch - life is all about change! 🤙
  7. Only if they‘re hawt elf Chaos chicks afterwards! ☝🏻
  8. You know me for so long now, yet you still think you can appeal to me with reason and logic! 🤔 The council of Tzeentch has spoken: you are to end your unnatural collection of orderly forces* and not taint your minions with parts of said blasphemous creatures! We can look past your fascination with Death cause for the time being they‘re the enemy of our enemies. * due to being gigantic hypocrites, hawt elf chicks** are cool in our book! 🤙 ** kinda hawt is okay too according to Changeling-Jim***. ***Changeling-Jim is kinda lame tho Wouldn‘t CoS minis represent said „adventurers“ better? Don‘t give in to your lewd Lumineth fantasies!
  9. The ones with visors and chest armor look alright but the others have to be the worst design in AoS I've seen so far, no usual Lumineth malice included, they just look reeeally off to me. Those suspenders/straps make them look like kids! But good if you like them, I'm happy for those that like them. Collect even more Lumineth and I'm gonna call in the Tzeentchian council and we gotta decide what to do with ya though! 👺👺👺 You have been warned, we don't look kindly at those that split up their allegiance to our wonderful lord! The DoK character is really cool but there's nothing of interest to me personally - I wonder if GW overcommited to the Solar Auxilia though. Do 30k players want something other than mahreens?
  10. Yeah, no point in lying to myself, there's zero chance for that. ❤️‍🔥
  11. I see nothing that has to do with Tzeentch, so I'll be busy skulking (and whining) at that time! 🙌
  12. My mommy told me I could become anything, so I became ✨a disappointment! ✨ Don‘t be part of the problem, ERHammer, be the entire problem! Sorry, I‘m just a glutton for demotivation and thought I could add to it. 🥳👌
  13. And that is precisely why you guys never get invited to our Chaos parties! I do believe to have read that GW designers have a certain freedom when it comes to pitching/creating things, so many releases aren‘t what‘s needed but what they want to work on, which explains some of the less „tactical“ releases. I mean, they are very likely aware what‘s lacking and what an optimal release schedule would look like but I figure around 30% of releases are basically whatever they want them to be…. And regarding the plastic Daemonettes: While they aren‘t terrible at all, they are still unfortunate children of their time, much like Pink Horrors or Bloodletters. I think Plaguebearers aged the best out of those (and looked like an actual upgrade to the ones before them, something that can‘t be claimed for the pink horrors and daemonettes). The Bloodletters‘ new/old design was an upgrade as well but the way they‘ve handled the head was unfortunate. It‘s nice to see better versions via Underworlds but new kits would be even better still. So yeah, WarCry and WH:U present us with a window to cool upgrades but the window isn‘t big enough to act as a doorway which makes it frustrating. The figures are rarely special enough to be great stand-ins for heroes and just alternative, cool alternative unit champions which is a bit of a shame. There are thankfully notable exceptions like the Wurmspat of that one Slaaneshi champion but it‘s safe to say that many warbands should‘ve just been turned into proper AoS kits and be usable in both instead of being „teases“.
  14. I always hear from friends that SW is a great TT game. Haven't tried it yet myself but they prefer it over AoS rule-wise.
  15. True but it would've been even smarter to make other stuff IMO from the start. I don't hate them at all but they could've easily introduced cool new units for lots of forces that way.
  16. I'm blessed that I play with people that are really easy-going - everything goes as long as it's fun. We try to make strong lists from time to time but usually we don't even care who wins. Regarding the double-turn: I'd love for AoS to become a "I go, you go" kind of game. Not a big fan of double turns either but I'm kinda indifferent to it (even if I don't like it). Perhaps StD got so much because they knew TOW was coming. Those minis really shine there as well. But in general, I'm all for everyone getting everything, I'm mostly complaining about the timing of things. I have no problem with let's say SC or StD having waaay more options than others but everyone should arrive at good level before some get pushed even further ahead.
  17. StD outsold all other WHFB forces by a laaaarge margin from what I‘ve heard, putting even High Elves to shame. They were way above any other faction in terms of sales apparently, mirroring the SM situation in 40k almost. It would be like GW not bringing Space Mahreens back in an Age of Roboute reboot. With them being the missing link between the 4 weirdos, I figure it would be weird not have them lore-wise too. While I would‘ve gladly traded all of StD for armored Tzeentch warriors, I think it would‘ve been one of the dumbest decisions GW could‘ve done if they scrapped Chaos „Undecided“. I think they‘ve got so much now though that after updating Darkoath/Barbarians, they won‘t really need much anyways. The whole Warcry thing put way too much unwanted fat into them too, to a point that most of those units are absolutely useless. It would‘ve been waaay smarter for WarCry to not be so chaos-centric for so long. Would‘ve been more interesting on its own and in regards to AoS if they went for a setting similar to Mordheim and they used warbands to fill more gaps in other forces instead of flooding Chaos with units they can‘t really use. 5 kind of Chaos humans would’ve been enough and then like 10 armies could’ve gotten cool stuff by now. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I do hope that the forces that got healthy rosters will get little to nothing and the ones that need it will get boosted but we all know that‘s unrealistic. We‘ll get StD, Stormcast, Lumineth and the like and other forces will get nothing or too little. I really hope I‘m wrong but I wouldn‘t bet against my gut feeling. At least Skaven will finally get a decent release… that leaves Ogors, Beastmen and Chaos Dwarves and Umbraneth. And then we get the bald or red-headed(bearded) dyslexic stepkids like Fyreslayers and IDK. Ideally all those factions should get to a healthy level before the usual suspects get a single kit.
  18. While I absolutely agree that many aspects of various forces got expanded on in a great way (whether it‘s Chaos or Aelfs) that we would‘ve never gotten in TOW, I‘ll always miss mixed Orruks and Goblin/Gitz forces! 😇 I feel in general that AoS forces should be able to be mixed up without compromising the army in a bad way. With the current rules, you‘re usually shooting your own foot if you decide to use „impure“ lists. That‘s a darn shame in quite a few cases. I‘m not sure how to remedy that but if I was responsible for the rules, I‘d make the basic rules simple like in AoS 2nd ed, would add more customization options to heroes and rely on the warscrolls for units themselves to be effective instead of boosting them via army-wide special rules, so that mixing forces would be more viable. Even at the cost of some thematic flavor.
  19. Rattus ex machina has a certain ring to it though!
  20. Now you're just hurting me, what did I do to you? 🤢🤮
  21. I made it specifically to hurt you! 🤘😎🤘
  22. Thankfully he's just Jesus and not Muhammad cause else I couldn't fix the model! 🤙
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