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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Oh, I feel absolutely NO shame for fielding grey stuff ๐Ÿ˜‡... currently working on kill team terrain, I HATE (hate hate hate hate.... bless you, Kefka) painting those stupid light grills on my containers though but at least I managed to get the OSL effect done quite ok now, first time was too dark so i gotta repaint those darn metal grills around them). Got them all done now (got no more recent pic) but I still need to fix a couple of mistakes cause I suck. I also mentioned that I've put IV on one side of the green container and a VI on the other. Looks like my servitor is dyslexic. He shall experience the God-Emperor's mercy when I return from my holiday. ๐Ÿ˜ก It's quite hopeless with me, I'm still fielding a mostly grey horde after a couple of years, Tzeentch is quite disappointed - but that's alright, he's in good company, my family feels the very same way. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. I think the AoS mini could be a dude as well... the Sorcerers are usually quite slim but the lower arm is pretty darn manly if you ask me, then again the leg looks like a woman's boot. Anyways, I think it's quite busy and random as a design and not in a great way - it's not bad but it lacks a clear direction and looks like a Captain Planet villain. Only the familiars (they are awesome) put it on a similar level to the other one. The Khorne termi is a bit static but a flawless translation of the classic Mark Gibbons artwork. And since many of the newer models are very dynamic, I actually welcome a classic "boring" pose. The little chaos warrior would be a great base for "don#t speak to me or my son ever again" memes tho!
  3. Well, the truth is that some factions (not just Space Marines) get lots of releases/waves in a somewhat short time and that rubs people the wrong way (in a way). I can remember when it was always Khorne/Nurgle a couple of years ago. Then it was only Nurgle. It was annoying as for years Tzeentch and Slaanesh wondered when it will ever be their turn. Thankfully that got rectified now but in order to make things fair, Chaos releases from the big 4 should be Tzeentch and Slaanesh stuff for the next 5 years. Or even better: lots of Skaven and beastmen as the fifth and sixth faction, they do deserve some love and T and S are at very healthy places overall. In AOS' case the Order factions did get those huge releases with multiple waves (SCE and Lumineth), so it's quite obvious that people think they got "too" much, especially when others got so "little" (thankfully we got some pretty decent releases for some other factions too, SBGL or Nighthaunt for example). It's not about them getting so much, they should get lots of cool stuff but it feels not exactly "balanced" (for a lack of a better term), especially when other forces even in their own GA are seriously lacking. Personally I think that's however a bit on them and one of the main drawbacks of splitting up forces that used to be cohesive force (slayers, orruks e.g.) or creating more factions (IDK who could also use a couple of kits). The good news is that there is hope, as demonstrated by the latest Sylvaneth wave that turned an army with few kits into a much more decent one overall, especially because the kits all look great (at least IMO). Anyways, I understand the players of some factions can be a bit miffed at this point. Yes, someone needs to be the last one to get cool updates but I get that they're impatient at this point. Hell, I've been waiting for Tzeentch elite mortals since forever (even before AoS). Now all the others got theirs. Thankfully outside of that Tzeentch got lots of great releases but I'd love to have such a unit now - however if I imagine that I'd think that about almost every unit in my army, I'd be impatient too. I seriously feel bad for the last few forces that need significant updates. it's not like we can do anything about it though but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some factions more than others.
  4. I had that image in my mind but couldn't really remember it either. Thanks for posting the artwork! ๐Ÿ‘
  5. And something more directly Warhammer-y: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/10/warhammer-year-two-is-nearly-here-get-ready-for-even-more-warhammer/?utm_source=CUSTOMERS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WHP_10th_August_Year_2_&utm_content=&utm_term= Looks like one of the new Warhammer+ minis (they now can be ordered one month after subscribing, so no long wait this time!) is a Chaos sorcerer with the other being some Chaos terminator? Or is it a titan?
  6. A bit off-topic, but it's really cool and works for scenery or character design too... there's a new tool on discord called Midjourney that lets an AI create pretty darn cool art. I've played around with something akin to bird eyes god change evil or something and got some quite cool "Tzeentch" designs. Y'know, maybe for a warcry band that indirectly follows big T. It creates 4 designs according to what you write in there and then you can change them further or have it upscale them etc. Or a city for some homebrew part of the Mortal realms.... Sorry for the images and all but I think many here will find this as cool as I do!
  7. Personally Iโ€˜m fine with gods being part of the setting, even actively, but I certainly want more key players than just the gods (which we are slowly getting, at least it feels this way to me). I agree with Enoby that Death = Nagash is a bit boeing narratively and Iโ€˜m glad theyโ€˜re introducing some more colorful underlings. Small-time heroes are a bit difficult in a setting of gigantic realms though as local heroics do have less of an impact than campaigns backed by god-like beings.
  8. I'm just greedy in general! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘
  9. Demonize me all you want, folks, but don't demonetize me, I really need the cash, there's too much stuff I wanna buy! ๐Ÿคฃ
  10. Oh, I got no skin in the game. I just think ideally we shouldn't always assume the worst if something isn't worded or named ideally. You know, just trying to find a decent common ground where people try to be sensitive but not get painted in a very negative light if they say something that could be misunderstood. And that's easy in a setting full of war. War itself is offensive to anyone who had to endure it and yet here we play war. Not trying to start something here but ultimately these things could also be seen as an homage because they simply thought it's cool. I mean it sounds like a pretty cool starting point for a new faction.
  11. It's a game about war though. Comes with the territory that some narrative aspects about it are in a way insensitive by design (e.g. slavery...) or challenging subject matter at least. Perhaps one example: let's say a bunch of good people get enslaved by an evil faction. Now, with more ethnic representation in the new minis, there might not only be white-skinned slaves. Is this now offensive when it's also in a very wrong way inclusive? I think it's best to not actively seek out to be offended in these matters and give the game/story some wiggle room without instantly denouncing it - or the creatives behind it - because designers in the past were insensitive. Not everything that can be seen as insensitive comes from a malicious place. That's all I'm saying about it. Don't poopoo on my Khemri friend. Your triggers are.webp
  12. As someone who gets reprimanded often, it does cast a long shadow at least.
  13. Well, he's a mega gargant. The gutplate could at best (or worst?) serve him as a jockstrap.
  14. Well, you already know more systems than I do then! A friend tries to goad me into Star Wars (I'm still angry about the new trilogy but I'm an angry man anyways, I'm sure at least Khorne digs me) and I'm actually intrigued because the rules seem to be decent but I don't have the time for even more wargaming. I feel like Kill Team is just the perfect way to experience the cool 40k setting (and the terrain!) without having to use the not so cool 40k ruleset. And personally I rather paint a few miniatures really well too so I really like the skirmish setting. It kills two birds with on- who the hell thought that is a good expression anyways? ๐Ÿคฌ As a Tzeentch player I feel offended by myself and the English language!
  15. If I may give some advice: go Kill Team. 40k's rules are a mess at the moment (arguably Kill Team is also pretty complicated at the beginning, so if you know someone who's been playing it longer, ask them for a game...I mean it, our group needed a bit to figure some things out but perhaps we're all just morons) but it's seriously cool to be free to simply buy units you dig without needing a huge army to make it happen.
  16. "accuire the character models you want, you can either buy the batlebox or wait a while longer and buy it separately" Simply put this sales tactic is an insolence. You seeing something positive in it and defending something that goes directly against common courtesy to loyal customers doesn't make it any better. It does reflect badly on GW. It's a hassle. Just like those cards in your Batman game but this one doesn't bother you, so it's fine for you. That's unfiltered hypocrisy. I don't want GW to gift me a stupid Curseling (or any other special model - you guys are lucky I don't play Skaven where the one(!!! one, seriously GW?) new model, I'd rant much more (one new model, that is bad comedy at this point when they need so much...)), I want to be able to buy it without extra bullgor-poop. It really isn't much I'm asking for. It's the basic minimum. You defending such tactics makes you part of a problem this hobby doesn't need - most regular wargamers buy enough as it is. I hope you didn't work in sales for GW. There's a reason why GW gets so much flak online. And as for you getting under my skin - not, you're actively doing nothing to me but your disacknowledgement of something so obvious makes me wonder a lot. How you can't see that this is basically tremendously bad customer service is beyond me. Edit: Anyways, wasted enough time on this issue now. But sooner or later it will bite them in the buttocks. And I'm all for it, despite generally wanting them to succeed.
  17. Wow, the irony is quite something. You do realize thatโ€˜s quite hypocritical here, right? And having the confused alt account brigade downvote me wonโ€™t change that either. See why I donโ€˜t care for being able to acquire character models through some facebook group? Paying premium is fine as long as you get premium treatment. Thereโ€˜s a gigantic disconnect here.
  18. No, just no. Common sense is not an opinion. But I could just scream at the wall at this point, at least it would echo something with a point to it instead of the reply you keep on giving.
  19. I'm just using logic - most people that were interested in T or L got an army at this point, they're not exactly new factions. A majority of the people that bought into them already got their basic troops. That IS a fact. I can also tell you this: More people would prefer to be able to buy heroes on their own than through boxes that come with extra stuff they don't actually want most of the time - that's also a fact as people usually like to be able to buy exactly what they want. But whatever, you like that solution for God knows what reason, so there's zero point in discussing it any further. As for me having to go the extra mile to buy a ****** miniature.... that is precisely what's wrong about it. I got better things to do. I appreciate the hint about a group (due to not being in the US or UK it gets a lot more difficult and expensive, even such solutions) but I don't want to have to resort to such actions because this annoyingly greedy company can't get its poopoo together and thinks they gotta milk their fans more than they already do instead of you know, actually thinking hard about creating stuff people buy without needing underhanded tactics. It's absolutely inexcusable and a reason to stop supporting GW. I hope someone there reads this. I'm happy to pay premium prices for a premium product, I'm unwilling to play along or defend ****** tactics. If they wanna play the FOMO game, then at least have these miniatures be really locked behind their crappy boxes so that very few of them get produced and they'll become true collector items. How about that? But no, they're also too greedy for that so basically we customers get all lots of drawbacks and should be thankful for it or what? I don't think I've ever come across a less logical argument on a message board. Not releasing the minis on their own at the same time is simply a d-move in bird nerd culture.They really need to step up their game elsewhere if they need such tactics. And we all lose when people get sick of GW (rightfully!) again, wasn't that long ago and they're heading straight back to that point.
  20. Yeah, totally get you. I obviously also like the models. But I honestly don't have the time for another army and I don't want to sell off models I never wanted in the first place. I'm also glad when there's nothing cool coming out (or I'm forced to wait) so that I can work on my stuff instead of getting the new cool thing but it's really grinding my gears at this point. I'd actually rather pay even 5 bucks more for their heroes - but it's like with their colors. I dunno what it will take for them to use proper dropper bottles but frankly, I'll rather buy the majority of my paints from other companies that don't use shady tactics and only use bottles that make sure your stuff dries up. But if we look long enough around, someone will defend those bottles too.
  21. Quicker? The Thousand Sons hero took ages to come out for example! ๐Ÿ˜‚ With my luck, the Curseling would also take like 2/3s of a year. I understand your reasoning but it's ONLY good if you want to start a new force. Nothing stops them for releasing the hero at the same time if people would really want those amazing boxes for the discount... but to be blunt that's the minority. Most people interested in Lumineth or Tzeentch got enough units at this point. The Tzeentch part is actually not too bad for me as I lack Acolytes and Tzaangors (I got way too many Enlightened and Skyfires though) but frankly, few DoT players will be happy about Acolytes and Tzaangors. I know it, you know it, they know it - it's taking advantage of your customer more or less. It's not too much to ask for being able to buy what you actually want. It's like Apple asking me to 5 computers to get the new one I want.
  22. Regarding Thondia or new releases like heroes locked behind buying old stuff: GW is seriously starting to ****** me (and not just me) off with this tactic. I'm saying this in the nicest possible way here but I don't think it's wise to let them get away with this and excuse them by saying "oh, they're trying new things". I would've LOVED to buy some of the Thondia scenery like the waterfall thingy or the dragon bones. I won't buy a box full of other stuff I don't care about for it though and ultimately - even if it gets released on its own later - I feel extremely annoyed by it. It also makes me reconsider what to buy now as things might get bundled up later and I don't want multiples or have to worry about reselling parts. Their prices are arguably high enough not to add "hidden taxes". And them investing into the AoS range (when we talk about updating old kits) is something that will pay off in the long run, it's how business works - when we launch a new product, we gotta pay for lots of things upfront but in time it starts to turn a profit. But very few will buy Skaven models that are are older than many players, so if they want to see Skaven (or other races, I believe Skaven sell quite well considering their range) be on SM tier, then maybe allocate some resources. I'm usually one that doesn't nag about GW's business decisions and will look past many things as I can thankfully afford it easily but now they're starting to irritate me, COVID or not. I want my ****** Curseling right now (why tease him since forever (the rumour engine was one of the longest running ones) and no sign of its release yet?) and Lumineth are the last thing i want to buy bundled with him (and most Lumineth fans probably don't give a damn about Tzeentch either). Get your ****** together, GW - you're giving us a single new mini (well, two) and put that single release behind a paywall. Your normal heroes cost as much as a video game on sale, with stuff like the Lord of Change costing as much as two video games. At least have the courtesy to not lock new releases behind huge boxes of stuff people don't want. We're in loot box territory right now and this will backfire sooner or later. Rant over but I feel like it needed to be said - I'll happily pay GW prices, despite being ludicrous at this point, but they shouldn't muck about with their customers.
  23. Stormcast vs Stormcast sounds like an excellent idea but hopefully without throwing Chaos or something else (Death? There is another faction but they're so ignored I also forgot who they are) into the mix this time! Stormcast are enough, we don't need anything else to dilute the theme. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Perhaps we could have a cross-over, Primaris Stormcast, that sounds like the best idea ever!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž PS: Obviously I'm just joking around.... I'm really interested in seeing Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen and Cities of Sigmar (or whatever they'll be called) - instead we get 100 different Chaos cultists. I'm looking forward to those 4 since ages (or the start of AoS). I'm kinda interested in Malerion's stuff but I hope they'll be part of DoK as we got enough Aelf factions. I'm also interested in new stuff for the "boring"/smaller armies (FS, IDK, Ghouls, etc.) that didn't get enough kits to make them really cool or feel complete IMO. For my own guys all I want (doesn't have to be soon but maybe somewhere down the line in the next years) are Tzeentch Chosen - armored, big Sorcerer-Warriors, think purely human Curselings. Maybe as a dual kit where you could build new Forsaken too, that are pure CC fighters and on their way to spawndom - could make for a cool and "scary" looking unit. Oh and no chicken legs and discs. We got enough of those. Maybe a cool hero like Aekold or Egrimm (a chaos dragon would be cool, could be a double kit) I understand that you feel annoyed at this point. The slow releases didn't help. It feels like all we got was Lumineth, Giants, more Lumineth, Stormcast and Kruleboyz. I was happy to see a bigger release for Sylvaneth at least but I'm just as unhappy as you and many others are. It feels like AoS concentrates on the same 4 factions all the time. That's better than 40k but ultimately not ideal either. All I can say is that I feel blessed that Tzeentch is pretty complete. It might miss my favorite unit (the Tzeentch-aligned Chosen equivalent) but I got no room to complain.
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