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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. I‘ve only given you ideas that resulted in the perversion and destruction of lumineth kits. And i‘m sending berzerkers to their deaths, which is good for everyone. I don‘t see how I could ever be at fault! 🥳 I might be promoted to a blue horror now although as a lowly brimstone horror I at least got a decent excuse why I‘m so ill-tempered… but you my friend could end up like poor old Slop.😬
  2. He probably knows anyways but looks like you're way more screwed than me 😎
  3. Indeed, he's old enough, he should've learned by now. 👍👍
  4. Berzerkers are niiiice too. One more kill team. Don't tell my boss. 😇
  5. No gitz tome though.... my mate will be really disappointed. 🥲 Good. Gooooooood.
  6. At least someone will be really happy. I think a different set of legs would've been the icing though...
  7. Looks like the ugly stick grew into an ugly tree today!
  8. When I look at them, I'm kinda glad. They're as ugly as taxes.
  9. Might just be some Warcry band, maybe Khorne "Aztecs" or something else nobody asked for. 😂
  10. I hope they got some nice surprise in store. The one new hero update locked in a box of old stuff is tiring. I hope the supposed Destruction forces get more than that.
  11. So Berzerker, Chosen, Votann hero and a mystery... 3 out of 4 known, that's not exactly how you build hype. 😇 I am looking forward to Chosen and Berzerkers though but we really could use some left-field ingenuity at the moment IMO.
  12. He‘s a love-letter to Bloodborne indeed. Awesome model, a shame that they never released him on his own. Same goes for the Woodaelf, also an amazing rendition of the concept… Anyways, if the human faction is as cool as those witch hunters and other first glimpses we got, then it will be an absolutely amazing faction and easily be among the top GW armies visually. Too bad we got lots tons of stuff before we get to the real juicy armies in AoS. 😇
  13. Yeah, that's certainly a cool idea. Although I like my Enlightened birbs too and wouldn't want to replace them as I love them like children, plus another disc-riding unit would perhaps be more difficult to make unique than ground-based troops IMO. i just want Tzeentchian armored warriors (that hurl spells cause come on, if any army should have that, it's us) cause I think Chaos armor looks rad and the concept art for Tzeentchian Chaos armor was always the coolest IMO (thinking of Adrian Smith's work but there are a few other cool depictions as well), even before they've incorporated more exotic design cues. I'm definitely happy with the mashup of swirly eastern trim and classic european armor (and random cool stuff) they've used for the Curseling.
  14. Could be that they add it now in time for the BT update, good thinking. But I'd rather have a Fatemaster or those darn Sorcerer-Warriors (that can also be built into Forsaken) I keep fantasizing about since months! 😂
  15. I‘d be extremely surprised if Tzeentch and Lumineth was more than the tome and the two heroes…. then again, maybe Lumineth could get another huge wave. 😝
  16. Exactly, here lies the problem. I said they were an AoS-ified heir. Unfortunately that‘s not a proper heir IMO. I’m sure some disagree but I know that some agree with me too. I‘m pretty sure O&G were beloved more than IJs, at least by the guys I know they were, and that‘s in part precisely because they gave players options. IJ armies are about as individual as Star Wars battle droids which is a bit of a shame. A few more kits would help - I don‘t want them reinvent the army for it, I can accept it changed and I understand the idea behind it. But chariots, more heroes, maybe another cheaper battleline could do wonders to make IJ even more compelling, especially visually.
  17. Personal preferences aside, I think there‘s a lot of ground in kit quantity between small forces and Stormcast. I understand your point though. SC feel like Chaos Cultists. Lots of units that fulfill similar - if not the same - roles. I‘ll always be for armies with enough variety and choice. Not sure IJ qualifies for that, arguably it doesn‘t want to either - but I just like armies with enough choice. IJ doesn‘t give me that vibe and as the AoS-ified heir to WHFB Orcs, it feels lacking. I understand it‘s hard to compare as they had gobbos but then something else should‘ve been added IMO. I was happy to see Sylvaneth receive more units. In the end I hope IJ players are happy with their army, that‘s what counts but I‘m not sure if GW‘s overall unit plan was all that well though out. 😋
  18. A gargant and ogor soup sounds like GW unfortunately. It‘s lame but so was the Orruk soup tome. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a slew of new kits if they get thrown together. Ironjawz are great but I‘d be miffed if I played them. The same few units might make for a good army but ultimately they feel like they could really use something to break up the monotony IMO. Thankfully our IJ player never minded having so little choice but I think it‘s a missed chance. GW definitely created too many subfactions (and the like) for the model support they‘ve been willing to give AoS in the last 2 years. 😢
  19. Sigvald loving someone other than himself? 🤔 You do you but you're very optimistic in that particular case!
  20. 🤦‍♂️ Many people that care for the fluff died inside to bring us this message. At this point it feels like you‘re trolling!😂🤣😂
  21. Could very well be, I certainly don't know specifics. 😬
  22. Yeah, I keep wishing for Sorcerer-Warriors (it would fit Tzeentch to a T - sorry, I'll give myself 2 warning points for that one), ideally in a style similar to the new Curseling or more Tzeentch-looking Chosen/Varanguard PLUS mutated warriors akin to the old Forsaken. I like the bit more eastern/far east-inspired trim (and visor for the Curseling, got extremely close to my own Tzeentch designs, which is really cool) and Egypt details but I wouldn't want them to lean too much into a Thousand Sons look as that's just Prospero's style - anyways, I'm happy with the current mish-mash of styles they got now and that they've clean/pristine armor with a certain sophistication. I love the Undivided slaves stuff but all those holes and cuts really disqualify them for a Tzeentch army to me. Personally I always think a cool starting point for Tzeentch stuff is Marvel's Mysterio but frankly they're kinda there already now. I'd love a new and better spawn kit but it's unrealistic to get that but the whole Soul Calibur Nightmare or Resident Evil Birkin kind of Forsaken warrior would be cool and (hopefully) suitably creepy and would fit the background as Tzeentch is very deliberate with mutations. Looking at the latest 40k Chaos releases, there are at least decent bits around for these ideas though, so that's awesome too as I could one just use them for a personal project.
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