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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. You know just what people want to hear. 😤😭 GW would definitely deserve a suitably angry letter (not too angry, we don't wanna boost Khorne) if they did that! 😎
  2. The changes to Kairics and Tzaangors really didn't inspire confidence yet, although to be fair we don't know much, so everything is possible. This makes the wait even harder though... I really hope we can make good lists without lots of horrors. Personally I never saw recent DoT as that problematic outside of a few broken combos but a) I'm not some great tournament AOS player, so I might not know enough b) I want T to be mediocre cause my friends are always whining about my army even if I build the worst force possible. 🤷‍♂️
  3. WHERE THE FLYING VARGHEIST IS MY TZEEEENTCH TOME?!! 🤬 I'm gonna visit my local GW store now, stomp on the ground and cry like a baby, that'll show them. 😤 If we only get a Curseling, they could at least let us know how much we got nerfed now. 😤😤😤 My life is so very hard.
  4. I'll always keep my fingers crossed for all things Orruk... except when i play against them. On another note: My sincerest condolences to all Brits!
  5. Thanks for taking the time to educate me. I feel like my „complaints“ aren‘t too unreasonable then. 😇
  6. All of you know much more about the details than I do, my mate sticks to IJ only all the time as he‘s not big on mixing them. It‘s a bit boring. I think Orruks are awesome in general (well, the Bonesplitterz sculpts are seriously lagging behind the newer stuff) but they could be easily be even cooler.
  7. Yeah, I'm aware of that and also that most are overall quite happy with the way they play despite the limited range - I still wouldn't buy into them though. In order to save them, they got thrown together with the atrocious old savage orc stuff and the Kruleboyz are different enough to me to feel quite unfitting in a single army (despite liking both styles and ranges) with Ironjawz as while they're their own thing, they're both different and not different enough to look totally harmonious with the other Orruks like e.g. gobbos and trolls are. Also, GW used to make sure that mixing subfactions sucks. No idea how it is with warclans now (and your post suggests otherwise) but usually it's either/or, so if you wanna field a decent list, you're usually forced into playing very specific combinations. Personally I just see a monument to failed planning in this which is a damn shame.
  8. Of course, an army based on a singular (if cool) aspect of a formerly varied WHFB army that bloats it up in a quite uncreative way (that's a kind description) and then immediately drops it like hot food with almost less than zero support in sight after it doesn't sell well is the obvious recipe for success! 👍 I find all these 0.5 armies we got shortly after AoS' launch were a huge mistake. Some like IJ might play well but I like armies that offer choice and would never buy into an army with very few kits personally. They're trying to correct the course there by merging them already anyways but frankly it was obvious this would fail. Any hyper-focus on themes/forces that only appeal to a part of the fandom is doomed to fail, with the one exception being marines. It's like with Gorkamorka. Amazing game, funny as hell, seriously, funniest GW setting ever but frankly not everyone loves Orks. I'm just waiting for people to become sick of Warcry if the ratio of Chaos cultists to non-Chaos warbands doesn't improve to be honest. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Back in the Warhammer days Slaves outsold every other faction combined at the end as far as I know (even before the End Times). I figure they still sell very well although with the mono god forces out, sales probably got divided between them. High Elves were really popular too in WHFB. With AoS I got absolutely no clue. I'm pretty sure that the armies that get heavily pushed by GW also - totally unexpectedly - sell well. So SC, S2D, LRL will likely be the bread winners currently. At the start I'm sure Khorne was selling well too, later on NH.
  10. Ultimately one of the major contributing factors why we all feel this way might be that due to Covid the release schedule seems to be messed up ... even though we still get new kits all the time, I'm not sure the focus is the right one. It's why I always complain about the same things as it feels so weird to see a few forces gets such preferential treatment. I feel with all the fans that got pretty much nothing since AoS launched. A single ogor hero for example after all this time feels wrong. That stings even me and I'm not even an ogor fan. The Warcry Tzeentch group might be cool and all but the Cypher Lords are Tzeentchian according to White Dwarf magazine anyways (or lean heavily into that direction), so why do we need more if those resources could've been used to either create something we really NEED for Tzeentch or maybe give us something the setting truly needs - like a cool Skaven unit (or BoC)? Could have extra parts for a musician and standard bearer or similar "specialists" for an AOS unit and it would be a total win/win situation! It's an easy win too. I understand that they produce stuff they know will sell.... but ancient sculpts outside of a few classics will never sell well... give those armies shiny new minis and suddenly people will either exchange their old ones or get a second army. Lots of AoS armies have appeal.
  11. I think GW made a gigantic mistake by keeping Warcry so focused on Chaos, when they should‘ve pushed it even more into Kill Team territory. I know, you can play it with other figures but new releases of other stuff other than Chaos cultists would’ve been really cool. I just think back to the reaction people had for the Dark Aelfs. Last thing Slaves needs are more useless cultists (and frankly, with the upcoming kits the army is extremely healthy, definitely up there with Stormcast) and other armies could‘ve gotten much needed kits this way, especially if they added a few options into them (like with the special kill teams that are based on existing units). I know, I once again sound like I rant but it‘s just lamenting a (so far) missed chance. Like with Kill Team, where I bought other stuff than just Tzeentch, I‘d be open to playing Warcry (apparently the rules are better than KT too) and then getting cool new stuff next to my mandatory Tzeentch forces. Maybe cute rats, Witch Hunters, other non-birb Beastmen, Seraphon or something else. It‘s the perfect excuse after all…
  12. It's always sad to someone you "know" leave - best of luck to Peachy in all his future endeavours, he will definitely be missed! 👍
  13. TBH I don't have a hard time with it at all but you have my sympathies. 😅 I'm so deluded (and old) at this point I'll never collect any army other than Tzeentch (that's 3 armies already with daemons, 1k Sons and Disciples anyways), it was harder back when mixing cult troops was a common thing. But small things like a KT or something else (like back when Gorkamorka was a thing) are still fair game for sure, I don't see that as a huge betrayal. I'd also buy an updated Arbaal cause I loved the old model back when I was a kid but ultimately time thankfully prevents me from starting multiple armies. I'm actually quite thankful for that. Elvis is a good name too. Freddie would be a good fit too. You might not know Patton's work but trust me, there is no singer out there that would fit the part better as he's more versatile than any other singer I know and does make really messed up and noisy stuff from time to time. I'd recommend some songs to you but it's unlikely it's your kind of music.
  14. Oh, I‘ve accepted many years ago that I could very well end up Slaaneshi. I‘ve made my peace with it. But it’s a waste of time to do things badly. It‘s realistically also quite difficult to be one-dimensional enough as a person to only reflect one of the Gods. And if they don‘t release those Sorcerer-Warriors and a chaos dragon soon (for Tzeentch only of course 🤬), you‘ll see that I‘ve got a bit of a Khornate in me as well! So, where are my chaosgoddamned toys?!?!? But I‘ve got nothing but contempt for cheap thrill-seekers*. Becoming good (or trying) at artsy stuff could be considered knowledge as well, right? Right??? * notable exception: Noise Marines (maybe led by „General“ Mike Patton for a KT? 🥰)
  15. Chaos dragons should become Tzeentch-exclusive anyways. 😎 ****** the lesser Chaos gods and S2D! This would be the absolute least GW could do for not giving us Sorcerer-Warriors and Forsaken already and I'm generous and extremely reasonable here. 😤😤😤 No, I'm not a petty man-child or anything.
  16. Oh, I actually really hate building normal stuff. 😇 It's because of my obsessive removal of flash and filling of holes/lines I think, I got an unhealthy relationship with perfectionism. I actually already planned for not attaching the columns and main two parts but thanks for the pointer regarding the gear thing, I might've attached that.
  17. So in other news Slaanesh undeniably corrupted one of the GW 3d modellers. "You're an idiot, Mit Gas" you might say - and you might be right - but when I look at those sprues, my theory is hard to deny.... those waterfall ends look fish very strange. I should've looked at how much work this kit is before I bought it. 😤
  18. And the Nids finally have a proper goal to evolve into as well... p Perfection.
  19. Sorry, I had to hijack this thread for some real news. Someone created the coolest theme for the new army already.
  20. And while they're at it, AOS desperately needs more Stormcast and Chaos Cultists... who am I kidding, those are a given. ✌️ edit: I get bonus points on my daily task list for complaining! 😎
  21. Worth a shot but it might also remind them that Lumineth still need their last two waves. Daily task list of Mit Gas: * turn any topic - no matter how unrelated and annoying to others - into something about Tzeentch ✅ * hate HATE HATE on Lumineth ✅ * have lewd thoughts about Jessica Biel ✅✅✅
  22. I know literally nothing about Ogors. 😇 Thanks for shining a bit of light onto them. I really love what I've seen from FEC but frankly I think both of them can co-exist easily as outside of being maneaters they're really different. I hope the "forgotten" factions will get their time to shine soon.
  23. I actually just wanna agree with you. The repurposing of digital sculpts is what hurts the minis most IMO as not only do we get reused parts but quick and easy releases likely influence the schedule in a negative way at the moment. It's easier to crank out another Stormcast, Lumineth or Chaos warrior (marine, etc.) or something else where most of it is already modeled and they only need to add in a couple of new details for a new figure/unit. The GOOD news however is that once they got assets done for less ubiquitous models, they can crank them out too, let's just hope they do (Skaven could easily get new stuff for example as they got the basics already established digitally). The bad news is that sculpt (detail) diversity will never be the same as back when it was sculpted by hand as they'll reuse assets wherever possible.
  24. Very good point I didn't quite realize at first. I find Ogors only remotely interesting if they go into the horrific direction (cause more normal fat, ugly dudes.... well, I just need to go outside and there's a good chance I'll see one) ... getting eaten (perhaps even alive) is a very scary concept to me. I actually also liked the very old and truly ugly ogres from HeroQuest as they also had something "scary" to them though...
  25. Tzeentchian side of Be‘Lakor? Dude, that darn bachelor is not our friend! As for my next projects: finally finish painting all the perspective views of my leader‘s helmet so that I can start the 3d part. I should be done with it in like 3 years I figure. Maybe 4. With no sorcerer-Warriors coming, I might kitbash the Chosen into something sexy, even if their rules will suck in a Tzeentch army. I hope they‘re as big as Varanguard. I really hate torn fabric, so it‘ll mean a bit of sculpting work but oh well… Anyways, I got so much stuff, I wouldn‘t need to buy new things for a couple of years. I‘ve got no self-control and a neurotic level of perfectionism that would make Slaanesh proud. It‘s a bad combo! 🤦‍♂️
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