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Everything posted by renwok

  1. Ah, that's awesome. In that case, does the Nightmare Lantern passive from two Guardian of Souls stack? As in, if a unit is in within 12 inches of two GoS do they get +2 to their wound rolls?
  2. Hey team, another fresh face here! I've recently boarded the spooky train (coach) and have signed up for a 1250 point tournament next week (despite having never actually played a game), I had a few questions regarding tactics. My list for interest: Heroes Knight of Shrouds on Steed Guardian of Souls Executioner Spirit Torment Battleline Chain Rasp x20 Chain Rasp x20 Grimghast Reapers x20 Other Myrnmourn Banshees x4 Glaivewraith Stalkers x4 Battalion Chainguard Total 1200 My questions with regards to tactics are as follows: Is it possible for me to position my Guardian of souls inside a unit of Chainrasp so long as they all retain their one inch coherency? (Imagine having the chainrasps positioned as a donut) - I imagine this would help with protecting him from enemy Melee attacks while getting the Look Out Sir bonus against melee. Perhaps if I had the Guardian in one donut and the Spirit Torment in another then they could keep their support auras up without dying, plus the ability to fly allows them to GTFO if things start getting dicey. Second question is with regards to Relics and Artefacts, is taking the midnight tome on my Knight of Shrouds a good way to go and how many relics/artefacts can I take at a 1250 point limit game? Third question, I have two Guardians of souls after acquiring two Soul Wars boxes, am I able to run two in the same army? I'm not sure how this works with non-named heroes and whether or not there can be duplicates. Any help would be appreciated, cheers!
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