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Posts posted by overtninja

  1. @Raffonerd I would argue that lack of access to the Wanderer battalion isn't much of a problem, because it is honestly not very good for what you get, and it heavily restricts your army roster. The LS battalion does actually have a Wanderer-themed battalion, but it's of very questionable utility and it's expensive both in points and actual money spent on kits - though honestly in a monster-heavy meta it would probably slap most armies into the dirt quite handily. 

    In Wanderers allegience, there really aren't many good artefacts at all. I defaulted to the Starcaster Longbow because it had the potential to have a real effect on the game - something that can't be said for most of the other artefacts they have access to. Certainly, you miss out on a few juicy artefacts from other realms, but even those are few and far between. In Living City, you get the Spear of the Hunt, which is far and away the best choice for any force. The other artefacts aren't even close. The only real competition is from Gyrestrike, but hitting first in combat with a big monster is worth a great deal more generally speaking.

    For heroes, I don't think anyone is going to get mad if you run your elf caster as a Battlemage, or other such. I wouldn't use my elf to represent a dwarf (perish the thought), but I'd certainly convert up a Sorceress and a bunch of counts-as Darkspears out of, like, tree-homonculi or something that she could stab to release their juice or whatever, if I thought it would be a fun combo to run. (It actually does sound like fun, really...) The only hero who's loss I keenly feel is the Waywatcher, because there's really not any other hero like them, and 'that elf with a bow' is part of the fun of playing the 'elves with bows' faction. It is a shame to see him go, I will happily concede that.

    In terms of mixing units and converting - I personally am only doing conversions because of specific interest, not because I feel compelled to to keep my force only elves. If/When I incorporate Free People units, or Disposessed, or others, I'll likely leave them as humans and dwarves.

    Basically, I've abandoned the idea that I run a Wanderers army, but I'm trying for a certain visual theme specifically because it is, outside of playing the game, a central motivation for me as a hobbyist to convert my models. I'm not attached to a wholly Wanderers army, but it's what I have so it's what I play, and I find it's particular toolkit very effective against most of my local opponents. It is by no means even ideal for the city or even for CoS in general, but I honestly think that's to the benefit of CoS as a faction.

    I know this is probably not a satisfying proposition to a player who wants the faction they enjoy collecting and playing to remain vital within the game, but for my purposes and temperament it suits me fine.

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  2. @Raffonerd Wanderers rules might be good, but I don't expect them to be their own faction in GBH2020, so I'm working on future-proofing my collection, so to speak. I do miss all the cool Wanderers heroes, but I'm finding new homes for them in other roles within my CoS army. I not too keen on running an army that might be discontinued in the next few months.

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  3. Honestly, there's enough variety with the Wanderers units that they can fit into most cities if you feel like using their unique kit. I haven't tooled around with them in other cities, because I have a Sylvaneth army so it's silly not to use them too, but there are a lot of great options for Wanderers in any city. Heck, there's great options for any sub-faction in any city, which is why the book is so fantastic.

    @Aelfric  I bring as many Shadow Warriors as i can in any list, they are always worth for whatever you need to do, and they are dirt cheap for being as good as they are.

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  4. @amsoly For most lists, a single 5-man unit of SotT is good. They work really well with EG, and not so well with much else, unless you are using them as a 130-point very mobile wizard, in which case they are good for that (particularly for Hallowheart.) Otherwise, I love Wild Riders and would build 5 or 10 of them. Sadly, because of various shared parts, it's tricky to build a unit of Wild Riders and SotT that you can swap torsos and run as either, but it could be done if you don't mind a good deal of customizing and fiddling.

    You've got a whole lot of options for melee units in a CoS army, so it's a matter of preferred style of play, micro-faction, aesthetic, or slight advantage in a particular area over another - more offense less defence, more bodies for price, better rend, more access to appealing hero buffs, the appeal of the models, or other factors.

    Personally, as an old Wood Elf player, for melee units I absolutely love Wildwood Rangers. They seem like a bad buy, but a unit of 20 can absolutely trash any monster they come upon in a single round of combat, and often still have the numbers to tear into another right after and take it out with help. For general purpose I've found Kurnoth Hunters to be the most appealing for me - I own a bunch already, for one, and I love how durable and punchy they are for their price.

    EG are a good option if you want a semi-mobile living wall that will never yield an objective, but after some play I think the EG/SotT combo is more appealing for City allegiances that aren't as proactive and ambush-focused as Living City is. In larger games they'll find their way to my lists, but otherwise I'll take WWR for monster hunting, Kurnoth for being all-around fantastic, and Spite-Revenants for a big blob of spooky bodies.


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  5. 18 hours ago, Matt Sandi said:

    Playing against changehost soon.  I'm running hurricanum, 2 runelords, 30 iron drakes, 30 hammerers, 4 fulminators, 2x10handgunners. Any advice appreciated?

    I'd reserve some of your shooting to infiltrate and snipe out his infantry casting heroes asap, even if it means stranding them, because it will pay large dividends over the course of the game to deny your opponent those extra casts.

    I'd also try to absolutely obliterate the inevitable unit of birdboy disksurfers with extreme prejudice, because their damage output is absurd thanks to the 'Guided by the Past' ability. They are fragile though, and your Irondrakes will make short work of them. Don't be afraid to move your unit of 30 to get shots off if need be - you'll want to drop them as soon as you can, since they are the main workhorse of most Changehost armies. I'd expect 9 or more, supported by the caster birdboy on disk as well. If your opponent lets you infiltrate this unit and get shots off on them, you will handily take them off the table, but I'm going to assume your opponent knows about this kind of sneakiness.

    The Lord of Change will get mowed down by your Hammerers, especially with Runelord support.

    It will largely come down to deployments and whether your opponent knows how to deal with infiltrating ranged units that are so tough and shooty, like Irondrakes. If you don't position your hammerers well, you'll have trouble getting use out of them as your opponent's more mobile army flies around them shooting them with spells.

    Best of luck!

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  6. Got a game in today with my Nurgle-playing buddy, we ran at 1500 points with the Duality of Death scenario in Chamon (using the realm rules, we ended with 'no rend', which ended up mattering a good deal). He ran a GUO with bell and EG artefact, Rotigus, Bloab, a unit of 30 Plaguebearers, and a unit of 10 Plaguebearers, plus the Chrono Cogs and Lifeswars endless spells. This game him a great number of strong field-wide mortal wounds spells, big tough monsters, a huge blob of infantry to clog up everything, and, as I found out, an outrageous first-turn lurch forward.

    My army was LS (...obviously) with a Nomad Prince general (with the Ironoak Artisan trait and the Spear of the Hunt, which made them an unkillable badass), Beastmage adjutant (who was never close enough for that to matter), a Lightmage, 20 Wildwood Rangers as my entourage (true champions in CoS, my goodness), 3 Sword Kurnoth Hunters (shockingly good), two groups of 10 Sisters of the Watch, a group of Shadow Warriors, and 10 Wild Riders, who accidentally brought their real spears to the table today instead of the foam ones they usually bring. I also brought a Lifeswarm endless spell, which led to some rules uncertainties about having two on the field at once from each player.

    We used the terrain generation rules from the rulebook, with 4 instead of 5 major scenery pieces, and generated the rules for each with rolls. We ended up with 3 pieces of healing scenery in a line through the middle of the table, a volcanic house (because of course), and two pieces of commanding terrain on one flank that did not really come into play for my opponent, who ran a refused flank strategy.

    My opponent refused one flank and piled everything except for ten Plaguebearers on one flank. I deployed 10 SotW on the same flank, and later my Beastcaster, as insurance to take the objective, as I knew I'd be behind and I didn't think I could chop through my opponent's huge wall of snotty things fast enough. I was additionally worried by both giant demons, especially the GUO who usually proves to be a flabby damage sponge that never dies, so I reserved my WWR, NP, Beastmaster, one group of SotW, and the SW, because I knew I was going to eat a bunch of field-wide spells and wanted to preserve their lethality.

    Turn 1 saw my opponent cast the Cogs and surge across the field with his giant block of Plaguebearers and GUO on one flank and the small group of Plaguebearers on the other, to take both objectives. Both the GUO and Plaguebearers then plowed right on into my Wild Riders, and thanks to the complete lack of rend this game and the GUO tripping on his own fat rolls and duffing his attacks, my Wild Riders were able to escape with only 3 casualties. The Plaguebearers ended up pretty stretched out by this play, which was very fortunate for me.

    My return swing made use of my opponent's Cogs to get my WR away from combat and evac them to the healing woods in the lower center of the map. I then deployed all of my other units onto the field to counter-charge, whilst moving my Kurnoth up to pin the far end of the Plaguebearer unit to the objective and further stretch the unit and to prevent any repositioning. The Kurnoth spent the rest of the game gleefully hacking Plaguebearers and not dying, especially thanks to the full-field healing that LC gets (it's a lot stronger than it appears, and definitely swung the battle thanks to keeping my general alive the whole game, even when they dipped down to 1 wound left multiple times, and topped off my wounded Wild Riders, allowing multiple models to come back on turn 2).

    My NP and WWR hurtled from the very corner of my deployment zone and, after many games, finally managed to saw the GUO down in a single round, with help from SotW shooting. The dependable 2 damage vs. monsters made a huge difference here.

    The rest of the game saw lots of healing from my empowered Lifeswarm, lots of healing from the city ability, and lucky healing from the hospital forest for my nearly-dead Lightmage. The central combat was a concerted grind, which was really slanted in my favor thanks to the lack of rend in the game. Between Kurnoth rerolling on 4s and my 2+ Nomad Prince striking first and cleaving heads, they took almost no damage in combat, and their attacks were all multiple wounds. The Honored Retinue ability kept my Nomad Prince alive by itself - I think I shifted probably 6 MW directed at him from spells and abilities. Definitely one of the stronger things in the book, especially when combined with the army-wide healing.

    It also saw deadly charges from my Wild Riders, which really pulled their weight even without rending, and with no rend on the table their 5+ save actually ended up mattering. There were a few key dispels from me and missed casts for my opponent, which kept my heroes alive and prevented them from gaining the upper hand in the central combat - mostly caused by my Nomad Prince's formerly useless flappy bird attack, which meant that Rotigus couldn't cast properly with his eyes getting poked at. Ultimately, I managed to chew through his giant pile of Plaguebearers and chase Bloab away with my Wild Riders, leaving only Rotigus to take the contested objective surrounded on all sides by angry elves, at which point we shook hands and my opponent retired the field.

    I have to attribute my victory largely to healing - in any other city allegiance, my infantry heroes would have died between Rotigus' and Bloab's field-wide MW signature spells, and without my own casting and subsequent regrowth of multiple WR and WWR models over the course of the game with an empowered Lifeswarm, my army would have crumpled. I was really pleased by the durability of my NP (2+ save is dumb) and the general potency of my Wanderer units, who all preformed admirably, even without rerolls on ranged attacks (I used them on melee to make sure the WWR and NP did their job). CoS really gave them a boost as a faction, even with the loss of all their heroes.

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  7. I've seen more than a few hardcopy books roll over with the editions, first in WHFB and then in AoS. Army books, rules, and so forth are a transient product for me - I don't want to have a bunch of old paper sitting around with rules that I can't realistically use. At this point, I just buy my army books through the AoS app and reference them on my phone. Works just fine.

  8. On 11/9/2019 at 7:07 AM, a74xhx said:

    Anyone considering Wanderer allies since the CoS tome dropped? Our previous overpriced choice, Sisters of the Thorn, no longer have a useful spell for us. And I don't see anything else of any use .... Unless anyone has spotted anything?

    It's a shame if there isn't as it could have been a gateway to getting a full living city army.


    I looked into it after the CoS book dropped, but Sylvaneth don't really need any of the support that Wanderers can bring - they've got strong melee, bunkers, chaff, decent casting, mobility and other such covered. The lack of strong ranged power is made up for by the ability to throw LoS-blocking terrain all over the place, and what shooting Sylvaneth do have is generally enough for weakening incoming melee blocks, which is what Sylvaneth need.

    I might consider bringing some Wild Riders as allies, as they are very mobile and on a charge have serious damage potential, especially in a group of 10 (which would help make up for rubber spear syndrome). They would pair well potentially with infiltrating or teleporting units like Tree-Revenants (or anything in a Dreadwood army). Now that they have decent rules, I think I might try it in the next game I play. At 260 points, it wouldn't be too much of a burden to acquire, and would open options that Sylvaneth otherwise lack.

    Another option would be some Sisters of the Watch, combined with Durthu or even Alarielle to create a 'no-go' zone for your opponent, such that anyone coming into range would expose themselves to serious shooting and then a gross counter-charge. While Sylvaneth already have Kurnoths with Bows, they are rather poor at hero sniping with their 4+ to hit (even with an Arch-Revenant making it 3+), since they have so few shots per model. If you really wanted some scary ranged power, you could go with Bow Kurnoth along with SotW and shell anything that approaches you to death. Another option I'd be interested in trying. This is a much bigger commitment, at 160/320 points for 10/20, but it might be worth trying depending on local meta.

    You could also try a group of WWR and a Nomad Prince, but Kurnoth do their job just as well, if not better. The SotT/Eternal Guard combo is unnecessary for a Sylvaneth army, as you could just take a huge pile of Dryads if you wanted to bunker up.

    As for CoS Living City list-building, the choices are much more interesting because you're only getting 2 or, at most, 3 Sylvaneth units as part of your army, so you end up having to be selective with what  to supplement your overall strategy with. I run a lot of (alright, basically 100%) Wanderers in my list (because that's what I own, and Wood Elves was my WHFB army, and I like them a lot), so in a LC list I plan to bring Melee Kurnoth for outrageous punch (and with 6 Scythe Kurnoth, they'd qualify as my Nomad Prince's retinue! ohohohoho). Drycha and a pile of Spite-Revenants is another cool potential option, and at 520 for a full compliment I think it's got some real potential. Durthu tends to duff his attacks, and he really needs Wyldwoods to be effective. A vanilla Treeman might actually be worth using, chiefly as the cheapest source of Groundshaking Stomp, which would really help WWR get their hits in before getting blended. You could also go with a Treelord Ancient and a Branchwraith to try and create a Dryad engine, but against any strong dispelling that might not go so well, and summoning every turn is definitely not a sure bet.

    TL;DR - Wanderers don't bring too much to the table that Sylvaneth don't cover, but Wild Riders for speed and potentially brutal charges, or SotW for a zone-controlling shooting bunker list, both have some potential. For Living City, Drycha and friends infiltrating is appealing, as are melee Kurnoth and even Treelords.

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  9. @jake3991 6 Kurnoth with scythes are a mainstay of the list I run, and they definitely outperform Durthu in every game I play. To me, Durthu performs really well as a hate magnet that everyone is scared of, and like any monster he is extremely swingy, and has flubbed every attack I've ever made with him in a game. That said, he's a hero and makes a decent general, and if you invest in both Kurnoth and Durthu together, you've got two massive threats on the field that your opponent has to address and commit a bunch to, and often they can't deal with both.

    Personally I think the threat of Durthu's potential damage and his hardiness are most of his draw.

  10. I started when WHFB 8E, when the game and GW was very, very different, as was the community around it. The store I played at was full of salty, cynical players who ran meta-competitive lists, along with some older players who were very pleasant. GW was unwilling to engage the community and, as far as I could tell, published rules to drive sales of models, with little care for updating factions to work with new rules or anything of that sort. The community being so sour about their relationship with the game they played really didn't create a good environment.

    I bought the models I liked - Wood Elves. For every aspect other than modeling and kitbashing, this was a mistake, as they were very weak and had almost no chance against most armies. Still, I enjoyed collecting and building, and playing against friends and others with my army helped me develop tactical skills.

    I hadn't played in over a year before the Old World blew up, and between the (honestly hilarious) send-off rules for old models, the simplified game rules, and the Stormcast models being extremely different in tone than WHF, the entire community drowned in salt.  By that point, my life situation had changed and I was moving, so my collection ended up in storage for many years. 

    It took me years to find a new place to play AoS near my new home. The game had interested me even from it's beginning, since it played much faster and, honestly, much more in line with the way I had originally thought Warhammer worked, in terms of hero strength, model count, movement rules and the like. With the release of the GHB allowing me to play my Wood Elves as Wanderers, and the Slvaneth book giving me a new model range to collect, combined with finally having disposable income to speak of, it was an easy choice for me to start playing again.

    The local community here is welcoming and positive, and tend to make strong but not overly meta lists, and tends to focus on cool giant models, monsters, and well-painted armies, which really helped me re-invest in the game.

    Also, the level of communication, openness and effort by GW to create a positive game community, update all of the rules for their model ranges, and generally treat their players and collectors well is worlds different than the attitudes of the company when I first started the hobby 15 or so years ago. It's given me a lot more faith in the longevity of the game and GW's dedication to the community it's helped to foster.

    I'm very happy with the way things have shaken out, and I'm glad I kept my old Wood Elves - they've gotten a new lease on life with the new CoS book, and Sylvaneth are a great fun to play for me as a former WE player. It's a good time to be playing this game, I think.

    edit- Thank you for reading my Livejournal.

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  11. I'd personally really like it if it were more Wanderers or Kurnothi or something - I noticed today that the CoS battleline requirements say 'requires a Wanderer general' for many Wanderer units, which strikes me as future-proofing for potential releases moving forward. It would be great if some of the factions that had many of their heroes culled (like Wanderers) got a new hero or something - personally I'd love a mounted option!

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  12. The only thing I'm really worried about from the Bonereapers is their catapult, which seems custom-built to cheaply murder every support hero (and, later on, major hero) in the game. My foot heroes are basically guaranteed to die to a single shot from them, even with LoS (hitting on 3s in that case), and even if they are my general in CoS. A pair of them will down most monsters in a turn, which is rather nuts, considering they only cost 200 each. I suspect we'll be seeing a bunch of them on the table in the future.


  13. On 10/25/2019 at 3:56 AM, Sputnik said:

    Could someone please do me a favour and let me know what leaders and units are options in Path To Glory? I'm particularly interested to know if Sylvaneth  are an option for a Living City Path To Glory campaign. Thanks!

    No Sylvaneth options in P2G for Living City, it's all CoS units in the lists.

    Basic gist for P2G is you choose your general from a big list of most characters, which gives you between 2 rolls on the follower table (for Annointed on Phoenix and other monster riders), 3 rolls for a Luminark or Hurricanum with Battlemage or Steam Tank Commander, 4 for most foot Heroes, and 5 for a Fleetmaster. Then, you have Duardin, Human, and Aelf Follower tables, Aelf and Human Cavalry tables, Elite followers (elite melee and ranged infantry), and Hero followers (all the foot heroes not in the General table).

    If you go with rolling a d6 on the tables to build your list as you go, you'll end up with an extremely mixed sub-faction list, which might not have the sorts of synergies that CoS depends on to do well, especially depending on the General you chose. It would suck to, for example, take a Nomad Prince and then roll a bunch of dwarves or humans.

    While I'm generally a fan of rolling for the units that end up in my army, I think that it would be difficult in CoS.

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  14. 4 hours ago, GM_Monkey said:

    Can always build them as wild riders if you don't fancy the Sisters of Thorn. Wild riders are pretty good cavalry unit now.

    Wild Riders seem real good, so long as you roll 4+ to wound well. Bouncing off things sucks hard, but they are absurd on the charge.

  15. 17 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    are sisters of thorn playable? bought a box blind today ... 

    Very much, in many cities. Their signature spell works only with Wanderers units, but they are a mobile mage unit that is only slightly more expensive than a battlemage. I'm a big fan of them now that they are priced reasonably!

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  16. @blubearbare I'd recommend bringing the Wild Riders in a single group of 10 - they are kind of a guided missile of a unit, and you really don't want them to bounce off something - which is a real possibility with 4s to wound. With 10 models attacking, you can basically guarantee enough wounds to make it worthwhile on whatever they charge into.

    I'd also recommend not bothering with an Arch-Revenant to babysit your Kurnoth Hunters, since they really don't need the buff to hit. Instead, you could bring a unit of 10 Shadow Warriors, which are a great multi-purpose unit for whatever you need them for.

  17. 56 minutes ago, Atreyu said:

    4 boxes of Wyldwoods, or 8 boxes of Wyldwoods in total, since a Wyldwood can consist of up to 6 individual pieces?

    On most tables, set up using the rules in the GHB2k19, you're not going to fit that many trees on the table with any certainty. I've run with 2 bases, and with 3 you'd be just fine I think. Lots of our units want to be in cover, and with the amount of terrain on the table now you'll have it most of the time - especially the new terrain that units can actually stand on.

    I think 4 is probably the max you'll need - it's unlikely you'll set up more than one base at a time, and filling the whole board with forests aren't really a thing any more.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    But then why is there always so much complaining about balance if balance is something not really considered or cared about?

    It's definitely considered, but often people complain about unbalance when one player brings a list the other person's army simply can't deal with. No one has a good time in a one-sided contest - especially if both sides are not on the same page about the competitiveness of the game taking place. Most of the complaints I've seen have been because of Slaanesh and FEC making melee lists just not a thing in the competitive scene, when they have been for a while - which is a fair point, but such lists are shredded by ranged-focused lists - which are in turn shredded by infiltrating lists that can lock things in combat - which are in turn shredded by hordes, which are countered by elite armies, etc.

    To play at a high level you have to decide how you want to win and bend your whole list around that win condition, working towards that win condition and minimizing the chances of that win condition failing. This necessarily means that while you engineer a very competitive list you are also conceding, and indeed engineering, the circumstances that flatly beat you. Some lists in such an environment will simply destroy you, because you are leaning so far towards a certain strategy.

    Basically, a competitive environment encourages specialization and intense focus, which creates a lot of counter-comps and ultimately one-sided matchups. This is the nature of competitive play and it's certainly not a new situation in the hobby.

    With all of that said, for almost every person playing, these things are not, nor should they be, a consideration. Most people aren't playing at the ruthless bleeding edge of competitive play - they are collecting the models they like, fielding the armies they think are cool, and playing against friends and others in a more relaxed setting. For this level of play, AoS is pretty great, and will let you field anything reasonable and stand a decent chance. That's pretty good balance, for that level of play.

    At a competitive tournament level though? You get filth lists that will either hose their opponent or be hosed. Very few games will be down to the wire unless the two armies at the table match up well in terms of both win conditions and strategies.

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  19. Kurnoth with bows are only decent next to an Arch-Revenant, who can give them the +1 to hit bubble. I use 3 in my larger games to target heavier infantry and monsters, and wound them before they reach my lines. Sylvaneth ranged attacks aren't that great for sniping foot heroes, but I feel pretty confident bringing 3 along at 2k to punch up monsters and elite infantry.

  20. 14 hours ago, adreal said:

    How are people dealing with the low amount of cp we get in this city?

    I think this city leans pretty hard into alpha-striking and burning command points very fast and early, and so the long-term generation of them isn't as much of a consideration. If you're banking on punching a large hole in your opponent's offensive capability with your initial assault, you really won't have the legs to go for a longer match if that fails, so it's not going to matter as much as it would in a more grindy, less tricky city, which is going to need those command points to grant battleshock immunity, reroll hits, and otherwise shore up infantry blocks.

    edit - On the converse, if it strikes you, you could go for a second-turn offensive push and bank your command points, which would give you 2-4 to use on your second-turn assault, 3-5 if you bought an additional command point for your list. That should be enough to carry out your ambush, which is largely the point of the city's strategy.

  21. I played a game this weekend, 2v2, with a Living City army at 1250, almost entirely Wanderers. My list was a NP with Ironwood Artisan and the Spear of the Hunt, a Ghur Battlemage adjutant with Ironoak Skin, 20 EG, 10 WWR, 5 Wild Riders, 10 SotW, 5 SotT with Cage of Thorns, and two groups of 10 Shadow Warriors. My ally was a Nurgle player who had a Sorcerer on a Manticore, Rotigus, three groups of Plaguebearers, and a Choas Beast.

    Our opponents were an FEC army with a group of 12(!) Crypt Horrors, an Archregent, and a couple other buff heroes and a Tzeench player with 6 surfer Enlightened, a LoC, a Magister, and a bunch of acolytes, and horrors.

    My general observations are that EG properly buffed with Ironoak Skin and the SotT signature spell are scary enough that not even an imperial crapton of Crypt Horrors wants anything to do with them. Sadly, my Wild Riders bounced off the Crypt Horrors and failed to do any significant damage - 4s to wound is generally atrocious, at least for me. I'm still going to keep them, as a sample size of 1 is not even a blip, but I can see that they'll be very swingy - and probably worth putting 10 on the field for more certain damage output.

    Because of the nature of scenario, a lot of my cooler tricks didn't come into play - I didn't get my NP into combat, and there were too many things happening on the periphery for me to properly buff the units I got into combat. I did infiltrate with my SotW, which did serious work, both on their attack and overwatch - their MW generation is pretty satisfying. I did get to use the LC command ability to shoot-and-scoot my SotT out of harm's way, and I can see the clear potential there. I also infiltrated with my WWR and got the charge into the LoC - and chunked a goodly amount of wounds off, even with 10 models. In retrospect going with 10 EG and 20 WWR would probably have been enough to kill the dude - good to keep in mind for later.

    Also, +1 to run and charge with a musician is wonderful in CoS. Really helpful!

    Lastly, the real standout unit for me were the Shadow Warriors (The only not-Wanderers in the list!). I infiltrated first turn with one of them and killed the enemy Magister before he could magic our faces off, and the second group came in the next turn to menace the Archregent and tie up the Horrors in combat for just a bit longer, which really helped out. For their utility and damage output, they are definitely useful to bring to any game, especially for their points.

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  22. Hallowheart is extremely counter-meta at the moment, where you never want to get into melee with the really filthy armies because of ASF and double pile-ins. Hallowheart also doesn't care at all how magical you are because of how strong their unbinds and casts are, and have the oomph to magic most things off the table.

    I think Hallowheart will be in a similar place to Shootcast - you're going to obliterate many meta armies, but others will be able to run over and mangle your fragile line - pretty much anything that infiltrates should do well, because they present no targets until they are dealing lots of damage.

  23. 39 minutes ago, Arathorn185 said:

    Any thoughts on what city you’d run with shadowblades?


    Seriously, they are probably one of the best units in the whole army, for versatility, offensive power, deep-striking, and mind-gaming your opponent. All that for 110 points is excellent.

    As an aside, has anyone considered using Gryph-hounds as their retinue? Those doggos have 3 wounds each and come in groups of 6 for 140 - with 18 wounds! A group of 12 would give you a 36-wound retinue! They don't have a save, but that's hardly a problem when you have that many wounds imo. Also, they are fantastic chaff, because they can block, fight, and then possibly run away before things hit them, and get out of combat - or at least before more than 1 thing hits them.

    I don't own any myself, being as I'm not a Stormcast player, but almost any army can benefit from a squad of good doggos.

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