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Posts posted by cyrus

  1. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I wouldn't take Blacktalon nor Hammer and Bolter as a source of minis. In Hammer and Bolter we have the free guild humans with the empire look rather than the new one.

    Yes and no : We have seen already Callis & Toll

    The Blacktalons


    Upcoming Darkoath riders ( as per Whitefang hints and silhouette)



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  2. On the topic of Beast of Chaos , we may see in the future pestigors and khornegors and eventually a cross battletomes list , which include also tzaangors and slaangors , such as Legion of first prince.


    We have already see pestigors in blacktalon animation


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  3. 33 minutes ago, Togetak said:

    The thing with those squatted WHFB holdover kits, like with Slaves and Seraphon, is that they were either replaced in the refresh or (in CoS’ unique case) kind of orphaned and on the way out to begin with, coming from microfactions that didn’t necessarily have much support in the army or particularly playable rules. Cutting down model bloat or refreshing a line by replacing models with equivalents isn’t really the same as entierly axing an entire faction who’s recently had new models, has had a developing narrative in the current edition, and has had a substantial longstanding presence in the setting.


    I don’t necessarily think there’s anything about having the current number of chaos factions that prevents adding chorfs either, setting the max at seven is kind of odd

    Yes , freeguild (former empire) had a replacement but Wanderers and Phoenix Temple did not : Phoenix temple was heavy featured in the lore with the free city Phoenicium and Ur phoenix godbeast.

    We know that all those kits will return in Tow as Empire, Wood elves and High elves (all focus factions)

    I personally think AoS is already near the limit to sustainable number of factions ( 24 compare to 15 of WHFB)

    Anyway we  wait and see ! 🐐

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  4. 3 hours ago, Togetak said:

    I’m still pretty suspect on the idea of BoC being squatted too, I know whitefang liked that post of the guy saying “they’re going to be put in legacy and squatted next edition so they can be in TOW” but this coming a little more than a year after they got a new battletome and model (which would then just.. cease to exist, I guess? Go out of production a year after it was created?) is such a deranged decision to me, cutting a faction out of a preexisting mainline game and dropping all its presence in the world of that game so you can sell less of those models in a specialist side game, feels like an impossibly bad business decision  with no real reason to do it.


    I could see them getting a refresh, they’re one of the factions left who need it, but the idea of going “this faction that’s been in the game for the last three editions? It’s gone now, enjoy” basically arbitrarily is not something that makes any sense to me

    It is definitely a bad decision for BoC  players but I can see it happens.

    Only some months ago 13 CoS kits have been discontinued: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/13/cities-of-sigmar-range-announcement/

    All those kits have been playable for 8 AoS years !!

    I can see GW moving Beastmen range to ToW only where they are a focus faction ( and push on nostalgia sales) while free up a chaos slot in AoS for rumored upcoming Chorfs.

    If AoS index really drop in June along 4th edition then I can see BoC not listed and moved to legends as rumored.

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  5. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


    Honestly the new Warcry Warbands get me more excited than some of the mainline AOS releases.

    I cannot wait to see what the next Warbands are.

    Im hoping we move onto Ulgu and get a look at some;

    Morai-Heg Aelves.

    Idoneth Deepkin.

    Kharadron Scouting Party.

    Gloomspite Spider-Fang Raiders.

    Skaven Moulder creations.

    Ossiarch Tithe Bringers.


    Last but not least : Umbraneth/Malerion elves/Ulguroth Legionnaires 🌑🏴‍☠️

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  6. Come on guys : isn't there any company in the whole UK or Europe that can print battletome, make scenery or dices instead of Chinese companies ???

    GW wants to make as much profit as possible and producing in China with their low cost hardworking is their way to go ( Apple, Samsung, other it companies doing the same)


  7. 22 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    In the lore only killaboss ride gnashtoof (and great gnashtoof only) . Rest of lesser gnashtoof are used as a hunt pack by kruleboyz but not mount them. 

    « Gnashtoofs are used by Kruleboyz for various purposes with the smallest being used for dog-fights and hounding prisoners during blood hunts. Larger Great Gnashtoofs are used by mounts by the Killabosses who must first ride off a rodeo on the beast to claim it »

    That's my lesser gnashtoof riders ! :) (count as snarlfangs)


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  8. 11 hours ago, Danaork said:

    Can this Rumor Engine be a Hell pit Abomination refresh for new Skavens ? I longer have search an hypothese for this hand, and this model are so correct compared with it.




    The rumors from @SG Warhound and "liked" by @Whitefang are talking about new rat ogres , new worlfrats and new behemoth  !


    DANGER :
    Plague Censer
    Rat Swarms
    Giant Rats
    Gutter Runners

    seer warlock moulder
    Rat Ogors

    new warlock
    new warlord
    new artillery

    new verminlord
    new behemoth
    new wolfrats

  9. 5 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Just been looking at the lumineth shared at the last set of reveals. Likelihood that the water spirit will be a water horse based on their helms?

    After looking at the incoming lumineth again I do really like them.

    Someone noticed over the forum that it is likely a water buffalo based on the artwork. 


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  10. Since confirmed rumors said BoC going shortly in to legends so it means that 4th edition will reboot everything as 40K 10th edition did last summer. 

    That means index for every grand alliance incoming in summer.

    And probably the last great purge of whfb leftovers.

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  11. 23 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    So you're saying all the stuff in the narrative about Morghur, the Witherdwell, Ghorraghan Khai, and the Turnskin Plague will just be dropped completely without explanation?

    Phoenix temple, Ur phoenix and Phoenicium were discontinued in the lore without any explanation from GW.

    Of course rumors are rumors until it happens as @Gaz Taylor said !

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    Rob is not a source, he's just an influencer.

    He is not just an influencer: his rumors on chorfs coming in 4th edition was "liked" from our seer Whitefang ( the original).

    So even if it sounds weird we have recently seen a lot of kits from cities that have been discontinued and we will see them back in tow : Freeguild/Empire , Wandereres/Wood elves , Phoenix temple/High Elves.


  13. Moving BoC range from AoS to ToW has been already said by Rob the honest wargamer a couple of weeks ago so this last rumors pair and back up previous rumors.

    I hope al least that in the future they will release pestigors and khornegors so AoS players could play  them along tzaangor and slaangor in a mixed army .

  14. 31 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    That is true. Didnt we also get the Soulblight Gravelords refresh around the same time?

    I think GW wants to release as much as possible before 4th drops. After that i think it will be a lot of 40k/ToW/other games while we wait for the AoS dust to settle.

    Soulblight dropped in mid may ( just checked ) while BR Kragnos dropped end of May

    I forgot Ushoran + Blood Queen Sekhar from previous list !

    Whitefang liked a comment on a mid size release for STD/Darkoth along with dawnbringers 6 : It can be 5 kits as ironjawz or maybe less. We will probably find out at the Adepticon in March.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Could still be possible for the other "kings" to get a release. Broken Realms Kragnos had these models. I would say there is room for a few surprises.







    You should consider that Dawngringers had already more miniatures than broken realms : as far as i remember BR Morathi and BR Teclis come with no miniatures , BR Belakor come with Belakor itself and then BR Kragnos with Kragnos itself , Lord kroak, Slaanesh twins , warsong and van denst family.

    I mean we had already :

    4 heralds

    Trugg + Ironjawz 2nd wave

    Ionus + Belathanos + Neave blacktalons

    Ushoran + Blood queen Sekhar

    Krethusa + Callis and Toll band

    Probably Lady of Ruin + darkoath riders + Kul ascended

    I will be very happy if it turns out more than this  ;)

  16. 6 hours ago, Kronos said:

    Call me cuckoo For coco puffs but I reckon each of the Harbingers will bring, and so far, has brought a respective King. The Marrow Scroll Herald linked to Ushoran and the Gloomspite Harbinger brought us Trugg.

    So we are yet to see A king, or something similar for Both Nurgle and for Fyreslayer. My money is that these are for “Nurgle king” equivalent, no idea what Fyreslayer would have as a  “King”


    I’ve not been following Dawnbringers lore nor any news about it much so apologies if already discussed or disproven. 



    That's was everybody speculation at very beginning of Dawnbringers campaign but Dawnbringers book 3 brought Ionus and Belthanos "instead of " supposed Fyreslayer king and we know already that Dawnbringers 6 will bring along  STD Lady of Ruin ( + Darkoath riders) " instead of" supposed Nurgle big character.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    4th edition will almost certainly be revealed at Adepticon (March 20 to 24) and will likely launch in June.

    Dawnbringers 4 is being released February 10

    Dawnbringers 5 will likely be released around Adepticon, and Dawnbringers 6 will be released in April/May or just get canned like the Alarielle Broken Realms book

    It seems like there have been some setbacks in the release schedule due to whatever caused Legion Imperialis to get delayed.

    Hard to get excited about Dawn 5/6 if there's a new edition within a few months!

    Dawnbringers book 5 will come shortly after Dawnbringers 4 they said during the preview , so less than a month and likely very beginning of March.

    Dawnbringers 6 with a STD/darkoath mid size release is already confirmed by Whitefang, likely early april    :)


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