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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. Stormcast are not allowed to ride horse πŸ˜ƒ I think Stormcast have already anykind of mount : dracoth, stormdrake, tauralon, gryph charger, dracoline, stardrake !!! We hope for something fancier !
  2. My take on Stormcast : Lord-Ruinator on Azyrite steed Knight-Ruination Knight Vexillor with banner of ruin 10 new liberators in thunderstrike armour 3 new Retributors in thunderstrike armour 3 new prosecutors in thunderstrike armour 5 brand new Ruinators πŸ’€ Let's do 4th edition box bingo ! πŸ˜‰
  3. I think it will be big as Leviathan too : so roughly 25 Stormcast and 47 Skaven ! I really hope Stormcast contain at least a ruination chamber unit and not "just boring" refresh of liberators/retributors/prosecutors in thunderstrike armour. Sigmar lied ! πŸ’€
  4. No Dominion was 155 € But I am sure new box will be 200€
  5. From Whitefang hints Vandus is going to die ! Sigmar lied ! Stormcast are not eternal ! not even Vandus ! Ruination chamber incoming ! πŸ’€
  6. I hope ruination chamber is in the starter set and they look like Ionus !
  7. I think Chaos is out and it is probably Order following the path :
  8. Yes , they all belong to Lady of Ruin and her daemonic mount/steed Credits to @Clan's Cynic
  9. There is no Warhammer fest as physical event but it could be possible to have a Warhammer fest online as it was in 2021 due to covid/pandemia and where they revealed AOS 3.0 : 9 of the Biggest Reveals from Warhammer Fest Online - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) At the Adepticon they could just show a short teaser about 4.0 .... because we want to see finally the Lady of Ruin ! πŸ˜ƒ
  10. From @SG Warhound New 4th edition rumours DANGER: Plague Censer Rat Swarms Giant Rats Gutter Runners Refresh: seer、warlock、moulder clanrats、stormvermin ALL WEAPONTEAMS Jezzails、Globadiers Rat Ogors NEW: new warlock new warlord new verminlord new artillery new behemoth new wolfrats
  11. It was in a way hinted by Whitefang but confirmation that Darkoath will replace Marauder kits (which will be moved to ToW )
  12. Absolutely agree on that but rumors from @Whitefang back me upsays that we move/stay to/in Asqhy .
  13. From the rumors I heard (Hastings) the game will develop with narrative books/campaign after the 2 year factions release : from year 2276 in border princes wars heading slowly towards year 2301 with siege of Praag (great war against chaos) (Current) ToW design manager is Rob Alderman which is Middlearth design manager as well: so I would expect same support and development. We can not really compare ToW to HH.
  14. Yes but consider that it will take 2 years to release the 9 focused factions ( one every 3 months with 3 waves). Then the support will be more or less what Middlearth got : campaigns books with new FW resins kits. And yes, BoC seem to be moved into ToW.
  15. He received already a couple of " like" from Whitefang the original. Every body was guessing about bretonnian/halflings team but he made a " word game" about genomes=gnomes. He has definitely some good source
  16. @Whitefang back me upwas right about gnomes/genomes team : one more point for him !πŸ‘
  17. Do we know the time yet of the preview ? Morning or afternoon?
  18. Whitefang liked this SG Warhound's post too! πŸ’ͺπŸπŸ€ maybe "warpvolt obliterators" are the "Skaven new invention" that can "destroy" Stormcasts' souls ??
  19. Refresh of clan rats, stormvermin ,grey seer and warlord are pretty much confirmed by Whitefang and they are listed in SG Warhound rumors. I think we are all looking for "a Tyranids refresh treamentent" for Skaven 4.0 πŸ˜‰πŸ€πŸ
  20. For reference this is the first rumors of @SG Warhound liked by Whitefang πŸ­πŸπŸ€
  21. I think even earlier : "Things are going from bad to worse in the Mortal Realms, and yet more depredations are to come in Dawnbringers Book V: The Shadow of the Crone, which is coming to a pre-order near you very soon… " Probably preorder 2nd of March
  22. They deliberately reclyced TTW3 artworks for TOW. For the first 2 years and an half after the announcement they published only maps. They probably start working on the project in June 2022 when Hastings reported the rumours about Bretonnia and Tomb kings kits back in production for " fancy painting for the new book". Don't expect more than the 9 focused factions and Middlearth style support.
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