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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. But now are the Dawnbringers ' times !
  2. She is the boss of varanguard in Dawnbringers book 1 , likely the liutenent of Archaon in Ghyran. We do have three RE for her , one confirmed from Whitefang.
  3. AoS 4 starter set is already super confirmed to be Stormcast vs Skaven
  4. Since Dawnbringers book 4 is not in preorder next Saturday, should we expect tomorrow either the reveal of Morghast hero or Nighthaunt hero ?
  5. In the last stream Valrak confirmed next pairings to be O&G vs Dwarfs Followed by Empire vs Empire ( not 100% sure about this) No mention to time release
  6. Yes , the pairings are likely the ones we see in the ToW symbol , so Empire stand alone/civil war
  7. Last Valrak rumors was O&G vs Dwarfs but he did not mention the time of release O&G vs Empre in summer was a Hastings' rumors
  8. When do we think GW will drop the reveal today ?
  9. Yes , and Whitefang confirmed the remake of the warrior chamber in thunderstrike armour! Clan eshin refresh is my bet for the Skaven side. However we need an updated AoS roadmap: come on GW !
  10. Yes preorder 6th of January and release 20th January : as Elarin reported.
  11. Do you think it is enough as a confirmation ?
  12. It was confirmed by Rob the honest wargamer during a recent stream: he got probably already the ticket for the preview.
  13. There will be probably a second wave one - two months after as we have in AoS . Tk is in better shape than bretonnia with 8th edition kits as tomb guard , sepulchral stalkers and necrosphinx. We have already seen Ushabti and Carrion artwork which will be probably fw resin recast.
  14. So probably next monday new year 1st January ?
  15. As reported by Elarin on the other topic : ToW preorder is 6th of January , release 20th January
  16. Here we go The Full Reveal !!!! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/26/warhammer-the-old-world-the-tomb-kings-of-khemri-revealed/
  17. Today it is probably the full ToW reveal : "Thereโ€™s no Old World Almanack next Monday โ€“ itโ€™s Christmas Day after all, but check in on the 26th for something of an off-white Christmasโ€ฆ" "Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal ( buu just dark angels ) , followed by something special on Boxing Day"
  18. "Tomb kings one " is probably the rumored eldar swooping hawks. The boney one seems Ossiarch to me. "Cities/Hobgrot" are the most mystery ones
  19. But but we probably have 3 RE for Lady of Ruin , 2 RE for Nighthaunt poisoner, 2 for Kurnothi, 1 Ossiarch , 1 Nurgle , 1 stormcast and maybe more !
  20. From Warcom : "Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for whatโ€™s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this yearโ€™s Miniature of the Year vote."
  21. Horus heresy but it is kind of exception since it is space marines "all night long "
  22. ToW article is already planned for the 26th Dec : probably the full reveal. ToW is a specialist game as Middlearth so no summer big release and so no switch to 4 year.
  23. So last year we had 3 articles/video teaser , one for each main system: AoS / HH / 40K On 28th/29th/30th December This was for AoS/Mortal Realms: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/12/28/whats-in-store-for-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-in-2023/
  24. It is the same model but it is all chaos : Lady chaos !
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