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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. There are no rumors about squatting Bonesplitterz , there are only speculations of some users . Hedkrakka madmob was released at the end of 2nd edition while Da Kunnin Krew was at very beginning of 3rd edition.
  2. It seems strange since Kruleboyz had already a warband. My bet is on Bonesplitterz icebone
  3. November release schedule is now full with Admech/Necron codex and then ( finally) Legions Imperialis. December is normally focused on Xmas gifts and shopping, and maybe some exclusive commerative models . So January is most likely release window for Fec If Fec will get a armyset as Cities, Seraphon and Std , then we could have something like this: January: Fec Armyset February: Dawnbringers book 4 March : Fec full release
  4. True! Gw could just coming out with a sort of Drogrukh " varanguard " which accompany Kragnos in his rides. Considering Kragnos is already 720 points , probably with 9/12 buddy ponies players can reach a 2000points standard full Drogrukh list .
  5. Survived and moved to other hidden place in ghur
  6. Don't want to spoiler much but yes they are alive 👹
  7. Drogrukh race/population which was lost/gone during broken Realms campaign. Kragnos has " Drogrukh " keyword in his warscrolls. So in book 3 they seem to be survived/alive.
  8. Yes and no : Kragnos is not really part of Kruleboyz release . Yes , no tyranids showed up during Ark of omen campaign. So I don't wait skaven release during Dawnbringers campaign while we have strong hints and rumors on Dok/Morai heg , Obr , Std , Khorne and Cities. Apparently from book 3 we know that Drogrukh ( scions of Kragnos) are still alive ....👹
  9. Skaven seems strange to me since they are strongly rumored ( Whitefang and Valrak) to be the antagonists of 4th Edition starter.
  10. If you know something : say it to us ! 😉 We already know that some whfb kits will be double system : steam tank , longbeards/hammerers, irondrakes/ironbrakers.
  11. Don't worry my friend : spiderfang and bonesplitterz will stay in AoS. Old world greenskins will be basically the models discontinued in 2019 , plus a few new minis coming in august 2024
  12. We could count Trugg as Troggoth as 7th (sub) faction ? Yes , I think we have strong hints of : 8)STD - Lady of ruin 9) Khorne - either Scyla or Valkia 10) DoK - Morai heg 11)Obr - Morghast hero
  13. Here at Warhammer-Community.com, .( ........)our highly anticipated first look into rules from Warhammer: The Old World Rules article incoming !
  14. It was fake . It was just a screeshot of an html edited webpage. In the 3rd ed book Malerion elves are named as Ulguroth legionaries. Malerion and Morathi have a " no attack each other" pact with shadow daemons.
  15. Lord Kroaq costs 2 times a Slann , last year we had only Gobsprakk as big name character on 100+ € value
  16. So only a bunch of CoS kits with Dawnbringers book 3 ? It is strange. I thought we gonna see the CoS full release instead.
  17. Yes , as far as we know from Valrak that's ToW has been pushed to beginning of 2024 and Legions Imperalis took the November slot instead. I believe we will see CoS full range release in the second part of October and Dawnbringers book 3 in the second part of November . What if Dawnbringers book 3 is order focused, as book 2 was Destruction focused, and we get fyreslayers and kurnothi minis ?
  18. New ironjawz boxes are labelled as " Orruk warclans ardboyz, Orruk warclans Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta, Orruk warclans brute ragers and so on.
  19. ( at least) 12 factions for Dawnbringers campaign. Cities can be anyway part of these with rumored models for Callis and Toll. We don't know if Blacktalon and her gang will be Dawnbringers as well. We have strong rumors also about fyreslayers, kurnothi and khorne ( scyla anfigrimm) Sigmar saves Whitefang!
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