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Posts posted by Thenord

  1. 8 hours ago, Malakree said:
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    Shiny Wotnot Change the last sentence to:
    ‘If the mortal wound was inflicted by an endless spell, on a 6+ that mortal wound is negated, and that endless spell is dispelled (any other mortal wounds it could have inflicted are negated).’

    Oh wow. That's insane vs some things, if the Stormcast meteor comes down you take them on the Troggboss and get the 6 it stops EVERY mortal wound it would do O.o If Endless spells become prevalent then this is amazing. Hell it makes him good in normal Gloomspite armies for the protection this brings.

    Yep, especially since the chance of dispelling it, goes up with each mortal wound he'd take. 

  2. Well, I'm glad to hear more experienced IJ players also blaming the mission (and that stupid, stupid(!) realm feature). as I said, looking back at  the game and talking to my opponent, who's a great guy btw, i really couldn't see how it could've turned out any different..  at least we're not gonna play that mission and realm tomorrow.. So hopefully I'll get a break with the mission and feature next game. Thanks for the tips :)

    btw. you think skargrot will be auto include as ally for ironjawz? He looks insanely good, even tho he can't be our general for extra CP.. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mayple said:

    What was your list? What scenario did you play?

    Advice aside, you can try asking the Lon player to use a suboptimal (not bad) list against you so that you can more easily identify how to pick apart that faction. For learning purposes, essentially. He'd benefit too, since it gives him more of a challenge.

    But I'll see what I can do for you anyway when I know your list and the scenario :) I don't think you shouldn't play against Lon. That won't help you figure out how to beat it at all :)

    i should mention the games are preperation for a tournament next weekend (he's going) so it's gonna be pretty optimised lists he's runnig :)


    My list was:

    Cabbage boss; ironclad, gildenbane

    footboss: golden toof


    2x warchanter

    10 brutes- jagged hakas

    20 ard boys

    2x3 pigs



    Mission.  Knife to the heart
    Realm feature was: Only units with fly can run (pretty handy for him and pretty bad for my haha)


    Deployment: I had pigs on opposit flank, cabbage boss left, ard boys on my objective with a chanter and wierdnob mixed in, brutes, footboss and other chanter on right flank behind pigs.  :)

  4. 8 hours ago, Malakree said:

    It's a matched play thing, not a version thing. If you aren't playing with the matched play rules then you can pick any model as your general and cycle to another when it dies.

    Don't play vs LoN. There is advice but against a properly built list it's basically play your army perfectly and take advantage of any mistakes he makes. I would need about an hour of talking over specific situations to try and explain what you can do.

    Yeah, that's the feeling I got during the game. Was talking with my opponent afterwards, and he honestly couldn't see what I could have done different to his army. Most other strong armies (deepkin, nurgle etc) I can find some way, to just put out some damage or make the game interresting.. But seems really defficult against LoN. 

  5. got a re-match on wednsday against a LoN list. Last time he brought a vamp lord on dragon, two necros, 30 reapers, 2-3x 10 skellies,  10  hexwraiths and a mournghoul.. I got absolutely blasted. Killed the 30 reapers he threw at me turn one. Buuuuuuut then they just came back from one of his graves in his turn. 
    Maw krusha boss got tied up with the mournghoul and blasted with debuffs (- to hit/wound and damage) ..


    Anyone got some advise on what I can do. I just wanna last a little longer than bottom or turn three and actulla put up a fight..

  6. 6 hours ago, Banglesprout said:

    It depends what kind of list you're running.

    I think if you're planning on playing a Gorefist then 15 isn't too many at all, and you may even want a few more!

    On the other hand for other kinds of list it probably is more than you need.

    So I guess the question is; do you want to play Gorefist (or at least have the option to)?

    It's not that I have a goal to play a full gorefist list. My question were more bases on the productivity of the gruntas, as oposed to ard boys or brutes 🙂

  7. What do you guys think is too many gore gruntas? I have 6 at the moment, but have been offered another 9 for about 105 USD. 

    So that would leave me with 15 in total. But is that too many in a 2k army. Not in regards to competitiveness of list (most of the guys I play against are sylvaneth with lots of dryads, nurgle with bearers and blightkings, LoN grimghast reapers... you get the picture?) but more if it will make my list less effective? overall I really like my gruntas, they're "fast", survivable, hits ok.

    But what do you think?

  8. So I had my first three games with the Jawz last saturday. It was a small 8 man club casual tournament 1500 points.

    The list I had was

    Cabbage boss (general, Ironclad and gildenbane)




    2x3 Gruntas

    10 brutes with hackas

    Ironskullz boys

    1 st. game vs. Mixed skaven
    Mission: Duality of death

    Mixed skaven list, with a deciever, 2 big clan rat units, stormfiends, grey seer, arch warlock and some other stuff.

    Recap: He took first turn, didn't really do anything. I moved cabbage boss up on one of the objectives, flanked by ironskull and his boys as well as a grunta unit (they stayed here al through the battle)

    the rest of my army and most of his turned for the second objective and ended up in a huge battle, where I ended of slaying his hero on the objective, while claiming the other for 5 turns in a row. 

    Result: Major victory

    2 nd. Game Sylvaneth

    Misson: Focal points

    He brought, Durthu, drytcha, some hunters, big block of dryads and some other things.

    It was a really close battle. The high light was when he turn two soummened a forrest close to my left flank, teleported durthu and drychta on it and durthu got the charged of on a grunta unit clubbing them to death (did 36 damage). Then my turn I got rampaging destroyer of on my cabbage boss, moved him a total of 24 ", got the charge of on durthu and absolutely blasted him of the table. 

    Meanwhile his dryads, a unit of hunter (and drychta later) grinded with my brutes, ironskulls boys and support characters in the middle

    The game came down with him needing to make two 3+ battleshock test, to hold on to his objectives. He made them both.

    Result: Minor loss

    3 rd game Ogors

    A mixed destruction list with gut busters as the bulk of the army and a frostlord on thundertusk as general

    Not much to write about here, two armies that wanted to get up close and personel and boy did they do just that! By the end of turn three I had killed every model in his army...

    Result major victory

    Thougths and conclusion:

    Cabbage boss - Absolutely amazing, without a doubt the MVP of the list. The amount of punishment he could dish out was insane. In game 2 he ended up killing durthu, 6 hunters and 15+ dryads, taking 4 wounds in return. Really like the combo of ironclad and gildenbane (****** you and your dobbeltganger cloak HA!)

    Footboss - he was a good buffer for the brutes giving them reroll 1's and saving one or two critical bravery checks, but other than he didn't do that much

    Wierdnob - totally useless.. Got like one or two spells of with him and unbinded one on the entire day.

    Chanter - great, that +1 to hit on brutes, that's close to a boss is just awesome and for 80 points he's a steel.

    10 brutes insane damage output again, in the skaven game they managed to kill three stormfiends (thay had +1 form chanter, reroll 1's from boss and maybe +1 attack from the waaagh, can't remember)

    gore gruntas - really like theese guys, they are fast hit descently and can actually tarpit quite well or just speed bum stuff for a turn. I think I need more!

    Ironskulls boys - gonna change these guys for a second chanter.

    Overall I like the list and the army, but I would like some more speed, command point, an item on the footboss and some more screening, maybe also mortal wounds.


    So I think my list for 2000 point will be something like this:

    Cabbage boss (general, Ironclad and gildenbane)

    Footboss (boss skewer/golden toof/ something from chamon realm?)




    2x3 Gruntas

    6 gruntas

    10 brutes with hackas

    quicksilwer swords

    Gorefist batallion 

    This wil deffinetly give me speed, since i can now have 12 gruntas deep inside enemy terretory turn one, and tho they may not be super killy, they're still something that need to be dealt with. especially if they come chrushing down one flank..

    I get an extra command point and item (not sure what I should go for)

    The swords are mostly for fun and to see if I can get a few lucky mortal wounds in, might just leave it and hope for a tirumph.

    Anyways, that was my first experience and thoughts with this awesome army!



  9. 10 hours ago, Malakree said:


    Have each of the chambers with their own units and allegiances.

    • Extremis with Dracoths as Battleline and all Dracoth/Stardrake units part of this chamber.

     Suddenly if you want to use a mounted Lord-Celestant you're either putting 3 units of liberators on the board, a 300 point battleline tax and losing your specific allegiances, or you're playing as Extremis.


    As someone who actually plays strickly Extremis chamber(as much as I legally can) this would make me sooooo happy !


    But back to my Ironjawz.

    I got a 1500 point 3 game local tournament comming up in November. This will be my first tournament and properbly some of the first battles I'll have with Ironjawz. So my big question now is; Mawkrusha or formation? or neither? Seems like at lot of points out of a 1500 point army..

  10. So, I finally finished painting my last tempestos model and my (All most) pure 2k Extremis chamber list is now ready for an upcomming 6 game league in my club. But I can't decide om wich stormhost to use and what my second artefact should be. And would like to hear what you guys think. 

    The Lost will be like this 

    Drakesworn templar 


    2x5 liberators 

    5 judicators

    2x2 tempestos

    2x2 fullminators

    Lightning echelon


    The units and formation is fixed, they are the ones I want to play with.

    Only question is which stormhost and what extra item would you go for? 


  11. Thanks @broche that makes sence. I thought geminids were useless after the FAQ but I guess you can still hit two different units with one of each?

    What do you think of this then: 

    Cabbage boss

    Foot Boss



    10 ard boys

    10 ard boys

    10 brutes 

    6 gruntas 

    2 rock lobbas 


    1980 points and 151 wounds.

  12. 3 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Or even drop the cogs for a unit of 10 savage orruks to sit around the weirdnob.

    One question, how are you getting 50 points spare. The list only has even costed units so it should be a 60 or 40 left.

    Allegiance: Ironjawz

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

    20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)
    10 x Orruk Brutes (360)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

    4 x Ironskull's Boyz (80)

    Total: 1900 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 147

    ahh I see, cogs are 60 points not 50.

    @Malakree Oh my bad.. Been working with so many lists I mix them up some time. You're right in that its 1960 points and not 1950. 

    Regarding the savage orruks, I would like to keep my army pure ironjawz, only thing I might ally in would be 2 rock lobbas, which I think are really underrated with the new rules of LOS in the shooting phase ☺️

    I could skip the cogs and ironskulls boys to bump the ard boys to 30 and then hit the magical 1950 for an extra command point (and 12 more wounds..) that might be Better?

  13. Gonna try out this list when I get the last models I'm missing.

    Megaboss on cabbage (generel, ironclad and daubing of gork)



    2x chanter 

    20 ard boys

    10 brutes with Gore hakas and klaw on boss

    2x3 gruntas 

    Ironskulls boys


    1950 points. 

    Chain of ard boys in front with brutes right behind with their 2" reach.  Characters  behind and gruntas on flanka, ironskulls boys ledt behind for objektiv / denying DS. Hopefullyhen 2 times waaaaaaaaargh! 

    whatch a thinki g?

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  14. 1 hour ago, Rock Lobster said:

    That would take away my ability to blame my losses on being a sub par faction... can’t have that.

    To be honest I think a lot of flexibility and good stuff could be opened up through minor changes:

    reduce the cost of the non used battalions

    for ardfist and wierdfist allow more than 1 warchanter and shaman respectively

    ardboys in 5 man units, max 20, otherwise points remain consistent at 80/300.

    in megabattalions allow megaboss on foot or mawkrusha, also allow other maxed out battalions besides ironfist.

    reduce foot of gork casting cost by 1.

    if points changes are being made I would target 5% reduction in typical list or circa 100 points. Imagine your current list with 100 extra points and the above flexibility. 

    I don’t think brutes and gore gruntas at bravery 7 would be unreasonable - 6 doesn’t feel right for the fluff they have.

    I think that would open up some fun lists without being OP.


    This! This would actually help a lot and could be done via a FAQ. Hopefully gw will make it right, at some point...

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  15. 10 hours ago, Malakree said:

    They act as a very cheap screen, space blocking or objective claiming unit.

    EDIT: Honestly though we could do with a proper warscroll update.

    1. 5+ save vs mortal wounds - Ironjawz Allegiance.
    2. Brutes and Ardboys raised to bravery 7.
    3. Brutes and Megabosses save raised to 2+
    4. Ardboys, GG's and Warchanters raised to 3+
    5. Cabbage fists, Smasha, Boss Choppa, Gore-Choppa and Rip-tooth Fist all raised to -3 rend
    6. Maw-Krusha damage table only reduces move by 1" per reduction.
    7. All other weapons with -1 rend increased to -2
    8. All weapons with 0 rend, other than the GG's tusks, increased to -1 rend
    9. On unmodified charge roll of 6+ GG's get -1 rend, at unmodified roll of 9+ get -2 rend and 2 damage
    10. Remove the Ironfist

    We'd actually be the Irontide we are supposed to be again. Hard to kill, slow as all hell and really painful when we get there.

    All of this combined would make IJ insanely op. Agree on some of Them, like better bravery, improve effect of gruntas charging and some kind og movement buff outside of over priced ironfist. But army wide 3+(2+) 5++ and minimum -2 rend on unit attacks? Cmon ?

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