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Posts posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. Looks like something similar to the Chaos Siege Giant from WHFB (is it missing an arm?). Maybe a Troggoth version of that, but I can't tell where the head is positioned. Small things look big but way too thin to be Troggs or Ogors. Maybe the Fimir people have been praying for.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Overread said:

    It's all about GW trying to find the ideal times that pair well with international exposure on a weekend.

    Yep, 6pm is late in Europe, but on the East Coast US it's noon. Go for lunch break, read about new releases.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    However, Gloomspite got a massive overhaul and new releases. I think the only thing untouched from the Gloomspite release were the Spiderfangs which are a really cool albeit slightly more niche but fully playable subfaction. 

    While Spiderfang got nothing directly due to keyword shenanigans inherent to the army, they had a lot of influence on the design of other parts of the Gloomspite. The Sneaky Snufflers have spider backpacks, the Poisoner Grot of the Gobbapalooza is one of those Spiderfang similar to the Silver Tower ones, half of the Endless Spells are spider themed (with Scuttletide being specifically designed for their use). That also doesn't count the variety of spiders and venomous insects spread around the new models like the Troggboss and Loonboss on Squig. While they got no new models, the designers did well incorporating their aesthetic into the army.

    Though if GW did a surprise release of new Spider Riders I would be on it faster than a Madcap Shaman consumes his stash of Redcaps.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    What kind of rewrites were you thinking of for the Dankholds? I think we can all agree that the points efficiency isn't there on the Dankhold, but unless all-out attack stays for the new edition his command ability is incredibly powerful.

    And im actually kind of iffy on whether or not to write off the Dankhold. Troggoth We know that they aren't great for their points. But I've only just played my first game as GG, but it was against someone who has a lot of experience with 40k and he vastly overvalued the Troggbosses output. I think on anything but high level competitive play, they can be a very effective threat with Hand of Gork since he: 1) is our smallest footprint Troggoth so hes the hardest to screen 2) Fellwaters don't have the shooting range to shoot out of deepstrike, and Rockguts need 6 to get their guaranteed mortal wound ability, so Dankholds lack of range is not as serious a drawback as it could be 3) They have 10 wounds that don't degrade or force a bravery check after the first 4 wounds.

    So based on that my inclination went from it completely being a warscroll flaw to just a points issue. And i could actually accept them being less efficient that Rockguts if the gap were a bit smaller.

    Personally I like the Dankhold Troggoth, but I originally come from 40k where distraction carnifexes are more of a thing, and I think it's funny when he takes all the arrows because he is the tallest one in my army. Obviously the tall ones are the scariest. I don't think he is bad in a vacuum, but Rockguts just feel better with their consistent 3 damage and better ability in the boulder throwing. I think they mostly need a lower points cost or minor tweak (like maybe +1 attack on the club, or maybe a buff to Squiggly Beasts).

  5. 1 hour ago, Dankboss said:


    The Troll Hag from total war wears giant/ gargant's skulls as a bra. The rumor engine definitely has curvature to it, and it'd be in line with the name Fellwater Morruks.


    Edit: can't seem to get an image to work.


    Oh my God, I pray it's her. I have been hoping for a plastic hag since Gloomspite released. If it is her, are they going to do full sized like FW, or shrink her down to being merely huge like in Total War.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Me-dude-sa said:

    Really interesting, I don't know much about Beastmen so correct me if I'm wrong, but

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    Is this the first time they're saying humans can mutate into them and that they can turn others into Beastmen?


    I don't know about in AoS, but it could happen in WHFB. If I remember right Turnskins used to be looked down upon in the Old World, many gors saw them as not true Beastmen, even lower than Ungors. This short story seems a lot friendlier to Turnskins.

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  7. I like well made soup. It's really appealing to me to be able to have multiple armies in one book, instead of having many small armies in their own book. Want to take a break from painting Moonclan? Well here, make an entire army of Troggoths who can work on their own or within the same force. I don't like mini battletomes with no options, like the original Ironjawz or Skaven Pestilens.

    Orruk Warclans could have done a better job joining the two sides (maybe a hero unit that has traits of Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz). Skaven's list building makes little sense and honestly shouldn't have treated the subfactions so disconnected from eachother. But I like how Gloomspite, Cities of Sigmar, and Mawtribes work. If unified Duardin works like that then count me in. I always wanted some Dispossessed to counter my Gloomspite but have been afraid to invest.

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  8. 3 hours ago, EchoHavoc said:

    I think from a business point of view it makes sense to soup things together for us. While KO is one of the most popular armies, Fyreslayers is not. 
    GW have had a lot of success with this in AoS. for example skaven, cities, clans, slaanesh (mortals and daemons). 

    from a lore sense this makes well almost none.
    However, even back in fantasy there were always more elf books than anything else. People really shouldn’t compare the two. The simple fact is, elves sell more dwarfs sell less. 

    My main army has been Fyreslayers since AoS 1. While I’m not thrilled about the idea of souping us all together. It’s better than having little to no support. So bring it on! 

    I see it like how Spiderfang is treating in the Gloomspite book. Mostly different culture, very different units, but Spiderfang don't have the popularity to be their own faction at the moment. I rather them be part of Gloomspite than being an awkward 3 kit tiny faction on their own.

    If both KO and Fyreslayers got the big Lumineth treatment that would be great, but Order is already having big faction bloat and the Elf fanbase in fiction always seems to be bigger. I would not be surprised if Grungni made a strained alliance of Duardin.

    Edit: Also for everyone saying "Soup means no new kits," when Gloomspite souped Moonclan, Troggoths, and Spiderfang they got like 10 new kits, terrain, and spells. It isn't impossible that this would add new KO, Fyreslayers, or Dispossessed units. It isn't guaranteed obviously, but it's still in the realm of possibility.

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  9. Excited for the lore updates and focus on Destruction. Of the four GAs Death was my least favorite and while 2.0 was cool i am glad to see someone else in the spotlight. I hope this means we can start losing some of out ancient resin like the Scuttleboss and Butcher.

    Worried because GW seems to stumble a lot when it comes to Greenskins in 40k and AoS. Great models, great lore on the models, but in the narrative they fall flat. I am having flashbacks to Vigilus and Saga of the Beast. The BR spoilers for Kragnos haven't helped that. K wouldn't put it past GW if this "Age of Destruction" gets hijacked by Nagash or Malerion.

    As far as gameplay goes I don't get to play much because of current events. It's hard to judge the health of the system currently when I haven't touched a battletome in over a year. I am not qualified to judge balance changes atm.

  10. 5 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    Not just that, they also spoiled Alarielle's actions are the reason why Kragnos got free.

    It's honestly the whole story of Kragnos book they were spoiling. 😂

    They probably had this article scheduled to come a week or two after Kragnos released, and no one went back to review the article when the release date was pushed back.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Probably not smart of them to spoil the ending of their final book before it's even out. There was literally no reason they needed to do it.

    I guess it let's us get the "Orks lose again" whinging out of the way before 3.0 launches...

  12. 7 minutes ago, Feii said:

    The Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers have been getting along better – the return of Grungni the Maker was a beacon of hope for all duardin. 

    Is this a spoiler as well? 


    Seems like it for the rumored combined duardin book. Also a weird note is they pair up Idoneth and DoK (not what I expected).

  13. 4 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Nonsense.  I refuse to believe it.

    It's not like the greater Khorgorath hasn't got the khorgorath keyword... oh.. hang on a minute!!


    So next GHB he'll be legends as a result, and that your honour is why I feel I can't drop 400 bones on the khorne dragon, as I can see the life expectency of that model in events being very short lived.

    Dear GW... please can we have our Chaos lord on dragon back, like it was in fantasy.  Ta muchly.

    This is why despite the Squig Gobba and Hag being my favorite FW models, I will never own them. I don't want to spend that kind of money just to have it discontinued in a few months. FW in the past few years has been a gamble.

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Killymcgee23 said:

    I asked myself "do I need a third doomwheel" and figured I know the answer to "what would Skreech Verminking do"

    More-more-more speed and warp-bolts! The best way to deal with units blowing themselves up is to bring more of them!

    On a more rumour-related note, is the consensus that the new hobgoblin/swamp ork/destruction force is coming in under the warclans banner? So basically like Ironjawz/Bonesplitters?

    Whitefang seems to have been implying that they are part of Orruk Warclans as the weedy new orruk variant, while other reliable rumor mongers are saying they are their own faction of Orruk/Hobgoblin. It's kind of up in the air at the moment.

    If Gitslayer is being coy about these gits (classifying them as a type of Grot and not Orruk) my personal bet would be on their own book (though I rather them be part of Warclans or Gloomspite depending on Orruk/Grot classification).

  15. A person on my nearby store's discord said they are listening to the new Gitslayer and (minor spoiler) they make an offhand remark about these new greenskins. They call them Boglobs or Boggobs or something (he could not tell). Almost as big as a man and they blend in with the trees.

    So that's my bad pointing everyone in the direction of the Morruk Hills for their name. It just seemed kind of obvious since it was so close to Excelsis.

    • Like 3
  16. I have been putting more thought into this since we are most likely going to be a footnote beside Kragnos, and I think we might get;

    • A Skragrott related battalion like a lot of the named characters seem to be getting in BR.
    • Grimscuttle tribe was mentioned in a previous post, so maybe a battalion or subfaction for them in the book.
    • And if we are lucky, a Gobbapalooza rewrite, like how those Fyreslayer heroes got a rewrite.

    Since we aren't the face of either major half of this Broken Realms (Kragnos or Chaos) it will probably be minor stuff.

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  17. 24 minutes ago, webert1 said:

    Hi people! Trying to bring some life to this sub.

    Are you excited about our BR:Kragnos? What would you like to see for the gitz? Simple changes that would greatly improve the faction.

    Would be nice if GW did with Skragrott what they did with lady Olynder (counting as a general even if she's not the general).

    On another note, Filip Nica went 4/0/1 at hammertime thunderdome  earlier this month with a jaws of Mork list including Grots and troggoths. Pretty exciting!


    I hope BR:Kragnos solidifies some of the subfactions introduced in the white dwarfs in a proper book. They really breath a lot of life in non-Moonclan lists.

    Otherwise, I would love to see some small tweaks to things like the Gobbapalooza and the Dankhold Troggoth. Gobbapalooza are my favorite models but are kind of awkward to use, The non-hero Dankhold is an awesome model, but doesn't do as much as the cheaper rockguts most of the time.

    My mushroom-fueled pipe dream is that Mollog becomes a fully formed hero with a Command Ability and slightly better weapon. The lil' baby Trogg who could lead an entire troggherd. Extremely unlikely, but fun to think about.

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  18. 55 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    I'd hope if it's a starter set force, that it will be relatively simple in terms of design, especially if there is a unit of basic troops. Then they can turn up the style and details on the heroes. 

    I am debating whether the hand grenade rumor engine is it's own dedicated unit (Some sort of Hobgob GobLobber) or if it is a special weapon for the basic Kroolboyz. With all the vials and bottles we have seen so far I wouldn't be surprised if one of their units throws witch's brew with different effects (like a Orruk version of the Alchemist from Tactics Ogre). So far from rumors/stuff we sort of can guess;

    • Warboss on some sort of Squig-Warg.
    • Squig-Warg riders.
    • Shaman with cauldron who splashes volatile brew
    • Basic Kroolboyz on foot
    • Maybe the rumored Hobgobs are their ranged unit. Bomb/Potion throwers?

    Since Starter sets tend to have 6-7 units per side I am a bit short. Maybe a small artillery piece or a third hero?

    • Like 2
  19. 28 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    Just in case if someone doesn't already saw this. 



    While I love it, I do want to warn anyone before they get their hopes up, this is fan art by a freelance illustrator named Cesede. It even says it in the Artstation tags. This doesn't mean anything for Total War.

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  20. 3 hours ago, MitGas said:

    This is the "future": https://merch-eur.warhammer.com/

    Normally I am not one for branded merch, and most is codex art awkwardly put on T-shirts, but some of it looks neat. The Gloomspite notebook is probably my favorite, it would be cool for something like a DnD Wizard or Druid to keep notes in, but the details are lacking. What are the dimensions, how many pages, etc?

    Edit: I am an idiot, it says under a different tab. 148x210mm, 80 pages,

  21. I liked the Neave Blackstone teaser and the weird new Orruk in it. If that's the Morruks I am down for it. Angels of Death looks a lot nicer than when GW first teased it, and I am excited to see more of it. Astartes 2 and more animation sounds awesome.

    I wanted to start with that because I try to be positive most of the time and not be a negative Nancy. That being said, for the love of the mortal realms, why would you create a warhammer-only streaming service? Streaming services are already getting crowded and a specialized service like this sounds doomed to fail. Putting your stuff on Amazon or Netflix has the benefits of strangers looking at it and going "wow that's cool, I am going to look more into this," like with the DotA and LoL shows. It increases brand recognition and fanbase size. Putting them exclusively on your own service seems really limiting, especially since it's going to have a small catalog of content.

    I could be super wrong, but I am getting Quibi flashbacks...

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