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Posts posted by Kramig

  1. New battletome doesn't mean new models. Actually in that list it is named only battletome, not other boxes for skaven. So, if that is a clue for the new battletome, it seems there will be no new miniatures, otherwise the actual model would be in that list

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  2. Like start collecting arrive no before 1 yeas, battleforces are like bigger start collecting. Gw doesn't want to sell on sale new armies for at least 1 year (except of course dominion) 

    Also it seems to me That an army could receive 2 boxes in 2 following years

    Moreover, battleforces are a way to sell what has remained in Gw stock 

    So I guess:

    - ossiarch 

    - cities or fyreslayer

    - slaanesh

    - ironjawz and bonesplitterz

  3. 4 hours ago, Thrst77 said:

    I think its fine. We have units like treelords and tree revenants that can teleport without having to use the 1 teleport per round. Often times I don't feel the need to teleport more than one unit.

    I was forgetting that them have their own rule, thanks! 

  4. Hello guys! I am starting playing beasts of chaos. Yesterday I had my second match with this army; my list was the following:




    Tzaangor shaman

    3x10 bestigor

    6 bullgor with great weapon

    10 gor

    10 raider

    10 ungor (for the herdstone) 

    6 skyfires 

    Brass deapoiler battalion 


    My opponent was gloomspite. I had bad luck with realm, because it came out metal realm and it so I couldn't use ambush... 

    I was very curious of trying skyfires, but I am afraid that they are too expensive despite of what they can perform. Do you agree? 

    Has anybody tried a list full of bestigor? (like 7x10 bestigor) 

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  5. Nighthaunt strong points are

    - fly

    - save

    The weak point is

    - low damage

    I prefer a mix between horde and elite. In tome of champions 19 hordes were more indicated, but with tome 2020 I think a mix is better, because there are less mission with objective control, there are more treasure and some with wounds count

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