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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. @holyark Welcome! If you are new and haven’t played this is perfect. I’d plant your Engineer with the WLC so no Injector. Just max the WLC to 12 dice and enjoy. The Grey Seer with Bell - Give him the Skavenbrew. Maybe Death Frenzy for your spell. This list is kind of designed to take damage, we’re not a “run forward and punch in the face” army. I’m a hypocrite for saying this 😁🐁🐁. Don’t overthink your list. Also, Warfire thrower, also max his regulator thing too, never hold back.
  2. Question - Grey Seer in Bell - If multiple bells, effects stack (if in range) right? Lets say I have 3 Bells, it’s top of turn 1 and I roll a 7 individually for all 3 Bells. Avalanche of Energy They’re all within 26”’range of each other, So all three receive +3 (1+1+1) to cast any spells until end of that Hero phase, right?
  3. List for discussion x4 Grey Seer in Bell x3 - 40 Clanrats x1 - 40 Stormvermin
  4. Just created Skaven Discord for all you rat lovers - Skaven UndeEmpire Invite is below: https://discord.gg/XQaBSpW
  5. @Champotte Hey bud, if Focus is on pestilence- Focus on more Plague Monks. You are in luck, our best Battalion - the Congregation of Filth - requires only the Plague Furnace and x2 units of Plague Monks. Almost like it was designed as a start, 😉 Another box of 20 monks, and you’ll be set, or another 60 eventually.
  6. I’m confused too, thought it was out but still shows up in the new updated Azyr app? An oversight?
  7. Cool, what’re you planning to do with the Stormvermin if you field them? At this points cost you’re better of with 2x40 Clanrats or 3x20 and maybe a Bell and a Bombardier if the points work out? The Clanrats can do anything the Stormvermin can unless you want to go on the attack- and still don’t really want to attack. But I’m the worst General here squeak squeek fear musk, you have so many better Generals to offer their suggestions. I’m just weak and poor and no threat to anyone...
  8. @Gwendar Thanks! I need this kind of assessment. The only opponents I’ve had in the last 7 months have been 1 game against OBR and 1 vs Fyreslayers- both novice players.
  9. This is why I’m kind of excited to try my 2x12 Jezzails with Grinders SWAT team
  10. Edit - Correction What about 2x12 Jezzails both with a grinder, and a third with a Bombardier for Sparks? the Fyreslayer list is
  11. So, Grinder teams. Never used them yet, but will now mod as many as we need. My last scenario was Blades Edge vs Fyreslayers, and we will rematch the two armies and scenario. Grinder teams would be tremendous against his characters, perhaps with either Jezzails or Stormfiends, and maybe some Bomardiers too. How many grinders is too many,
  12. Played The Blades Edge today - 2 K vs Fyreslayers. I played a Pestilence list. Only made 2 turns after a fun afternoon, I think I lost 7-5 but he thought we tied. Anyway, fantastic battleplan to throw down after 6 months, just so much carnage. My list -
  13. I did it at a Tourney got owned, because I’m a terrible player and my opponents are genius’s. Mostly because I usually have no idea what I’m doing while they have plans and strategy and stuff. The better list was the 2x 6 Fiends list the winner had. I’ll try to find the various lists.
  14. @Gwendar How did the TTS game go with 24 Jezzails? Was it 2x12 or another combination.
  15. I, uh, have a lot. I had a really large Skaven WHFB army before AoS and its expanded even more. I’m honestly almost done collecting- just need to make these 7 Jezzails, maybe a third Doomwheel, maybe a third Bell, Thanquol and a Skreech Verminking. Next year I’ll start collecting to be able to field 2K of Eshin for fun.
  16. Holy cow! @Gwendar you guys are awesome! You just gave me my next project! This list: Archwarlock Bombardier 3x20 Acolytes 2x 12 Jezzails Why not?! I just need 7 Jezzails and it’s done. I tentatively have a game tomorrow.
  17. @gronnelg I made a decent Moulder list for a tourney- a Fleshmeld Menagerie that had 2 Hellpit Abominations. I love Giant Rats (now have oh, 160?) got them into combat - Used Skavenbrew and Death Frenzy if I remember correctly- 60 attacks? 2 unsaved wounds I think. No rend, armor save was either 4 or 5. I love the idea but the math just isn’t there.
  18. You know - This list actually might work. I’ll give it a shot. Grey Seer - Bell Arch Warlock Verminlord Warpseer Verminlord Warbringer Clanrats x 40 Clanrats x 40 Stormvermin x 40 Acolytes x20 Total 2000 on the dot.
  19. My current 2 drop list is ; (Also how do I spoiler the image? I know, just want to prove you do to.)
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