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Posts posted by SilentSentinel

  1. Whilst I don't really mind who wins I think I'm leaning towards hoping SCE take the win since we don't really know what's coming for them, aside from some multipart versions of the skaventide models (that and I'm also just sorta keen to what other ruination kits we might get). Compared to the Skaven where we more or less know what's coming due to that list that's been pretty damn accurate so far.

    But if Skaven do win it'll at least be cool to see the updated units and the few new things in there. In the end I'm excited for both so it'll be a win either way.

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  2. Possibly the wrong thread for this question but on the topic of CoS, what would a possible colour scheme for Verdigris look like?

    I still haven’t gotten around to painting the CoS army set which I was originally going to paint as Misthaven but the survival of Verdigris at the end of the dawnbringers storyline has me somewhat inspired to paint them up as Verdigris instead of Misthaven.


  3. 1 hour ago, RandyRyan said:

    What store do you use? Always looking for ways around the Australia tax

    I mainly use Combat Company these days for anything Warhammer related, the 21% discount and free shipping on orders over $150 is a pretty nice deal.

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  4. Damn that's an amazing box, both sides look great and I'm glad the terrain and game mat didn't really seem to diminish the amount of models in the box. Even if I don't use the terrain or mat for AoS I could possibly find uses for them in other games like Conquest.

    That being said I think part of me still wishes they kept the terrain and game mat to the separate starter sets to potentially keep the price of the launch box down because $450 aud is brutal. Thankfully the usual store I get Warhammer stuff from has a 21% discount so that'll knock a decent chunk off the price off at least.


  5. I'm primarily a painter when it comes to AoS so I can't say I'm too excited at the confirmation that there's going to be terrain and a board in the launch set, possibly leading to less models in the box. It be would be nice if there were two versions of the box, one with all the extra stuff and one with just the models and a rule book or extra models and a rule book but I don't expect that to happen.

    That being said I do understand that it's likely great for new players, it just might mean I'll unfortunately skip this one and wait for the inevitable Christmas/end of year battleforces that contain a fair chunk of the new Stormcast and Skaven models.

    Ultimately though I'll reserve final judgement until we actually see the box.

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  6. The new liberator looks great. Details like the helmet, shield, that circular bit on the upper chest and possibly being slightly more heavyset really help to set them apart instead of just being vindictors with hammers.

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  7. I'm curious to see what build options the riverblades have, If any. I don't mind the less armoured models in the warband but if there's an option to kit them all out with the full masks and armour that's definitely how I'm building them, though that might be expecting too much.

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  8. I would be overjoyed if Nagash actually started getting some solid wins for once. He's always seemed like bit of punching bag for a while now and on the occasions he does get some wins they're quickly overshadowed by his defeat. Would be incredibly satisfying if he was the one to come in and ruin the Skavens plans for once.

    It would be cool to have Arkhan return this edition as well, maybe with a new model.

  9. I'm really hoping that they misspoke and that there isn't any terrain in the launch box and that it's kept to the 3 tiered starter boxes they usually do after the launch box. Mostly because it possibly means less models in the box and (this is a mildly selfish reason) because I personally won't have much use for it since I'm primarily a painter when it comes to AoS and I don't really enjoy painting terrain.

    That being said I can understand why they might decide to include it due it being good for peoples first foray into the game but I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping that there isn't any in there.

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    39 minutes ago, Luperci said:


    Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

    That Silent One art looks so cool! It's nice having bit more of an idea of what they look like, an entire faction/army of sentient humanoid insect people would be amazing.

    I would also feel an obligation to buy into them based on name alone.

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