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Posts posted by SilentSentinel

  1. Well in the end i'm keen for both Slaanesh and Vampires, i'll be somewhat disappointed if the vamp stuff is just for a side game. Got nothing against them but it's disheartening to see something you hoped for be relegated to underworlds. That being said i can't complain too much since i was also really keen for a proper Slaanesh release so i'm at least getting one of the two things i've been hoping for recently.

    Though i do find it odd that they teased what was possibly something to do with the possible death/vampire release on Halloween only to reveal a completely different release a few weeks later.

    • Like 2
  2. Found a image with a bit more of the name of the new unit shown, looks like it might be armed with the same kind of bow as the archer in the Direchasm box. Hopefully we might get a reveal of some of the new stuff soon since the cat will be out of the bag somewhat once the Warcry book comes out of pre-order.


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  3. I think the new rumour engine is just the one of the revealed Twinsouls weapons if not very similar. Hopefully it's just really similar otherwise it's a tad disappointing that they'd use a rumour engine for something we've already seen.





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  4. Hey all, the preview over weekend has motivated me somewhat to try and revisit my Daughters of Khaine that i got when they initially were released. Similar to when i originally got them i'm having some trouble deciding on a paint scheme, mostly for skin for the overall army and the scales for the melusai. My options so far are doing a standard pale skin tone with contrast since i never seem have to any luck painting pale skin the non-contrast way. A light blue skin tone, possibly done with space wolves grey contrast. Last option was maybe a light purple of some kind.

    At the moment i think i'm leaning towards the blue skin, might give the army a nice icey theme. any thoughts or ideas?

    An example of what the blue skin could look like.




  5. 42 minutes ago, TalesOfSigmar said:

    The General's Handbook doesn't have anything for the Tzeentch allegiance in, although if you're wanting to play Matched Play you'll need it for the points and missions etc.

    At the moment you'll need the Battletome and then the FAQ. Quite a few of the units/spells/artefacts etc in the book have been changed and updated in the FAQ along with the explanation on how Fate Points are generated and what the summoning rules and costs are. Hopefully that helps :)

    Awesome cheers, yeah that definitely helps.

  6. Hey all, i've had the battleforce that came out a couple years ago for a while now and I'm only now deciding to actually make the army. Just had a question regarding the rules since it's a pre 2.0 tome, do i need the tome and the generals handbook or am i better off waiting for a new/updated tome?


  7. It's weird that the endless spells are on that list considering they weren't announced to be going up next week. does raise some doubt over the validity of it. Though that might just be me being optimistic, as an aussie i'm not exactly keen on that price.

    Just have to hope that the rest of the army including the mortek and stalkers start going up for pre-order in the following week, would be annoying to wait even longer for the rest of the army.

  8. I'm moderately whelmed. As much as i love grots these don't really fit the line "A warband unlike any you've seen before". Other than the fact that they're all on mounts

    Was expecting something  different/interesting like Mollogs mob, going to have to wait and see how they play i suppose. It's good news for fans of the original O&G army though.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

    The arm is indeed covering the edge of the sarcophagus which would mean it is coming out of it as well like you said, I don't think either of the arms are apart of anything other than whatever's inside of the sarcophagus. It could be that it drags it behind it, or it could be that it's some kind of powerful necromancer and moves the sarcophagus by conjuring a wave of bones/sand or something, there's really no way to tell at this point. 

    Yeah pretty much, hopefully we get at least some more info at Nova. A proper reveal trailer would be great but that's probably just wishful thinking on my part, it'll likely be the 3rd tithe teaser.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, WookieLove said:

    How so?the priest(grunt) pictured above is carrying a sarcophagus which could have the actual character inside it.  Just another proposed theory of course. 



    The reason I propose this theory is because in this picture it looks like the priest is turned around and on the backside of the sarcophagus, while the character is coming out of the other side. Notice the arm position, it doesn't quite seems to sink up with the skeletal figure facing front.It looks like a left hand seen from behind to me.

    It's hard to tell in the edited image but if you look at the screenshot without the red lines you can see that the arm is seemingly covering the line depicting the edge of the gravestone/sarcophagus. Which implies that the arm is emerging from the same shadowy section as the face.  You might still be correct though, suppose we'll have to wait and see. 

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  11. With just under a week until the next seminar hopefully that's enough time for a grot based teaser and depending on the size of the beastmen release we may still get something for the grots announced.

    Though i'm trying not to get my hopes up this time haha.


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