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Posts posted by SilentSentinel

  1. Wow all the new Ironjawz models look amazing, especially the new ardboyz, they look so menacing. I should have finished painting my current lot of Ironjawz by the time these get released so I might have to grab a box of the ardboyz and ragerz/wrekkaz when they go up for pre-order.

    I'm a bit whelmed by Trugg (mostly due to the face/head I think) but he might grow on me over time.

    Those new gorgers look great, might be tempted to grab that mini duel box with them and wildecorps depending on the price. 

    The new underworlds set looks pretty nice, I'm always keen to see some new Idoneth models. Hopefully we might see some sort of elite namarti that resembles those two models in the box if/when Idoneth get a second wave.

    I was hoping but wasn't expecting to see anything from the FEC so I'm not really disappointed on that front, there's probably still time for at least one more major preview this year.

    It's not AOS related but speaking of disappointment, man that Fulgrim model is such a monkeys paw moment, I've been wanting a Fulgrim model (plus anything for emperors children in general) for ages and when it finally happens it's a HH Forgeworld resin kit. It's an amazing looking model but it's a bit marred by the disappointment. 



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  2. It wouldn't surprise me if the FeC release pans out similarly to how the Slaves to Darkness release happened, army set in a couple/few months and then a full release sometime in January potentially. Would be great to get the full release this year but Winter 2023 is apparently a very tiny window.

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  3. Seeing Misthavn in that article has me heavily leaning towards painting them, also partly because I couldn't order the kroak green needed for Living City alongside the army set. What paints does everyone reckon they used for the greenish blue? Annoyingly in the battletome they have that part of the colour scheme as dark grey so that doesn't really help.





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  4. As I mentioned in the rumour thread I'm torn between Living City, Lethis and Misthavn, leaning heavily towards Living City, but a spanner has been thrown into the indecisive works. Having just looked at the transfer sheets and seeing the miscellaneous heraldry, the trident one on the left has just given me an idea for some sort of sea/ocean-based city, perhaps a city situated on a chain of islands or even the city itself just floating on the surface of the ocean.

    I really like this idea but the main conundrum I'm having right now is the colour scheme itself, something that feels suitably sea/ocean-based in style and colour but also not too similar to my Lumineth colour scheme which is white and blue. The more I think about it the more I really like the idea, just need to sort out this colour scheme issue. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Mhm. Mhmmm
    I am in some trouble.
    My Girlfriend already makes jokes of me whenever I paint a new Unit "Let me guess, you chose Incubi Darkness?".
    What am I to say...
    Misthavn it is XD here we go again.

    Seriously though: I am torn between Greywater Fastness, Misthavn, Lethis or Living City XD (either I don't like all of the colors or I dont like the lore but I like the colors, send help!) XD

    I feel your pain! I'm torn between Living City, Lethis and Misthavn.

    I was settled on Living City for a while since it would fit with my Sylvaneth and Hallowed Knights (and it's just a nice colour scheme in general) but both Lethis and Misthavn look annoyingly good as well so it's still up in the air a bit.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:


    Using the antlered skull is fine, GW should just shy away from likening it to a wendigo. There are other antlered monsters to choose from, here's the slavic bukavac image.jpeg.4a5ea891a6502aaecb0ae4cd87e2a410.jpeg



    Ooo that bukavac looks very much like something I can picture FEC having design-wise and yeah it would probably be for the best if they didn't play into the common misrepresentation that the wendigo get's a lot of these days.

  7. While the new rumour engine has a good chance of being something for the kurnothi, I did just have a random thought that it could something wendigo-esque for FEC, with a design being similar to that of the popular pop culture design for wendigos with deer-like antlers and skull.

    A creature based on a wendigo would at least match with the cannibalistic nature of FEC, not sure how it would work with the delusion aspect though. It's most likely not going to be that but it's a fun idea/thought at least.

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  8. Between the fairly imminent Ironjawz/gitz releases and what is seemingly shaping up to be a hopefully fairly big upcoming Flesh eaters release at the end of this year or early next year I fear I may die from hype overdoes! Flesh eater courts have always been an army I've loved the concept of but have never bought into due to how small and old some of the range was.

    That being said the old/current ghoul kit has grown on me so If it not being updated means we maybe get an extra kit of something new I don't mind it remaining as it is.

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  9. I'm really keen to see what the Wrekkaz look like, some sort of unit of brutes being buffed/amplified by a ton of waaagh energy sounds like a cool concept. Will be interesting to see what weapons they might have or whether they just punch stuff with waaagh infused punches (which would be a very Ironjawz thing to do). I'm also keen to see how much of a glowup Ardboyz have received.

    All this Ironjawz hype has made me dig out the Ironjawz models I bought years ago, time to finally make that angry red-skinned Ironjawz colour scheme idea a reality.

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  10. The prospect of there being a decent number of new Ironjawz kits has me pretty excited, though hopefully at least half or more of those new kits are units instead instead of it being mostly new characters.

    I'm still hoping we also get those other new troggs that were described alongside the possible portal trogg, more troggs is always nice and it would be great to have more variety of options for those that run a trogg focused army. Looks like I might be bouncing between painting CoS, Ironjawz, Gitz and hopefully Flesheaters in the near future!

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  11. Normally I would agree regarding the rumour engine text not meaning much but the fact that this one and the previous FEC looking rumour engine from a couple of weeks ago both have this extra bit of ominous text makes me think it might might be alluding to the rumoured big FEC release.

    But that might just be my hype at the prospect of FEC getting a large/decent release soon talking lol.

  12. 19 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, what colour schema would you opt for? And transfers? I think I would go for a custom one that would be Settler's Gain replacing the blue with black or dark grey. Doubting about the gold bits, and for the transfer the miscelaneous one in the middle. The golden twin tailed comet. For the religious units the twin tailed comet with golden aura.






    At this stage I'm torn between The Living City and Lethis, leaning a bit more towards Living City though I think. I really like the lighter green and brighter steel with a green tint. I don't think I would change too much about it apart from maybe the trim on the shields which I'm tempted to paint with Necro Gold from Scale 75 which is a darker, almost more aged looking gold. For a bit of variety in the units I'm thinking of mixing up the shade of green for the cloth details, like doing a mix of some completely in the lighter green, lighter green with a darker green trim where applicable, entirely darker green like the shields and darker green with a lighter green trim where applicable. The Living City would also thematically go well with my Sylvaneth and Hallowed Knights 

    With all that being said I also really like the Lethis scheme, the purple and black mixed with slightly darker steel and off white just looks really nice together so I'm still sorta torn between the two.

  13. Wow those alternate colour schemes might have won me over, especially the Living City, Lethis, Vindicarum and Misthaven schemes. Living City in particular would go well with my sylvaneth and hallowed knights but I also really like the purple and black of Lethis.

    I was determined to only get the Flesheaters harbingers box and maybe some of the destruction kits that comes with Dawnbringers part 2 but I'm actually considering the CoS army set now as well. 

    Damn these plastic temptations...


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  14. The new CoS kits have grown on me somewhat since the initial reveal, probably not enough to do a full army since I'm not a massive fan of the steelhelms (a different paintjob or head swap might warm me up to them more) or the large amount of extra detail most of the army has but I might have to get the command corp or mounted marshal to paint up one day.

    For now though most of my hype is focused on the destruction goodness we'll hopefully be getting with Dawnbringers part 2 and the new Flesheaters release/refresh, which we'll hopefully get some more reveals/teases for at Nova.

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  15. Having just looked at the semi recent kroot kill team that finger/thumb in the back does look pretty close to the layout of their hands and based on the overall size it belonging to some sort of kroot 'brute' type model or unit might be right on the money. 

    There's also been a couple other rumour engines with kroot elements so there's a possibility tau could be getting a wave of new kroot models with their codex next year.

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  16. My first ever minis were the current tyranid gargoyles that I grabbed back in 2014, It's sorta crazy to think that it's almost been a full decade since I started in the hobby because it doesn't even feel like it was that long ago. It's a bit sad that they're not receiving an update in the new nid release but I understand that they're probably not as high of a priority for updating compared to some of the other kits. 


  17. I might be hoping for too much but I'm hoping the reason that they're holding off on a full gameplay reveal until June is because it's going to coincide with a reveal for some more Kruleboyz units/models to come with the destruction themed Dawnbringer book. Mostly because Kruleboyz by themselves don't really have a large roster. Especially when it seems like Stormcast will be getting a decent number of their models in the game and in general it would be nice if Kruleboyz had a couple or few more units.

    Again I'm probably hoping for too much, considering the first book hasn't even been released yet it might be too early to reveal more for the second book.

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