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Everything posted by Ironbreaker

  1. I'm starting to get tired of the lack of fluff surrounding Dispossessed. I don't like the free cities. I would rather Dispossessed live alone instead of living in cities with Aelves. I miss WHFB dwarf lore. Now they are just builders of Stormcast portable toilets. It honestly feels like Free Cities are just a place for GW to dump non-battletome armies somewhere in the lore. All the battletome factions get to be out doing crazy stuff while we are stuck as occupations in a city. I want more structure to the lore. Having everything be "your dudes, make your own lore" can only go so far when there is so little to work with. The realms are just so large. I am so very fearful that we will never get a battletome and will be left as we are or we will be combined into a Free Peoples battletome which I find to be equally disastrous. Sorry if I brought people down, I am just experiencing another doom laden manic phase.
  2. Might be nothing, but I saw this symbol on the GW webstore and it doesn't really match either Fyreslayers or Kharadron Overlords as far as I know. Edit: Nevermind I found it on the Magmadroth.
  3. I just noticed this symbol on the webstore. It doesn't really look like Kharadron Overlords. Also it has the Irondrake rune on it.
  4. It's kinda hard to play someone different when we are just about the only players at the store.
  5. How do you play Dispossessed in objective games? I'm looking over battleplans in the GHB and most seem like guaranteed loses. I know pickaxe is our bread and butter, but it still seems very limited. I usually play against skaven and the hoard and mortal wound spam is already pretty daunting, let alone trying to race to objectives.
  6. We had a third guy set up the terrain. The area near my territory was littered with choke points forcing me to either funnel my army slowly through them while being bombarded with a mortal wound gunline or split up and go around the terrain while being bombarded with mortal wounds. It was roughly set up like this with the green being my deployment zone.
  7. Welp, I finished my game against Skaven and I really feel like I want to throw my Dispossessed in the trash now. I have never felt this much rage before. Here is the list he ran. Allegiance: Chaos Verminlord Warpseer (260) 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Blade 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70) 1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60) Warp Lightning Cannon (180) Total: 930 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 21 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 84 And here the list I ran. Allegiance: Dispossessed - Grudge: Cowardly Hordes Warden King (120) - General - Trait: Resolute Runelord (100) - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe Knight-Incantor (140) - Allies 20 x Warriors (160) - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields 10 x Longbeards (100) - Great Axes & Shields 10 x Ironbreakers (140) 10 x Irondrakes (180) Total: 940 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 21 Allies: 140 / 400 Wounds: 65 He would never advance with his troops. He stayed back and sniped at me with mortal wounds while I waddled my army slowly across the table. Half my army was dead by the time I got to the point where he started charging forward. The terrain was in such a way that my army was split up around buildings. His Warpseerer kept spawning giant rats every turn. I was too far away to do anything about them, so by the time I got close to his army, he had nearly his entire side filled with giant rats. I never got a chance to pickax because I could never find in opening and also because he obliterated my Irondrakes with his spells. I am honestly so extremely pissed that artillery is not considered Dispossessed. I need long-range support, but it is so expensive as an ally. I just want to win ONE DAMN GAME! I am thinking of starting Legions of Nagash just so I can be competitive in the meta. As much as I love my Dwarfs, their status in Age of Sigmar makes me want to just trash them. It makes me even more mad that Dispossessed will likely never get a battletome. It's all so tiresome.
  8. Mixed Skaven as far as I know. He is taking a Verminlord Warpseer.
  9. Tips for playing against GA: Chaos Skaven?
  10. @Arkanaut Admiral @Dammaz @DrDemento Here is what my friend played last game. I don't remember the items or abilities he had. Allegiance: Chaos Chaos Dragon (340) Exalted Hero Of Chaos (80) - General Bloodsecrator (140) 20 x Chaos Marauders (120) - Flails - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 20 x Bloodreavers (140) - Reaver Blades Chaos Gargant (180) Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 72 He has changed army comp every game we have played. First game he had Blades of Khorne, Second he had Khorne Daemons, now he is running the list above. I had an easier time with the demons, but the summoning is brutal. The better I did, the worst off I was. long term. Last game was the first time we played a game with objectives. Most of the terrain was in my territory so I had a hard time with deployment. One thing that also causes me trouble is that I forget to shield wall with my units. I am very new to the hobby and game so I have trouble remembering the rules. I am glad the person I play with is patient with me. The list I am playing are the only models I own besides a Knight Incantor, Lord Ordinator, Battle Mage, and a Cog Smith. I don't really have the money to be buying tons of models to experiment with.
  11. So get rid of the organ gun and bomber and take 10 more Drakes or Drop the organ gun and the ironbreakers for 10 more warriors and drakes?
  12. How do I even play this army? There is only one guy at my store who plays AoS and he beats me every time. He plays Chaos and I play Dispossessed obviously. Every game we play, he crushes me easily and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. As much as I like having an army that I like the look of, it really hurts my self-esteem being beaten all the time and never seeing my models I worked so hard on doing anything of note. Last game I played, he flanked my Irondrakes with a Chaos Gargant and wiped the entire 10 model unit out with a single combat round. I am just getting sick of this hobby since I am not having any fun playing. Here is my current list. Ignore the lack of grudge since it is situational. Allegiance: Dispossessed Warden King (120) - General - Trait: Resolute Runelord (100) - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe 20 x Warriors (160) - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields 10 x Longbeards (100) - Great Axes & Shields 10 x Ironbreakers (140) 10 x Irondrakes (180) Organ Gun (120) - Allies Gyrobombers (80) - Allies Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 200 / 200 Wounds: 69
  13. I'm talking about actual money, $48 for a 4 wound model.
  14. I think my biggest problem with the copters is how expensive they are for a single model.
  15. Gyrobomber or Gunmaster? Most games I play sees my Gyrobomber hardly contributing to the game. My allies in a 1000 point list is an Organ Gun and a Gyrobomber, but I am thinking of going all the way with the Organ Gun and taking a Gunmaster. What do you think?
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