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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. 17 hours ago, Guui said:

    As good as rerolling saves is, the amulet is a far better artifact. Without healing, and with 0 saves taken, it gives the 40w mega the equivalent of about 70ish wounds. And you cant get much tankier than a 3+ save, 40w 5+ ward model, thats healing.

    (actually the equivalent to exactly 60 wounds, on average)

    The Amulet is great, but only superior to the Cestus against Mortal wounds and net rend 2 or better.  Given the number of +Saves about (Finest Hour, All Out Defence and Mystic Shield) and very little rend 3, Cestus is usually only worse against mortal wounds.  When your saving on 3+ the Cestus Mega-Gargant is literally twice as durable than Amulet Mega-Gargant.  

    Naturally their is an opportunity cost to the Cestus (Stompier tribe is otherwise undoubtable the weakest Tribe), but I still think it's a viable option. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Guui said:

    Consider this:

    The chance to deny spells and the ability to use Flaming Weapon for +1 damage on the club.

    Offensively, Manticore Venom definitely feels better, but a wizard give you access to Mystic Shield (which can be applied to the Gargant in the thickest fighting) and give you both an unbind and the option of a dispell (without using up a heroic action), so feels like a better all round choice given the flexibility.

  3. Thinking about using a Mega-Tank list, basically making a very defensive mega-gargant that can charge onto you're opponents home objective turn one and sit there as long as possible soaking up damage.

    My First list idea was

    Stompier Tribe: Hold the Line

    Bosses of the Swap Battalion (extra artifact):

    Warstomper (General): Monsteriously Tough, Ironweld Cestus

    Gatebreaker: Arcane Tomb (flaming weapon)

    Footsloggas Battalion(Unified)

    Kraken Eater

    3*1 Mancrushers

    So the basic plan is the Gatebreaker stays reasonably near the Warstomper to toss Mystic Shielf and All out defence on him, giving you (hopefully) +2 save to go with full rerolls, thus near unkillable General who goes right into the enemy lines turn 1 to cause havok.  

    I also like that Stompier Tribe gives those Mancrushers more bite if they can get into big units, but worry that losing the General's normal command abilities is too high a price to pay for that (and access to the Cestus).

    So two questions for the community:

    1) Is the core idea a good one?

    2) Is there a better way of doing it?

  4. Had my first game with my Underguts in AoS 3 last night (been playing my way through all my armies since AoS3 dropped) and they are still a force to be reckoned with.

    I used

    Tyrant (General with Scars, Longstrider, Trophy Rack)

    Firebelly (Ash Cloud)

    FLoSH (Mental Cruncher, 

    4,4,8 Lead Belchers

    4 Iron Blasters

    Hold the line, Hunters in the Heartlands (all the battleline), Command Entourage (Artefact enhancement, all the heros) , Bloodthirsty.

    I'll do a full battle report when I get a chance, but some key take-homes:

    -FLoSH is a beast (no one is suprised), he took down a good 800 points of stuff without breaking a sweat.  With mystic shield and all out defence he can tank almost anyting while dishing out pain left right and centre.

    -Lead belchers are strong.  The threat of Unleashing hell with the unit of 8 is a great way to control the board, equally no one want to be stuck in combat with them where you can dump out 8D6 3+/3+/-1 shots (with all out attack),  the units of 4 can quickly clear away chaff and they are still solid in combat.

    The Ironblasters are still very swingy but with more monsters about means they won't struggle to find Trophy Rack friendly targets and 8 * 3+/2+/-2/D6 shots scares anything without a 1+ save (although these are more common).   The 24" range also means you can usually switch targets effectively if your opponent pops all out defence against your first pair of shots.


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  5. 4 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    Depending on what the monsters like the sludgeraker and that other thing can do, it looks like Kruleboyz lists will be quite uniform: I'm with @NinthMusketeer and predict lots of Big Yeller gangs with Boltboyz, Skewers and Shamans. And while I really like that type of army it's also a shame that outright amazing models such as Gutrippaz, both Killabosses and the Murknob with banner feel so lackluster in comparison. 

    But then again, there's still quite a lot that we don't know about Kruleboyz yet, even if there aren't any new models.

    That definitely feels like the way the wind is blowing but all it takes is a few Dirty tricks or core battalions with a Melee focus to completely change the balance.

  6. Hey all,

    After a good few games and lots of conversions with other (events and casual) it's clear to me that 3.0 takes significantly longer to play (more so than just normal delay due to learning a new edition).  In addition to this the fact that later turns seem to be important in more games (used to be possible to call the winner after turn 3 70%+ of the time).  Combined these present a real issue for running events.  If you don't have longer game times, lots of games will not get to the last turns or even make an educated call about how they will go.  So to me time limits HAVE to be increased or risk pushing the mega even more towards God-character/monster mash armies (as they are more likely to actually finish the game).  The problem comes when you move to say 3 hour games (seems about right to me), fitting 3 in a day is a stretch and 6 over two days seems unmanageable.    So will we see some events going to 4 games (or 6 game weekenders going to 5 games)?  Either way it's going to get harder to meaningfully separate players for larger events.  Or will we see smaller events popping up?  1500 seems reasonable with the new smaller boards.

    What do others think?  Am I just getting slow in my old age or is the tournament scene going to have to adapt?

    • Like 2
  7. 18 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Unfortunatly they confirmed multiple times on Facebook AoS profile that's all have been revealed for Kruleboyz. Stormcast probably will see some more before BT preorder.

    Strange range : few units,very few battleline even compare to ironjawz and bonesplitterz,  a lot of Monster heros ,just one non hero Monster.

    Yeah, very strange.  I'm hopping the other clans also get some count as battleline!

  8. 4 hours ago, Guui said:

    Could someone confirm the Big Shouts with me. As my understanting of the rule is as follows.

    Unless stated to otherwise, the big shout command abilities are used on the WARSTOMPER not the mancrushers. Meaning that another character could use a different command ability (all out defence) on the mancrusher unit as their buff for the phase.

    Basically, use big shout (command ability used on Wastomper) followed by using AoD on the mancrushers (ability used on mancrushers) in order to give them +1 to save rolls, rerolling 1s.

    Would someone be able to either confirm or deny this interaction.

    Yup, that's m understanding of how it works. 

    • Like 1
  9. I just hope they fix the 100 small ways the our rules clash with 3.0: Icebone really hate the limit on 6s triggering one ability. Bonegrins and Big Boss command ability is basically worthless, all the +1 saves are useless except on a Rogue idol....

  10. On 8/7/2021 at 4:14 AM, bonzai said:

    Yeah, it's hard to give a lot advice with a battle tome around the corner. But good news! There are only 2 boxes to buy. Right this second, arrowboys and Wardokks are the big winners this edition. Hoping Wardokks don't get nerfed.

    Honestly, I'd be amazed of Wardoks didn't get nerfed, spell, pray and dance is too good for 85 points.   

  11. 7 hours ago, baiardo said:

    Don't know if I can ask here, however: Can I play a mega-gargant converted like that in a tournament/matched play?If I use any kind of gw head for him(i.e. like a mangler head) it's still legal?



    Different events have different rules, but I can't see anyone stopping you playing a conversion that's so heavily modelled off the official model.  For GW events the conversation should use GW bits for most of it.  Other than that, go mad!

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Karragon said:

    Even on Archaon and Mega-Gargants it's pretty irrelevant, D3 wounds out of a pool of 20 or 35 is insignificant and I've generally found that lethality is such that even 3 wounds aren't going to make a difference, when something dies it usually dies 2 or 3 times over

    I think it's only really a problem on models that both have damage reduction abilities (ward saves, good armour and other tricks) AND are tough enough to survive a significant attack.  Gotrek is probably the best (worst?) example, amazing damage migration and tough enough that few units can kill him in one turn (also high bravery).  
    On Mega Gargants, not big deal as they are 4+ save only and meh bravery.  

  13. 9 hours ago, vinnyt said:

    Sons of Behemat are insanely good this edition. I fully expect to see them dominating most tournaments until something changes. 

    Completely agree and feels like Gotrek is the only hard counter (sure can't usually solo a gargant in 1 round, but once you consider the rest of the army I think we'll struggle with him).

    On an unrelated note, has anyone had a go a repositioning Mega-garagnt legs to make them less mono-pose.  Hate having 3+ standing the same way but don't know where to start for repositioning.


    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Entombet said:

    I thought you cant stack bonuses in 3.0?

    The max modier you can get is +1 but the FAQ clarified that this is after rend (so+3 save cancelled -2 rend and still gives you the max +1, but against rendless attacks is still giving you only +1 on the actual roll).

  15. 4 hours ago, Drazhoath said:

    Sry for that question but whats the pupose giving Nagash 4 Mystic Shields?

    They stop rend.  Although in fairness 3 is enough in Petrefex who ignore 1 rend already.


    "Idiots with Flags" Gatebreakers are just amazing.  The ability to toss a 2+/2+/-3/4 rock should not be underestimated.  Makes it even hard to play the objective game against us.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Congratz said:

    How was it not running a kraken eater? 

    It was fine, the smaller battlefield (and large bases) made it feel like could take the centre and then pop on all the objectives at will, so didn't really miss booting them around.  

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