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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. 5 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Hoo boy, I am looking forward to my Frostlord getting both +1 to hit and +1 to wound on that pivotal turn when he charges an enemy monster, and getting a 2+ save as icing on the cake just in case his target survives somehow.

    I was briefly excited about Roar shutting down Inspiring Presence, then disappointed when it was pointed out that doesn't work. But I guess it's still nice to shut down other command abilities that get used in the combat phase.

    Mostly I'm looking forward to Roaring at Flesheaters Terrorgeists to stop all that fight twice then fight when I die nonsense dead in it's tracks. 

    To be honest I'd be very surprised in inspiring presence doesn't at least change.  With more command points and champions issuing command abilities it would render bravery almost completely pointless.

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  2. 38 minutes ago, SpiritofHokuto said:

    Has this actually been officially confirmed anywhere? Or are we still at the "Dude, trust me" stage? I know about the Core book battalions that are coming and for them to be bridging the gap between the "have and have nots". But if this does mean that all Battletome battalions are being nixed from Matched play, it's going to be a big blow for certain armies like Jawz of Mork that pretty much rely on their battalions to make their army work properly. But then again maybe the Core book battalions will be so generally powerful and useful that supplanting the Battletome battalions will be relatively painless? 

    Announced in one of the GW community videos, so as official as anything else.

  3. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    At least we should have a thread with all rules changes in one spot, focussed on discussing what these rules actually do instead of what we want them to do/if they are well designed.


    Other changes that have been announced and need adding to the original post:

    No battletomb battalions in match play, but there will be generic ones.

    Charge reactions (Flee, Hold ground, stand and shoot)

    Change table size to (minimum?) 44*60"

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  4. I must say I'm a bit worried about what 3.0 will mean for my Bonesplitters. 

    An abundance of +1Sv (charge reactions and their finest hour) which we will struggle to get through without rend.  

    Also looks like no more stacking save bonuses which given how our shields work make our extra save buffs basically useless.

    Losing battalions doesn't help either.

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I may have to use them next time; I have like three but I abhor carrying them. Would love it if they had a command ability!

    On another note, I've got a conundrum. I have four boxes of Painbringers/Twinsouls unbuilt. Initially I was planning just Twinsouls, but at the same time I really like the aesthetic of a lot of sword and board fighters. I'm unsure whether to wait for a potential points drop in July...

    Worth saying I wouldn't run more than one, they aren't cheap and very much diminishing returns as there is usually only 1-2 good places for them to charge in and clip multiple units. 

    Personally I'd build 10 and 10 Twinsouls/Painbringers, so potentially 2 units of 5 Pain Bringers and one unit of 10 Twin souls which can fill up battleline nicely.  If the rumours for 3rd ed are true Painbringers will get better as the +1Sv charge reaction is great on them.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Have you (or anyone else for that matter) used the Bladebringers on exalted before? They look interesting but I've never been certain 

    Yes, they are really good and also a solid summoning choice.  If you can charge into 3 units at the same time your doing 12+ mortals before combat even begins and they have +6/9 attacks.  Great for murdering groups of heroes. 



    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, ibel said:

    I like this List. What i dont like are the Blissbard Archers (i think for 160 Points they are totally ******) And i dont Know if the Bladebringer is okay for 250 Points AND a defensive Playstyle. Maybe Sigvald is better here.

    So Gyminis are very good. Maybe a Infernel Enraptures because of Spellcasting Heavy Armys and her Posibility to cause Wound with a Missel Attack ?!

    You're not wrong the Archers and Bladebringer are the units I'm least sure about.  Archers are there to fill up that battleline and give a third ranged thread which I feel is the sweet spot for maximising depravity without over investing in mediocre shooting.  Similarly the Bladebringer isn't great value but does give a lot of utility: healing, retreat and charge general (amazing with godseekers), extra dispel and locking units down with no-retreat.  Sigvalds main advantages for me are Lurid Haze charge (not an issue in this list) and being very survivable for a mid-level hero (again not an issue as I have 2 very easy to keep alive heros in Masque and Glutos).  But all that said I'm very open to swapping them out depending on how play testing goes. 

  8. The more games I play and more reports I see, the more I think that the Keeper is a trap now.  So many points for ok damage output on a weak body. Yes the command ability is good really doesn't suit our play style.

    I think we actually have a very competitive, if not quite top tier book with probably the best late game of anyone.  The trick is to survive the first few turns reasonably intact and having not fell too far behind in the objectives game.  If you can do that and get a solid turn 2 summon off (I'm thinking 9+ depravity for Bladebringer on exalted chariot, 3 seeker chariots, 30 Daemonettes or a Keeper) you're laughing.  We always had the best summoning in the game, but now with Glutos and summoning off the locus it nearly impossible to shut down (if your not crazy aggressive turn 1).   Shooting armies won't be easy, but once you start dumping 30 warm bodies a turn into their back lines you're more than able to compete.  With this sort of game plan in mind Keepers are just a bad choice, they aren't survivable enough to sit back and force you to go for a more aggressive turn1-2 than is advisable, as well as pushing you towards over investing in heros (or avoiding the bastion of summoning that is Glutos).

    Also if you can pull it off a Keeper is often the best choice for a turn 2 summon as they can have an impact even if you fail the charge (command ability) and give you a fast summoning point for future turns.

    Sure, point for point are units aren't the best value but those allegiance abilities more than make up for it.


    With all this in mind, I'm thinking of a list something like this:

    Godseekers Host

    Bladebringer on Exaulted Chariot: General, Speed-chaser, Enraturing Circlet, Borne of Damnation

    Glutos: Battle Rapture

    The Masque

    11 Blissbarb Archers

    2*5 Chaos Warriors with double hand weapons

    2 * 5 Slickblade Seekers

    2 * 5 Blissbarb Archers

    Geninids of Uhl-Gysh

    Command point

    Total: 1990, 10 Drops



    • Like 1
  9. After getting a few games under our belts, hard are people feeling about host choice?

    For me the two best options are Lurid Laze or Godseekers.

    Lurid haze feels like the obvious choice for a less summoning focused list as you get a range of great bonuses: ambush, bonus generals, bonus CPs (especially if you go for a battalion and get the Rod of Misrule) and a nice defensive command ability.  

    Godseekers, for me, is all about summoning.  The charge bonus means those extra units are useful earlier and Maniacal hunters is a massive buff to depravity if you can keep your general alive and charging.  Getting a first turn charge off with your general can make a huge difference to turn 2 summoning, pushing you up from a small/medium summon to medium/large.  Unfortunately this is very mission dependant as even a Keeper or The Masque wont reliably pull off 24" charging.  Forcing your opponent to go first would help with this, but personally I find it really hard to get our drops down given the battalion we have. I suppose having enough first turn threat will help but again this is hard in 24" apart missions.

  10. 13 hours ago, umpac said:


      Reveal hidden contents


    Keeper, general, speed chaser, circlet


    3x5 Slickblades

    2x8 Iron golems

    3x11 Blissbarb archers


    I'm starting to warm up to Glutos. He didn't really earn his points this time either and a 2nd keeper would've been far more useful but unlike a keeper he sticks around. He provides something that we don't otherwise have; a resilient summoning base. 

    Thanks for the battle reports, my thoughts and list building going in the same direction.  Glutos is good because he's always useful, against melee armies the aura is great and against shooting having a tough hero (that weirdly gets look out sir) is so important for summoning.

  11. The more I think of it the more I think Glutos is seriously under costed.  He's point for point probably the hardest to kill caster in the game (18w, 3+, -1 to hit, 5++ and healing), 2 cast with +1 to cast, massive radius debuff, decent if situational command ability and solid spell.  He's even reasonable fast with re-roll charges and run and charge (from turn 2).  His combat damage is rock solid too, although it does bracket badly.  Also provides a solid summoning base which is definitely going to be a big part of our late game.   Add in the situational bravery help and late game cast bonuses and he's a utility powerhouse.

    Biggest disadvantage is probably the large base which without flying is going to be a pain but since he's mostly a support model, not a massive deal.

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  12. Wondering is Glutos, Syll'Essk + Deprived Drove would make for a solid competitive list.   Three drops, Glutos is very hard to remove so gives a great summoning bases.  Lots of fast/ranged SMU units to ramp up summoning from turn one.  Syll mainly their for the command trait to stop everything running after a few causalities.   Should be comfortably summoning big stuff turn 2

    Will play with some points.

  13. Anyone tried a pure Moonclan Grots list?   I'm thinking something like this:

    Loonboss with Giant Squig, General with Clammy Hand

    2 * Loonboss

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman

    60 Stabbas

    40 Stabbas

    20 Stabbas

    20 Shootas

    2 * 6 Sneaky Snufflers

    2* 5 Sporesplat Fanantics

    5 Loonsmash Fanatics

    Skulkmob Horde

    Moonclan Skrap

    All fits into the mega battalion, so one drop with plenty of bodies and Skulkmob/Clammy Hand for masses of unit recycling.  Hopefully combination of snufflers and Sporesplat will buff the Grots to a decent level of damage for clearing out objectives, but never played grots so open to thoughts and suggestions. 

  14. Personally I almost always go for as close the the centre of the board as possible so that by turn 3-4 your aura is covering most of the board. Hiding the headstone and a GBS just to protect our indifferent summoning feels like a waste of resources.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Eldarain said:

    Hello all. I'm wondering if you could help me with a conversion idea? I play Gitz and have a bunch of third party stone golems I haven't known what to do with.


    However earlier this evening I realized I could make them mini Rogue Idols and use them as Stone Trolls! Now Ideally I'd like to find bits to replicate the wooden facemask look of the Idol.

    Best idea I've come up with is the Ardboy shields pictured. So:

    1: Any ideas for bits that better match the Idol's mask?

    2: Are shields typically taken on the Ardboys? (wondering how easy they'll be to find amongst Big Waaagh! players)

    Thanks for any help you can provide!



    Try building them from lollipop sticks?  They have a bit of texture and being a bit crude would be fine.

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Who has a neat Despoilers army list to make the land work for us?  I saw a post where it paid off vs KO using Nurgle Marks somehow, but couldn't find an army list in the search engine.  Seems like we'd need at least 2 Daemon Princes, or maybe 3?  And then would any Fomoroid Crushers be good to put additional danger to the terrain?  Guess it depends on how much terrain is on the table though.

    For battleline, not sure what works well with Despoilers.  Perhaps a mixed variety for different tools?  Or are Marauders king of the StD battleline?  

    Seems like they are a very tricksy army actually.  I have 2 Sphiranxes already, and a Khorne Daemon Prince.  They have allied with my Beasts of Chaos before for good times.  Would be cool to have an army that plays very differently to others.  

    There's a few ways to play dispoilers, the Nurgle list you mentioned was jut using one Daemon Prince if I recall, so just using despoilers for the 18" general range on the marks, minor ranged protection and for access to the great artefacts.    If you want to go heavily into Daemon Princes, I think it's got to be Khorne with an allied Blood Secretor or they just aren't killy enough to base an army around.  You could also do a non-hero monster heavy list with Soul Grinders, Ogrinoids, Slaughterbrutes etc..  Would look cool but the healing isn't great and neither are the units. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 2 hours ago, TALegion said:

    @Belmail Out of curiosity, how did the deathriders get up to a 3+ save? They're 4+ normally, and Petrifex no longer gives +1 to saves (it was changed in July to give rerolls of 1 instead, per the errata). I haven't played during covid and can't remember another OBR option for armor save buffs

    Katakos, his silly command trait gives +1 save to all Bone reapers in 36".

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  18. 3 hours ago, Boggler said:


    When you and your friend were making your Big Rukk, did you ever consider a Teef Rukk instead of the  Snaga Rukk? And, possibly putting it all in to a BW for the magic and or +2/+2 Turn 2/3 Big Stabbas? Obviously the two Kunnin Rukks will do great for board control, and the Snaga was well explained, I just want to know!

    Let me know what you considered. The goal is still a 1 drop.

    I don't think BW would be a good call, as you miss out on the great Big Rukk battalion ability, which is really needed to stop your army being too fragile after spending so many points on battalions.  

    Similarly I'd worry about investing points is fragile big stabbas.

  19. 11 hours ago, The Red King said:

    On the last thing you said though I am struck by how tall the cygor are and wonder if they couldnt be converted to be beastmen bloodthirsters. Maybe even do some conversion work to make them work as either (magnets and such). 

    Love the idea of a 'Ghor-Thirster' or should that be Gore-Thirster.  Would need a big set of wings to get that giant cow in the air, maybe Chimera ones?

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