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Everything posted by Calebexnihilo

  1. I let a friend play my BCR army... and of course, he goes full Thundertusk! I played as seraphon with a turtling battalion... which failed miserably! Lol. The battleplan favored him big time: Duality of Death. Heros and Behemoths cap objectives within 3". This eliminated all the seraphon and skink hijinks. Since my seraphon list didn't have any real melee power, BCR was able to sit and snipe. It was filthy but fun! Video recap (we just started shooting some videos for our gaming buddy deployed overseas). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG1MHsHaYKo
  2. @tea_wild_owl Wow! Incredible conversion! Looks awesome
  3. Seems easily avoidable by the opponent though. Just allocate wounds from the endless spell to the Trogboss last... Right?
  4. I usually run Slann 2x EoTG Astrolith Starpriest 3x 10 skinks 4x Razordons + Handlers 2x Bastiladons Thunderquake I try to summon in my skink waves via the EoTG and Summoning points.
  5. Any idea if BCR is going to be able to ally in this new Troggoth King?
  6. Size comparison of the official 280 x 210 mm Dread Saurian base vs skink, carno, and entire thunderquake battalion
  7. No clue... I can't find a 280 mm anywhere. Going to contact one of the MDF base makers on ebay and see if they will do a 280. It is way to big for realistic play though...
  8. I liked it for taking max bastiladons. lol But ever since the Starseer got nerfed into the ground, it has been hard to justify taking it. Basically 380 point tax for heals. Needed fixing not deleting. Hopefully this points towards a new battletome as some have suggested.
  9. Seraphon FAQ updates: Banner - changed to wholly within. No clarification on planting. Assume it can move! CamoSkinks - can't summon into hiding. Battalions - Battalions from GA:Order book are no longer valid.
  10. Hyped for the Battleforce! I was just about to finally buy some Rippers and more skinks. Perfect timing!!!
  11. My fav at the moment is Slann + Banner + Thunderquake. Good firepower and heals from Thunderquake. Summons and teleports from Slann. Just always be prepared for them to target the Slann immediately. A lot of our army's synergy/utility is tied up in that one 7-wound guy.
  12. That's the way I see it. It applies to all attacks for that unit. Nothing in print anywhere tells me different. I also try and get the Butcher's +1 to hit on the Eurlbad Huskard also. Makes him very punchy!
  13. Here is a quick pic of the ironblaster/mournfang/thundertusk kit bash. Ignore the paint so far... haha... just getting it ready for house games this weekend. https://imgur.com/gallery/gj0ACSJ Used a barrel bit off ebay, mournfang ogor and saddle from extra mournfang pack, "chariot" and tusks from unused thundertusk kit bits.
  14. Haha ouch... yeah, its stats aren't ideal... but love the model. Still working on the kitbash... will post pic when done. The chariot/cart the ogre is on is: mournfang saddle, Stonehorn beastrider back piece (the one for the second rider), with rounded shields for wheels, the wooden shaft of the beastriders totem is the axle, and lots of the barrels from the stonehore kit for decoration. oh... and a $7 purchase off ebay of the actual canon barrel... ha
  15. Anyone ever use Ironblasters with BCR? I'm kit bashing some extra mournfang into Ironblasters. I wish you could take two Ironblasters as one unit... that would make allies a bit more flexible. I'm thinking something like this: Frostlord on SH (420) with Ethereal Amulet Huskard on SH (340) with Vulture Huskard on TT (360) with Vulture Mournfang Pack (160) Mournfang Pack (160) Stonehorn Beastrider (320) Ironblaster (120) ALLY Ironblaster (120) ALLY Statistically, taking two should get one to hit each turn. Ha... but ya know how that goes. My gaming group is competitive in nature... but also experiments a lot. Plays open war cards, friendly battles, unique bat plans, etc.
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