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Posts posted by Scurvydog

  1. 34 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I want to get people's opinion on this as I was discussing it with my partner and he said it had changed his plans for the new Kruelboyz release. Initially he was really excited for it and all of the big monsters, but because the rules and models are taking so long to come out, he's second guessing himself and the hype is dying down.

    I'm wondering if this is happening/has happened to anyone else? It does seem that AoS 3 came out with all this uproar and now has shrunk behind 40k and Kill Team, with lots of models we know exist but don't know the rules for and hype is slowly dying down for these new factions. 

    The AoS 3.0 launch was not impressive no. I really enjoy the new edition though and even got dominion, expecting to have battletomes follow in short order, but with the release endlessly dragging on, I have not even gotten the motivation to paint any of the dominion models. I got limited time and paint for events I want to take specific armylists to, and with no book I got no direction or plan. 

    With an even coming in October this constant dragging out from what I expected would be a lot sooner has been extremely frustrating and I will end up with way too little time now, to paint up and do what I wanted to do for the event. These new battletomes should have been on preorder no later than a month after the release date of dominion.

    But what can you expect, there is not even a FAQ out yet for GHB21. Combine this with the content creator fiasco GW should consider a bit more transparency and reconnect with tier customers and community.

    • Like 14
  2. 3 minutes ago, boyadventurer said:

    SoB can't really take any of the core battalions unless you run like one mega and a bunch of mancrushers. I don't have a problem with them getting an option or two to help them actually use the feature. I don't see why that has to mean it's all invalidated and we're jumping back to the have and have nots of warscroll battalions again.

    Exactly core battalions was a system to get rid of the have and have nots, SoB just ended up being have nots anyway due to how their battlefield roles work.  One could argue all day how good they are right now or not, however if they cant interact with the core system, then it needed a fix, nice to see it addressed relatively early.

    • Like 4
  3. What a great day for news, first SoB get battalion rules and now many new battleline options for my stormcast army, my extremis chamber with dracothian guards really eyeing hammers of sigmar now! Liberators closing in on the bin though xD Looking forward to see the orruk options as well, would be nice if they remember that the warclans do not only have Kruleboyz and reveal a tiny bit for the other boyz.

    • Like 4
  4. 33 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    New SoB rules incoming!


    The new battle tactics and grand strategies are unnecessary, but new core battalions will be great.

    Also more path to glory rules, happy days!

    Aww and I got a tournament with them this weekend, too bad they are not out yet ;) Next time!

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    As for Kruleboyz, I'm still of the opinion that they are not, and were never sold as being, their own faction, and judging them on their own is an inherently flawed way of looking at the release. It's like getting angry that the Lumineth Wind-Temple units don't have enough variety to make an entire, well-rounded army out of them. 

    I think Lumineth did it better with the temples, at least many mechanics still overlap and the spell lores also benefit them across the temples. 

    Now the preview of the Kruleboyz wizard really shows this is NOT the case for orruks. GW is dead set on locking them hard with keywords. -1 charge and +1 charge to KRULEBOYZ, why not just friendly ORRUKS? Sneaky Misama spell only works on KRULEBOYZ monsters. He is then shown on a picture with Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz running at his feet, while none of the spells they just previewed can benefit those models. 

    It has left my hopes for the warclans book in a dire spot, as GW insists on this being a soup book, with less sub factions to each of them than any other faction, yet no interaction between the units in the Big Waaagh allegiance.

    This was already the case, with not a single spell between Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz being able to benefit each other. It adds nothing and will more often than not just be best to stick with one of the factions. It is really a shame. Unless the Big Waaagh allegiance has some kind of rule that states all keywords for Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Bonesplitterz becomes interchangable, but there is about 0,1% chance of that happening.

    The Kruleboyz really could have used another battleline unit and a cavalry unit of some kind, but unfortunately it seems the hobgrots are just a disjointed addition, so basically only the spear and sword units are battelline, with possibly some adjustments based on sub faction. It looks like an army where it is all about the monsters. Bolt boyz are cool but with 6+ saves they will just crumble. Imagine focusing on those guys when playing against any other army with ranged attacks, those expensive guys will be shot to pieces in 2 seconds. 

    It is a real shame. As an Ironjawz player I just don't get why they are so left in the dust by GW, Orks has always been a big deal in Warhammer, but now they are just 3 clans mini factions, with 3 units, Bonesplitterz is basically 2 kits and some resin heroes. It just does not seem that well thought out all in all.


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  6. 4 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    As for the other releases, aren't Necromunda and BB releases under Specialist Games

    But is Kill Team not also defined as a specialist game? It i listed under boxed games on the GW site at least and does not have its own main menu like AoS, 40k and Middle Earth does. Perhaps I am wrong though and they seem count this as 40k due to fishing for all the poor death korps fans.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    I think it’s worth mentioning that as long as a preorder date falls within a certain month, then gw consider it ‘released’ in that month (see Orktober a few years ago)

    Yea for them it is only important when they can start charging money for it, getting the actual product to the customer is almost a 0 factor... 

    I dont get why they are drip feeding the artickles for so so long for the stormcast and orruks. Like the Moth of Mork now got 2 articles basically for that model alone. These articles are normally also in the week before preorders, so it seems crazy to show of rules etc a month before release. 

    Preorders could still be on the 21st though, most likely not, but when dominion was on the 2nd week of preorders they still put up new stuff for Necromunda and Blood Bowl.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    If the AoS pre-order is the last weekend of August, then they're having to stretch out the AoS content as thinly as possible over the coming month, I guess.

    Still holding out some hope for the 2 tomes will be announced as next preorders this sunday... This release has been stretched out so long it is becoming a problem for planned events and painting stuff up...

  9. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:


    According to Glass half dead the number one Kill Team Youtuber, that game will go up for pre-order on August 14th for £125. Not only that but it will be a two week pre-order like Dominion was. 

    Unfortunately that means the battletomes will be on the 28th with a release in September. 

    The good news is that there's still time to show some Kruleboyz cavalry. 

    Even if it pops up the 14th with 2 weeks preorder that does not rule out an AoS preorder for the 21st. So far it seems to only really be major 40k and AoS releases that exclude on another from the same preorder window, not the specialist games-

    Considering they have already previewed battletome rules and dragged this on for weeks, most likely also being a staggered 2 week release, it seems very late if the first wave is not for preorder before the 28th.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Interesting, it says core battalions for matched play. Right now the Sons do not really fit well into any core battalions at all. Unlucky this is on preorder the weekend I am taking the sons to a tournament and not the other way around ;) 

    It is interesting though to see that White Dwarf will be adding core battalions for matched play though, I did not expect that outside GHBs.

    • Like 1
  11. Are people on crazy pills talking about that Stormcast article as any good? It showed 3 things:

    1. Stormkeeps there to stay. Stormcast could already do this after Broken realms and get 1/4 units from cities, nothing new here.

    2. "Redeemer" units, meaning most of the battleline only, is better at capping, you know, those units that never do anything from stormcast. They get to count for a few more models while prices have gone up. This will help Stormcast not simply getting all their stuff capped turn 1 from flying monsters instantly after losing 1 model. a chance to do d3 mw when charged, erm ok I guess.

    3. Staunch defender now lets you reroll that little 3+ to MW poke if charged, if it was a battleline unit in ranged getting charged, wholly within 12" of your general... that is incredibly bad for a trait! It was +1 save wholly within 12" aura before! Jeez that is the greatest nerf of all time.

    Of course we need more rules than this. But how is anyone getting vibes from this being anything at all, there is hardly anything new or really impressive or substantial, a minor buff and the greatest nerf of all time to arguably one of the best command traits, that actually by itself made people play without stormhosts before.

    • Thanks 2
  12. 18 minutes ago, Murder Pancake said:

    I believe Kragnos' warscroll mentions bonuses vs. Dracothian and Draconith units.

    Good point, it does mention on his warscroll he gets benefits if Stardrakes, Drakes, Dracoths and Dracolines are in range. Out of these we do not have any "Drakes" yet, it might be the 2 named guys keyword, but could also be a keyword for any new cavalry. If that is the case I'd expect them to either be even more elite or possibly a bit sleeker compared to Dracoths, faster but less armored as the lore explains them as being mostly rather young with the Seraphon nursing them.

    So it would be Dracoths as the Anvil cav, Drakes as fastest flying cav, semi hammer, Dracolines as hammer/utility wizards and lastly Paladors on Gryph Chargers that are... errr... good boys?

    • Like 1
  13. Just look at Ironjawz with their 3 non hero units in total, the Kruleboyz roster is a work of art next to that, even if the battleline options could be considered limited. 

    I could see many lists being perhaps 20 spear boyz and 2x10 1" reach units, while the rest of the list is populated by the generic and named monsters. They got 4 different monsters, with 3 of them having named character options for the kits as well so that is for sure the focus of the army. It could turn out they have options to make some of these battleline, perhaps the sloggoth or the the other weird generic beasty, sort of like an Avengorii or Gristlegore destruction equivalent.

    The Hobgrots does seem a bit out of place, especially if they are still not battleline in the book, then who would ever bring them, especially as they are not orruks and get no allegiance benefits, strange. Kruleboyz then got the reverse of Ironjawz as they got cavalry but not a cavalry mounted hero, while Kruleboyz got the hero, but no unit for him to run next to and support needing his speed.

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  14. Looking forward to the new book a lot, so any game data right now is probably close to useless, although I'd assume the dominion model warscrolls will be pretty much the same. I played around with them in 2000 pts games and Yndrasta really was a big winner, her damage is not good, but fits her point cost and she has the staying power that the Celestant Prime has been lacking all this time.

    Praetors are fun too, they are great for especially Yndrasta, attacking her becomes a bother as she is then only damaged on a 1-2 and she then shrugs damage on a 4+, 3-4 actually hits the praetors and 5-6 is just ignored! that divides damage output so much that she is about pointless to attack if Praetors are near and if you do not kill them all, she can rez 1 of them each round. 

    Annihilators are a bit odd, I will withhold judgement until I see what their great hammers do, as that might give the unit some more punch, although I wonder if they are just going to be better Retributors at that point. They are currently rather tanky and can hold the line well with all out defense. They are a real problem to throw into somebodys flank or lighlty guarded objective as they both hurt a lot when they charge in, and are hard to remove. 

    I still think Stormcast will have some trouble with the points increases and low model count, if they do not get any bonuses to objective scoring. Even with better damage and all the armor in the world, they could easily end up getting behind in points most games, as they need to chop through too many units to even be able to score. It doesnt matter if you survive and table your opponent by round 4 if you are too far behind in points.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    Well, they did put all the Orruks in one book. And both fairly different Mawtribes in one book. And there are the rumours about unified dwarfs/dwarves. Aaand the looming thread of Daughters losing their identity in an Umbraneth Shadowlords book. 

    Honestly I think that would be OK, I'd like there to be less battletomes, but more frequent updates to those we have. Larger "soup" tomes also increases the sales potential of models as a natural consequence. Warclans is an example of this, as new orruk models will be on the radar for any type of orruk player, not just those who would like to start a new Kruleboyz army, but you also open the market to that ironjawz player who would like some ranged support or a cool new monster. 

    I could see Fyreslayers and KO getting put into a single book like Warclans, I guess the dawnbreaker crusades in general will open up a narrative of all kinds of new alliances being formed and with the new avatar of Grungni (or the man himself) that is being hinted a lot in the lore right now, he could easily be a rally point for a "soup" duardin book. Then we just need a new flying boat with a catapult launching angry grimwrath berserkers into the face of bloodthirsters and I might just give the duardins a closer look ;)

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    anyone else a bit disappointed that stormcast get these dragons?

    I think this makes sense for AoS. Dracothion is very much the "gatekeeper" for dragons, at least for order, so any other dragons would be sort of rogue, corrupted or dead. I think there is plenty of room to explore in between though, as for Idoneth a Merwyrm like thing could easily pop up without actually being a "dragon".

    It does add some charm that not everyone just rides dragons of different colours, especially with the AoS twist that actual children of dracothion at least are all intelligent beings, with very deep bonds to their riders (if any), which is very much a symbiosis between the stormcast and dracothions spawn. 

    I do like when that is challenged though, and Zombie dragons are still cool, even if they made a new one, as why wouldnt Nagash raise the most powerful dead things he can get? Same for Chaos there can always be an argument for any being to be corrupted, and a Galrauch like twin headed chaos dragon model would be awesome to see! Mawkrushas are already as dragon like as it gets for Orruks I think, it is basically just a mean bulldog dragon.

    The Lumineth just does not seem to have that star power as the old world dragon princes of Caledor had, looking at how they treat their citizens in their settlements, I do not think they are as capable of a symbiosis like relationship with dragons as the stormcast are in AoS lore.

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  17. All I need new is some cool lighter flying drake cavalry, with the dracothian guards still being the armored tanks of the extremis chamber (and not just replaced). Then all the new tome got to do is to make it possible to build an all extremis army, with possibly the new dragons or a stardrake general unlocking drakes/dracoths as battleline and we are good to go!

    What army do you play? The one where everybody rides dragons with a constant power metal soundtrack in the background of course!

    Hopefully we begin getting more info soon, reboxing seems to take place with Stormcast units being unavailable online currently, and we already saw vanguard hunters getting a facelift on their baseline combat efficiency.


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  18. While I think Krondys fits a bit better into a Stormcast army with his armor plating, just to more easily fit your stormhosts theme, I think I prefer the scarred guy. 

    Karazai is a bit more classic dragon and will stand out next to a Stardrake for sure, however I might paintjob him a bit more to fit the range, as an entire Stormhost of Knights Excelsior looks a bitr strange with just "Boom" red dragon in the middle. Maybe it is possible to add just a few of the plates to him or something, guess we will see.

    But hot damn are they dragging this Stormcast/Kruleboyz realease out looooong, sneak peak of 1 thing every week and we still do not have any idea exactly how big the release is going to be, not even an actual battletome announcement or look at the cover, it is a super strange way to market this. Customers have no idea what to really expect, it is just so random and odd, 2 big new dragons revealed and the book is not even really announced? I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear the how these releases are planned, as it is an absolute mystery to me.

  19. On 7/23/2021 at 9:51 AM, Naem said:

    These look very nice, where can I get them? 

    I just googled "AoS 3 sheets" and all kinds of stuff like this pops up, you should be able to find something and put it on your phone or print it out as needed. I printed out these 2, as well as a the battle tactics from GHB21 to put on the new free space on the table (after they got smaller now), the GHB folds nicely to put there with the battle plan, and then place these papers as reference next to it. Speeds up games quite well, especially for those new to 3.0.

  20. I actually quite like AoS, I liked 2.0 and like 3.0 even more. I have been active in the hobby of Warhammer 40/Fantasy and lately AoS for around 20 years by now, so learning new rules and experiencing change has been very much part of it.

    I am in a lucky position where I care a lot about the rules and enjoy reading battletomes etc, so when I play tournaments I know a lot by heart, however I have a friend entering a tournament for the first time in a few weeks, and he is really nervous about it all, as he has been somewhat overwhelmed as well.

    The most important thing is getting in games and also talk it out a bit more than might be the norm. AoS reminders is alright, but can be bloated, I find it to be a good foundation to create your own reminders, then remove all the non essential stuff. There are also nice overviews to be found to help with the core rules as well.

    We use these in our games, printed out and put on the table edge for references. The Generals Handbook is also in a nice format and contains the core rules, things are quick to look up in that. Using these things and customizing a reminder sheet divided into phases, including "start of" and "end of" phases should be helpful and just have a few games where you both agree to take it slow and focus on getting the rules right.

    The individual armies add increasing complexity on top of this of course, some way more than others, so jumping into a techy Tzeentch list might be a lot to handle if you are still working out the basics. If you can try to play your most simple armies first to get to grips with the edition.



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  21. 3 hours ago, frostfire said:

    When Avalenor fighting with Yndrasta near a stonemage, does he fight at top bracket or fighting as if with 10 wound less? Which ability take place first?

    This is a little tricky indeed, but I would say first you look at the damage table. The Avalenor rule says the model is treated as if it has suffered 0 wounds. 

    Yndrastas rule then adds 10 to that, which would also be the case for any other monster that had suffered 0 wounds. But I can surely see why some might disagree, or even go to say that turn order decides who applies their rule first according to the points 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 in the core rules of simultaneous effects and contradictory effects.

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