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Everything posted by Gotz

  1. the one you're refering to was a wh+ mini
  2. yeah, its weird. I kind of understand the focus on 2d gameplay in a starter set, but the smaller warbands with no build options maybe is too much dumbing down. 4 walls and 2 landmarks is more or less the same quantity of the KT starter (but those feel bigger and there are also the barricades). at 60/65€ would have looked better, something inbetween underworlds and KT starters.
  3. well.... Dieter Helsnicht is coming to my Soulblight army
  4. starter yes, but there is a 2 band core box scheudled in autumn, so teaser/reveal of the box and/or the chaos warband.
  5. The underworlds core warbands would be a "Rivals of Gnarlwood: Sons of Velmorn vs Gnarlspirit pack" box, right?
  6. I kind of expect to some degree that they keep mostly the units that the current range has. Some current ones are sure going to be totally deprecated, but I'm quite confident that most will have "upgrades" so people with current freeguild can use them as "counts as". Light & heavy infantry shooting unit light & heavy cavalry warmachine flagelants plus the expected characters and centerpiece model. I'm expecting nothing on the Kislev side (if they have rules at launch maybe a made to order of the old stuff). In fact, I'm not expecting any new range of anykind at launch. Damn, its even hard to fathom how the launch is going to be... start collecting for all 9 factions? just the 2 on the box? We can just guess, wishlist and discuss online at this point XD
  7. Kislev could be tucked inside the empire range, as it was in some editions. They did quite some articles under TOW banner showing the TWW designs and the Kislev area in the TOW map... so its weird... maybe something to wait for the future.
  8. the only way I see they bring back the old chaos warriors is if they want to keep them with the option of 2 weapons (correct me if I'm mistaken, but if I remember correctly now they just have weapon/halberd+shield and not dual weapons). And in this case if you would want to go for weapon+shield nothing stops you from using the new ones.. That said... they kept the old 40K ork kit next to the new one because of loadout issues... I don't see the kalkadrak or the ogroids making the cut, but warriors, knights, chosen, lords and daemon prince I'm sure will be the new ones
  9. Exactly that. We don’t plan to publish rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures, except for those units that were part of the game and setting during the final edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I think the article makes it clear. Stuff that is in AoS that has a counterpart in WFB 8th will have rules. Stuff created for AoS (stormcast, deepkin, fireslayers, kharadron, lumineth, etc... won't) I wonder if they'll delve in stuff prior to 6th ed, or it would be mostly what was on the lists for 8th Also I'm really curious about the units loadout if they'll go for the more streamlined editions where most units didn't have much customization or the more freeform early editions. I asume the former, as it will probably be limited to what loadout the miniatures have, but it would be nice smaller scale armies with more customization. One can dream XD
  10. thats weird... cos almost the full range of chaos warriors and beasts of chaos is going to be compatible. And depending how they treat Cities of Sigmar, the non human range is going to be compatible (and the humans probably can work as "counts as"). I think it could be more of a thing of going back to a infantry block philosophy (as in 6th) and avoiding the really big centerpiece models. Also... having this kind of info now.... can we hope of some sort of launch around the end of the year?
  11. I think that's a treekin model and not a treeman.
  12. the 3 tiered sets in aos (and 40K) are starter sets. Don't have the full ruleset or have a pocket version of it, and come with some kind of small terrain (in the cheaper ones just a paper mat and the box works as terrain) and rules to play with what is inside the box. Horus Heresy box comes with the full hardcover ruleset, so its more similar to Dominion (AoS) or Leviathan (40K). The age of darkness box is clearly what we would understand as a "starter box" and Dominion/Leviathan is what we would call now "launch boxes"... but I think this is just a semanthic discussion. The contents are basically the same, but HH one is designed to stay in time (and be the box you buy when you get into HH as a new player), and dominion/leviathan are limited releases aimed towards veteran players that want to dip into the new stuff or starting players that really want to go all in. So... what would be a Old World "not a starter-box box"? If its like HH... 2 armies, the hardcover rulebook and gaming accesories... and most importantly, is something permanent.
  13. Lizardmen is the only one I'm quite sure is on the just rules support.
  14. So... They say that they'll focus on armies that are active during the period and the geographic area, but existing 8th ed armies will have rules support, so... What we can expect in each category? Supported - Empire / Kislev - Bretonnia - Tomb Kings - All chaos flavours - Vampire Counts - Orcs and Goblins - Dwarves - Wood Elves Not Supported - Dark Elves - High Elves - Ogre Kingdoms - Lizardmen I'm not sure... Looks like except Lizardman all 8th ed factions could be supported...
  15. showing next season roadmap for both underworlds and warcry would be nice
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/20/concoct-deadly-poisons-and-conjure-seismic-sorceries-with-two-new-rivals-decks/ Two more decks – themed around Domitan’s Stormcoven and Ephilim’s Pandaemonium – will be available in Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow, alongside two full new warbands and plenty more besides. It’s coming to pre-order very soon. ¿Preorder next week then?
  17. seeing the underworlds article with the classic "coming soon" final text blurb... I think this could be this sunday announcement with more specialist stuff maybe?
  18. so.. can we expect Bonereapers next week and soulblight on 15 or 22? Or it makes more sense may?
  19. i'm sure they usually just say "soon" during the week and then it shows up on sunday announcement XD
  20. Stormcast and Kruleboyz were released within the first months of the edition (as happened with 9th ed 40K) I wouldn't count that as a second wave of releases
  21. It looks more like begginers set than a "core/basic" one. I would guess with a step by step/how to play take on the rules. The text states that the miniatures are Bladeborn and that in games outside of this box you have to use them with the allies/bladeborn rules. (In warcry you can't make an all bladeborn warband, at least you need 1 hero, that isn't bladeborn, from your faction). And then it points you to the Soulbound Nobles and the FEC warband as examples of full warcry warbands.
  22. I think there are more probabilities that is a late april release than an early april. How long was between Slaves army box and full release? Less than a month? I think we should still spect full seraphon release at least late may/early june. So... late april would work for me...
  23. Could this be something similar to the Kill Team starter set?
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