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Posts posted by Rachmani

  1. While I‘d love to see another unit (some sort of cavalry), I‘m down for few troops and many monsters. In that sense my only complaint would be that most (all?) the monsters are tied to heroes - which makes sense from a rules perspective but is less fun to look at/doesn‘t feel the same as monsters accompanying troops. 
    I‘d love some new swamp trolls for example. But should they be able to field the old ones, the current models at least fit rather well.

  2. 10 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Yes 3 Ogor Maneater brothers with Gear from 3 separate Realms!! One Ranged, One Heavy and a Leader.

    I instantly had the three Trolls from the Hobbit in mind, just as Ogors & ofc AoSified. But mindset wise three fat guys out for the next meal, always arguing about the right spice rub, never in agreement on anything.

    In terms of rules, they‘d be powerful but you‘d need to be careful to not bring them close to each other, as their infighting would weaken them.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ratboy genius said:

    Yes, they ran it once as spire of dawn then dropped it. A real shame because it had new rat ogres, packmasters, warpfire thrower, mortar, and clawlord (which I like better than the one they made in 2015)

    Wow, ok, I think I got two skaven halves of isle of blood collecting dust at my parents place. 
    I simply didn’t know that there are Skaven players out there who might like them because GW didn’t really bring them back.

  4. On 7/21/2021 at 9:31 PM, Ratboy genius said:

    Hopefully the return of the old world means that GW will dig out that Isle of Blood box back out of storage and print those not ugly rat ogres again.

    Are they out of print or something? I usually don’t follow Skaven stuff.

  5. Kruleboys do not disappoint. Mouth of Mork looks amazing, Killaboss, too. I‘m a tad sad about the amount of different Killabosses but all in all the boys need a healthy amount of bosses.

    As a bonus, you could probably spin a story around the same Killaboss being on foot or riding different monsters. So there is that.

    All in all an amazing range. They just have so much layered personality. I get strong „evil fairy“ vibes from them. Truly worthy opponents for a lot of heroes. Maybe it’s finally time to open the cursed city box and hammer the anvil of apotheosis.

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  6. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I know this is the Rumour Thread but I just wanted to shout out all you incredible lads and ladettes for the amazing time I've spent here since I've joined, with that I'm pleased to announce that today I'll be getting married!! KingBrodd will be marrying his Queen ❤

    All hail QueenBrodd!

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  7. 13 hours ago, Kugane said:

    I was going to get back into AOS because of Lumineth, bought most of the army, was super happy with Sevirith, etc., but people really killed the vibe for me with all the snarky comments. I am still painting slowly, but whats the point playing if the opponent is just going to be sour all game?

    I see the same in TCGs, I think we need a global mentality adjustment. Because I think this type of toxicity is bad for board/cardgames.

    And should it be IRL just don’t overdo it with the sentinels and slowly ease them in. Really shouldn’t be that much of a problem at the table. 
    If the other guys don’t go all out competition on you, you don’t have to teclis sentinel them.

    The game is so much more fun now anyway when both play a somewhat diverse army. I really like it & LRL have an abundance of units to chose from.

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  8. 34 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:


    Which is why my expanded explaination of the position included the increased impact of additional rules. 

    But fundamentally the underlying issue of cost becomes relevant. 1 CP to create situation which decreases the detriments of variance in large pools, while retaining the benefit of variance vs. 1 CP for improved success rate + variance across a small pool(something like 45% of the original pool of a 3+/3+ profile).

    This also explains why boosting a 3+ to a 2+ is "better value" than a 4+ to a 3+ while the straight probable gains for spend remains the same, the room for variance in the actual performance undermines the particular gains from the 1 CP spend. Think of it this way; you roll 12 dice on a 4+ and roll 6 success, but when you check your '3' you would have only gained 1 additional success because the majority of the failures (of which there were a statistically average amount) were '1's, and '2's. The benefit you would have gained is small for your spend, despite appearing average in the instant. 

    The value isn't in the particular gains (+1 to hit, -1 SV) it's in the relative difference in the effect of the spend. This relative difference matters in game, because dice rolls are instantaneous and not statistical averages. This generally isn't relevant because we haven't run into magnitude of failure dice rolls, so we haven't needed to consider them. As such averages have been a suffeciently deep consideration. Now we have an on demand ability to turn marginal failure into success, which means we have to consider how the variation of specific values before we can acertain the value of the ability/spend.

    There will be situations where even attacking second you will net a larger advantage by going All out Attack yourself rather than All out Defence based on the deeper probabilities. 

    Wait until we start having conversations about the fluxuation on the value of a on CP across phases and factions. 


    From what I read here we should probably agree on "common semantics" here. Because I think I get what you're trying to say, but stuff like "better value" is very confusing because it's statistically untrue. You're however safer from anomalies the well, lower the number. 
    Basically it's like this (I'll just use saves but that's true for every dice roll in the game): 

    Going from 6+ down to 5+ to 4+ etc. your additional success value goes down with every step. 6+ to 5+ is a 50% gain in saves. 5+ to 4+ only 33% etc. So the first step is the most valuable in that regard (statistically speaking).

    However, if you you come from the perspective of failure it's the other way round. The lower you get the less likely (percentage wise) it becomes to fail. 3+ to 2+ means 50% less failures. 4+ to 3+ you go from a 50% fail chance to a 33% chance to fail. 3+ to 2+ it's 33% to 17,5%. 

    So, while that looks like it's the same it's actually not. If you take variance into account and accept that you don't necessarily roll according to statistics you can stretch the odds quite a bit.

    Rule of thumb is: The higher the number of dice the better it is to go for bigger successes. The lower the number of dice the more important it is to avoid failure. In combat & particularly with saves you also have to account for wounds but the general idea stays the same, it just gets another layer.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Boar said:

    Downstream/upstream you are constantly refering to this. If we would take it seriously than f.ex. in attack profile where hit and wound values are the same, we would expect better return so to speak, from boosting to hit value, than to wound. In reality it does not, average values stays the same, what could be expected is different distribution.
    Downstream/upstream is just human psychology at work.

    Exactly, upstream/downstream only becomes a thing when certain outcomes allow you to bypass of the normal order. 

    MW on a 6+ to hit are better than MW on a 6+ to wound, but that's about it.

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  10. On 7/5/2021 at 9:57 PM, Starfyre said:

    That literally will not happen - Thunderstrike is just a different aesthetic, like Sacrosanct was, like Vanguard was. They're armour types like the SM armour Marks, gravis armour, reiver etc. Other than, they're just going through the archetypical standard armaments - sword & shield, hammer & shield, two-handed sword/axe/hammer/glaive/staves, spear & shield, mace & shield, halberds, etc. Nothing surprising about any of that. Pretty sure the only weapon not covered by SCE from original WHFB is the flail! 

    'Primaris' are just the 'true-scales' marines everyone said they wanted. 'Oldcast' is going nowhere.

    Hopefully the new books makes the old models good - like how StD made the Marauders good, one of the most dated kits in their entire range (even when they're like 8+ warbands of Chaos cultists that could have taken their place) and Seraphon made the resin Salamander really good, or how loads of people buy lots of Skinks. The profit margins on those sprues (that cost them literal pennies each) must be wild since the tooling would have been paid off years and years ago.

    New kruleboyz story was really good, the Orruk was really well written. 

    I was being humorous. :D no need to defend the Oldcast

  11. My guess would be that they'll slowly cycle out the old stuff - either completely or via resculpts. The latter would be my idea. They create the new Thundersomethingsomething and the next wave will bring updated Liberators etc. that now *also* have thunder something armor. 

    And frankly, the old ones look pretty bad compared to the new ones, so please, update to your hearts content =D.

  12. 5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Nighthaunt would make sense. I could see them also being a single hero/Terrain or Endless Spells updated Faction.

    They certainly don't need more units (although SCE got more, too x) ), but desperately need new rules. So I agree!

  13. That's the even cooler part. The Kruleboyz are superb, but the Stormcast hold their ground and actually look good opposite to them. I'm super happy with the models in the Dominion box and plan to expand both armies to reasonable size.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Sunshine said:

    When do Games Workshop pre-orders normally dispatch? I thought I would be getting the Dominion box today but my order status is still pending.

    My independent seller has his stock (and my box) ready to collect. 
    I'd strongly advise to give TPS a go. My experience with them is just way better (as soon as you've built an inch of trust aka bought *something* there)

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  15. The good thing is, it'll probably also be a very loose interpretation of a "hawk" for the Mouth of Mork or whoever rides that thing. So we don't have to fear it looking like the old High Elf Phoenix =D . I don't wanna say vulture (because that's what I would have expected, but the rumors keep calling it hawk) but maybe something crazy. A bat-bird of prey maybe x)

  16. Well, I do think they want to create a more AoS look for every faction & "just" updating old sculpts wouldn't do much in terms of new visuals. There is ofc. always the chance of Ogres being Soulblight. But even there they brought in new vampire types that look very different from the rest.

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