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Posts posted by Rachmani

  1. 5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    If it is GW why can't they leak something for AOS and remind the online discourse that the game still exists?

    But don't worry Nighthaunt will be a big new release not just a hero:


    Nighthaunt are probably the one faction that just needs new rules, given the vast amount of units they have.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Gailon said:

    Even if it was just against shooting attacks it would be great for the game. 

    It’s tricky because as it looks now, the heroes buff range is rather limited (if you want to charge with your units, that is). So as a work around your heroes (buff heroes) would have to charge as well. 
    Imo that validates a bodyguard rule that does „something“ in melee as well.

  3. On 1/15/2022 at 6:13 PM, Austin said:

    There is no inherent value or respect due to someone just because they made something.  Sure, there are lines of basic decorum that should be observed- but the comments here don't even come close.

    GW is a business.  They have no personal relationship with us, our personal value is not based on their games. When a business makes a bad product, clamping down on criticism makes no sense outside of official channels. But maybe more importantly, without (perhaps strong) criticism what will change? GW clearly is pleased with the direction (this isn't the first or even the second time) for designers. Why shield them from consequences?

    If you have a job where your product goes out and faces any number of people, particularly when the product costs LOTS of money, expect strong feelings. Do better, instead of being told you win a juicebox just for showing up.

    Designers ever so often have to play by the rules the company (meaning their higher-ups) make.

    Criticize GW all you want, the company is faceless, so to speak. But bin guy aims at specific persons, who might not have had a say (or the final word) about the release & the rules.

    That‘s the difference between valid criticism and picking on someone. 


  4. On 1/15/2022 at 8:29 AM, yukishiro1 said:

    If any of those other 4-1 lists are as miserable a play experience to play against as SDG, they probably should be changed too (I think SoB and Foxes probably come the closest, but neither are on the same level as SDG spam). I don't think anybody in this thread is saying SDG are the unbeatable meta-defining army, the problem is that they are both strong and an extremely bad experience to play against, because nobody wants a wargame where movement is irrelevant and your gameplay experience is just rolling dice against a single profile and seeing if you have enough of the right sort of dice to win. 


    I‘d personally go as far as to say, they‘re also a bad experience to play *with*. Those breath attacks are frustratingly swingy. Playing them you‘re slave to the same randomness your opponents are, just with overall better odds, as you can move those damn drakes and decide where to aim =D.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  5. It’s honestly the smart thing to do.

    Almost everyone needs some kind of measurement. Even rather narrative guys & gals? You may not want to win at all costs but maybe you wanna make sure your playing partner has a good time also?

    When I play for fun with my buddies we‘re just as concerned about our opponents fun as we are about our own. We need points, we all do. Just to different extremes & for different causes. 
    That‘s why I think people are way less in disagreement than it appears, just the approaches to fixing stuff are different.

    • Like 2
  6. You can play both narratively & with matched play rules simultaneously. As soon as you stay away from the spam, take units that you like (while still keeping an eye on the point costs) the gaming experience shifts immensely within matched play. 

    I own a Kharadron Overlords Army for example. They‘re a fleet of explorators, looking for treasures to grab/find and Aethergold to mine. Naturally they *all* fit in boats. Not one dwarf has to walk if there is no narrative reason. That makes them low on bodies, something I have to deal with in game, in matched play. I still brought them to a few tournaments before covid. 

    Long story short, there is a big bulk of players that are in between the two extremes. Wargaming is not binary.

    That also makes balance important for everyone, but less than it appears.

    • Like 2
  7. In my opinion all the Nighthaunt are missing is updated Hexwraiths and some kind of monster. 
    As the boat was teased, I‘m thinking something along the lines of a ghostly ferry over the river Styx. Complete with ferrymen, scribes and tallyman.

    • Like 3
  8. 46 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Just the fact that you called Orruk Warclans two armies that can be played in combination highlights the reason no one who actually plays an army wants to get Warclanned. Or Bonesplittered, to be more precise.

    I agree. But in a Fyreslayers/KO book no-one would get bonesplittered.

    • Like 2
  9. A dwarven warclans book would give GW the option to update KO on the fly. If we‘re being honest, the orruk warclans are actually two armies & the option to play them in combination. The dwarves could get the same without any hassle or taking anything away from both armies. Would I like to see fyreslayers expanded instead? Yeah, probably. But KO are fine once their rules are (for shooting and in particular Skywardens).

    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    From a lore perspective recent insights into Lumineth society painted them in an even less friendly way - I highly recommend reading the entry on Settler's Gain in the core book. 

    That’s what kinda sold them to me. I wasn’t too big of a fan of them (thought them to be boring) until I realised that our *good* friend Teclis kinda f*‘d up again. Their perfection simply doesn’t know where to stop.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Mate it's the dream isnt it? Even if that was all they got this Edition was the Chaos Warrior/Guardian treatment of dynamic poses.

    Ogors are in the unique position that their core troops are more in need of upgrades than some of their monsters.

    Ofc there’s some finecast to adress first but right next in line is the generic ogor!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    On a side note, Kruel Boyz take extremely well to Contrast Paints, and are surprisingly easy to paint if that is the primary medium you use, which may well have been the intent.

    Yeah, this. I basically used Contrast paint+, which just means I added some little details and highlights in the end and got much better results than I imagined (first time using it). 

  13. 4 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:


    Lets not lose sight of why factions like Stormcast and Space Marines are the poster boys.

    It actually has a lot less to do with the lore, which comes after the models are designed, and much more to do with what will hook in new hobbyists.

    Those two factions are gold in that respect because they are relatively easy to paint. The models are in a larger scale than the rest of the range (justified by they being giants), they are heavily armoured, with big chunky weapons, and often have helmets so that you don't need to be able to paint skin, hair, faces and the like straight away. They have solid ranges, with lots of options, so that even when they aren't great competitively they are a solid pick for a new player. 

    The "enemy factions" over the last few editions were likely chosen for similar reasons. Look at Necrons and Nighthaunt. As "Skeleton" factions both of them have the potential to be painted really straight forwardly, and so aren't too intimidating to a new painter, even if they are a fair bit more complex than Stormcast and space marines. Nurgle is similarly a good pick, as they lend themselves to sloppy grunginess rather than a really precise painting style.

    From a lore perspective, Lumineth seem like a natural poster faction, but from what I hear the models are complex to build and a nightmare to paint. Elves will always be fiddly, and that means that however popular they get, they don't work so well as an introductory faction to put in every box which a new player might pick up. That said, the same could potentially be said of Kruleboyz, and they've made the starter set, so who knows. Maybe they are changing their approach.

    In my opinion Kruleboys are incredibly easy to paint well. Sure they‘ve gor belts and straps and such, but just look at their shields. Big and catchy. 
    Other than that I wholeheartedly agree with you!

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  14. Guys, I‘m in a bit of a dilemma. I wanna paint a bunch of Stormcasts, but if I‘m really honest I can’t stand the oldcast - do however love the new sculpts. Are there any lists or types of lists that rely mostly on a fairly good variety of the new Thunderstrike (so no drake spam ;) ) and do solid?

    I‘m not aiming for tournament achievement here but would prefer to not get slaughtered. 3-2 with the potential to sometimes go 4-1 if I olay well & into the right matchups?

    Vindictors and Annihilators are the obvious choice, but what about the rest? Does it have to be all Judicators etc.?


    P.S. I‘m torn between Hammers because of Bastian and a more satisfying paint scheme but will probably settle for Hammers.

  15. Aelves infused with shadow, gaining some monstrous features, a bit akin to D&D Tieflings but more thematic. Robes that move in unseen ways, very flowy in general. A tad crooked, too. Distorted mirror images of the Lumineth‘s perfection.

    Oh. And with spikes, and spikes on their spikes. 😉

    • Like 2
  16. 3 minutes ago, KingGatorboy said:

    I wonder if it’s possible that the teased nighthaunt with the book is a procession leader.  We have pretty much all the known procession leaders except for Cairnking Angrimm (but we were also only told he is the same rank as Reikenor in the army and that he exists)

    That‘s an excellent observation and I‘d love it. Each procession becomes its own sub-faction with its own leader (just like the the Legions of the SbGL). Other leaders can join, but don‘t get the corresponding keyword. 

    Would give us 4 sub-factions and sounds quite right. I‘m sold!

  17. I‘m seeing CSM, Eldar (Maugan Ra & the Avatar of Khaine), something for Tyranids (maybe Genestealer Cults instead), Nighthaunt (either Cursed City or for their new book, I‘d say) and a Dark Aelf that I‘d put squarely into the DoK category which makes me think it‘s for Cursed City or Underworlds. Maybe I missed something but that was round about it. I‘m fine with it, tbh. As others said, it‘s probably the other way round than last year. 

    As long as Ogors kick of the second half and get their big release I‘m happy =D.

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  18. On 12/30/2021 at 3:25 PM, Jabbuk said:

    I'm curious also about the artillery unit. At first it was kind of the buzz going around, lots of lists with it, etc. It turns out that no lists have em, even tho the meta is currently full of big monsters (I could be wrong though). I dunno I would've expected to see lists with 1 at least. Is it because Boltboyz spam is just better and more reliable?

    The others covered most of the points, I‘ll add one in defence of it.

    It can serve as a distraction carnifex pretty well, for the same reasons it‘s a tad too unreliable. It‘s swinginess. As long as there is a big centerpiece, there is always the possibility for a lucky shot. Especially with a Shaman in range. (Your opponent doesn’t know what you‘ll buff until you do).
    And in my experience most players don’t like that. 
    So sometimes it can do stuff the boltboys can’t. But I‘d rather see it as a lucky out instead of a plan to build your game around.

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