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Posts posted by Adamcbutton

  1. 1 hour ago, El Antiguo Guardián said:

    God job!!!


    I think it´s not Fec: they have longer nails and some pointy bones over their body. It´s the arm of a Soulblight model, similar to Mannfred one.


    But yes. The sword seems to be very old... Maybe it´s some kind of special character that shows a long time asleep vampire... The return of Vlad? Or they reimagine vampire weapons again... or a Necrarch model.

    Long time we had listen about Soulblight rumours, and they´re suppose to be at the beggining of 2021, so seems plausible to start seeing some Rumour Engine about them. LoN it´s still in AoS 1.0. and that BT needs a rework, so or it´s the rework of that tome, or it´s their ending, starting as a new Vampire tome with Mannfred, Neferata, vampires, necromancers, wights, grave guard, skellies, zombies, etc... and new vampire models. Some classic undead reimagined for AoS.



    The ghouls and horrors tend to have the pointy bones. The Abhorrants, not so much. It also looks like this has the vestigial wing that the Archregent has, and the sword’s crossguard has a very similar design to the sword on that model. 

    If this is FEC it shares the most characteristics with their most high-ranking model, the Archregent. But it wouldn’t make much sense to release another Archregent sculpt. My personal hope is that it’s Ushoran. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Dr Ben said:

    Duke Crakmarrow from the Grymwatch underworlds warband has a halberd. Very similar arms/hands with claws and bony bits as well. New FEC warcry warband definitely has my bet. A band of noble questing nights no doubt. I'd love to see what they do for FEC 'Damsel on unicorn' interpretation! If it is a FEC warcry warband then that opens very interesting possibilities for the next round of warcry releases. 

    The Abhorrant Archregent also has a broken sword strapped to its belt

  3. 32 minutes ago, Enkyridion said:

    Hi @Skreech Verminking

    OMG I thought the stormfiends had the keyword Moulder, it's showing on the app...

    If that's the case, the yes, the packmasters have no reason to be lol... The idea of the master Moulder was to buff the Abomination and bring it back or the stormfiends... But if the keyword is gone then I should reformulate the list

    Thanks for the comments!

    Stormfiends have the Moulder keyword but not Pack or Fighting Beast, which are the ones the Master Moulders/Packmasters interact with

    • Thanks 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Little known fact, but Khorne is a keen knitter. 

    He has a regular column in Chaos Fashion Monthly - Knit with Khorne.

    Most patterns are of skulls and in red but he is also fond of sunflowers and is currently experimenting with neon yellow wool.

    Blood for the blood god. Wools for the wool throne. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

    Just have to totally reculpt the legs. 

    Might be able to use the feet. 

    Add talons and scales.

    Reculpt the head, maybe using theirs for a base. 

    It'll be a project for sure.





    Oh, 🤔 and add those lovely (  •  )(  •  ) !!!


    It looks like one of them even has a troggoth skull hanging from their belt!

  6. 5 hours ago, FPC said:

    Ah ok so nothing other than its place in the store? I’m guessing there just wasn’t anywhere else to put it given how few “subsections” there are. Where is it now? Under “all destruction” I’m guessing, and not with a faction?

    If anywhere, either GG or Orruks makes the most sense bc the old WHFB giant was originally under the old Orcs and Goblins (like Trolls).

    The gargant was moved into Gloomspite Gitz

  7. These covers don’t always show all the fighters in a warband (see Zarbag’s Gitz), so I’m hoping there’s a few more than three. It looks like there’s another three ghouls shown at the bottom so maybe six/seven fighters to put them closer to the other Death warbands.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Grontik said:

    Looking at the Beastgrave pics ... do I see some maw tokens on the board? Wouldn’t that be a somewhat new mechanic, placing hazards on the board? The pic on my phone is tough to zoom all the way but they don’t look like objectives to me.

    Nightvault came with ‘chasm’ tokens but they were barely used. It would make sense for these maws to have more of a presence given the setting of this series. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Grontik said:

    Looking at the Beastgrave pics ... do I see some maw tokens on the board? Wouldn’t that be a somewhat new mechanic, placing hazards on the board? The pic on my phone is tough to zoom all the way but they don’t look like objectives to me.

    Nightvault came with ‘chasm’ tokens but they were barely used. It would make sense for these maws to have more of a presence given the setting of this series. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Mayple said:

    Quick thought: boosting up a prized Moulder creation with 6 Master Moulders ---> what happens if it comes back from dying via their command ability? Does it retain it's health buff?


    Also a good way to prevent Rat Ogre losses by boosting one of them into the clouds, and allocating wounds to it first - practically guaranteeing the rest of the ogres in that unit survives a round of focused fire. Boneripper & friends.

    I don’t think you can use Master Moulders to boost rat ogors’ wounds can you? The prized creation ability only affects Clan Moulder units with the fighting beast keyword, and rat ogres do not have it - they’re ‘pack’ instead. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, mcmattila said:

    Nice work on those Stormcasts! The blue-gray flame effects and Stormsire's head seem to have come out especially well, and that green armor is a shade I don't think I've previously seen. Your bases are also painted really well, though I would've tried some other color than green for the stones, to introduce a little more contrast.

    It's also really nice to see paintjobs on the new teams. It will probably be quite a while before I'll buy Nightvault as I'm only half-way through Shadespire, but I'm still very exited for all the new warbands that have been released/teased.

    Thanks! I agree about the bases, I’m thinking of repainting them real at some point

  12. What’s generally best to take for your battleline in LoS - skeletons, zombies or chainrasps? I see skeletons are stronger, but zombies benefit from the corpse cart which can play into the faction’s magic focus. Has anyone had any particular success using zombies?

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