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Everything posted by Isotop

  1. How are you getting +2 on the Dryad summoning? If you are thinking of Ranus´ Lamentiri - it only grants +1 to Roused to Wrath since it is not a Deepwood Spell Lore spell (you still get +1 tho). The only other way of getting +2 (or more) I can think of is Throne of Vines on a Branchwraiht and/or a Harvestboon Wargrove Branchwraith with Ranus´. How are you charging turn 1 with three units? The redeployment-ability is only one unit, while the movement-ability only gives 5" additional threat on Hunters and Durthu. Am I missing something?
  2. The real problem I am seeing here is the fact you do not really use the Winterleaf´s ability to generate extra attacks for your Dryads. Units of 10 will be a distraction and a in the best case a screen for a turn. You are paying 710 points for the one-drop here (400 for Dryads, 230 for Battalions, 80 for Wraith). You can get Outcasts + Dreadwood for 460 points (180 for Battalions, 280 for Spites) and get a big unit of Drydas on top of it for roughly the same points. Plus some rather insane abilities the Dreadwood provides. I understand that you get the Frostheart by virtue of Winterleaf, but I do not think that a single one is worth the tax you are paying (I get the feeling the Frostheart really starts to shine when he brings some bird friends along). If you are eager to use the Frostheart at any cost, I would recommend ramping one of your Dryad units up to 30 models - I imagine they can do a good amount of hurt in your own combat phase getting additional attacks on 5+.
  3. I would recommend magnetizing them. Otherwise, it really depends how you wanna play your army. The most "balanced" version would probably be Swords.
  4. I have yet to try out Gnarlroot myself (concentrating on Dreadwood so far), so my regards and questions are purely on the "I want to learn about this list" -side. (1) You say the list can still fight against hordes, so I guess you went Squirmlings on Drycha? (2) Why no Arcorn of the Ages? I found the opportunity to plant down a 100% safe Wyldwood too valuable to pass up on. Maybe you could touch upon your usage of the Silverwood Circlet. (3) Why are you using the Chronomatic Cogs if your game plan is bunkering down on the objectives? I am having a feeling you could get more mileage out of damage spells like the Pendulum. (4) I really like the basic fact that you mix Scythes and Swords! But in this particular list I have some concerns with your loadout. I think that Verdurous Harmony is one of the big boons of Gnarlroot, since bringing back a Kurnoth Hunter is so point-efficient. I fear that units of 3 may be wiped out too fast to make good use of the spell. Secondly, I made the experience that the big plus of Sythe Hunters is the fact they can attack over your massive Dryad line, which would play into your bunkering style. See (5) for continuation on this point. (5) I love the Incantor! The auto-unbind is super valuable in certain matchups and rarely useless. The Spirit Flask are, as well, pretty useful in a good amount of games. In relation to (4), though, I could see an argument for kicking the Incantor and 10 Dryads to make room for another 3 Hunters (adding them to the existing Sythe unit). Not saying that this is the better option (not even in my mind) but a thing you could try out. (6) Not implying you do, but do not forget about the Discipline of the Ages rule of the Household - I know it can be hard to remember all the little things a Sylvaneth army comes up with!
  5. I think the Scythe Hunters are a great summoning option in general, but there might be cases in which other options are better. An extrene example: You are fighting Nighthaunt and everything has Ethereal - here, 3 Sword Hunters are simply better suited due to having more attacks but the same damage output as the Scythes. In some games you even might opt for Bow Hunters to start chipping away on the opponent right from turn 1. A Treelord can be great, and so can be 20 Dryads. I can not provide you with a strict rule when to use which summoning option - I just wanted you to keep your options in mind. Good luck at the tournament and I hope we will hear from you how things turned out!
  6. Hi Milo! Are you a new player? If yes, I like the list a lot, simply because you will learn how to play with Alarielle (you will most likely use her in a good amount of bigger games as well). There are, however, some points I would like to treat: (1) Is it a "newbie" tournament where people will most likely show up with a starter box + some "random" stuff? If yes, you should overthink taking Alarielle. (2) Are you playing on 48"x48" tables? If yes, I would skip the verdant blessing, since you will most likely have enough "forest presence" [see (3),(4)] (3) I can deeply recommend Throne of Vines on Alarielle. It makes her other casts even stronger/the pendulum safer. It also gives you the 1-2 additional mortal wounds on Metamorphosis you will most likely welcome especially at lower point levels. (4) If you want you use the Dryad summoning with the Branchwraith, I would swap Ranu´s Lamentiri with Arcorn of the Ages. You can not really control wether your starting Wyldwood will be on your side of the board or not. A Verdant Blessing on Alarielle "only" suceeds on a 6+, which is also not super reliable. Ranu´s will give you Regrowth on a 3+ instead of a 5+, which is often times not necessary. Roused to Wrath on the other hand will only recieve a +1 bonus from Ranu´s (since it is not part of the Deepwood Spell Lore ) - this puts it on a 6+ instead of 7+ to cast, which is a very relevant improvement, but in my view simply does not cut it in relation to the "I need a safe Wyldwood to start summoning in the first place" -issue. (5) You say you will summon Scythe Hunters with Alarielle. If you have, up to now, a limited model range and no other options that is perfectly fine (and you will end up with summoning Hunters a lot anyways). But if you have a wider model range allready, I would recommend bringing other options to the tournament. Deciding what you will summon in any given game is a really strong aspect of Alarielle´s ability. Hope I made everything clear (no native English speaker). Side note: I am not a super experienced player myself (assuming you are kind of new) - so take everything with a grain of salt. I would be happy to discuss the points I made further (if you/anyone wisheS to).
  7. Good to know. Still a bit confused, since the "know spells from its spell lores" part is not inlcuded in any rules BEFORE this erratum/FAQ. Yet they let it sound as if it was a clear thing that allied wizards could not use the Deepwood Spell Lore. I guess it is just another example of lacking consistency from GW´s side. It most definitely is not, since page 107 of the Sylvaneth Battletome states: "This page describes the allegiance abilities that a sylvaneth army possesses, and the command trait that its general can have." Deepwood Spell Lore is on the next page, and following from the quotation not even command traits are part of the allegiance ability. So in AOS1.0, where an allied model could be the general (correct me if I am wrong), such an ally could in fact get a "Sylvaneth" command trait.
  8. How is the Deepwood Spell Lore an allegiance ability? What is a (allegiance) trait?
  9. I was about to ask a question regarding this topic in the rules section, but I guess it will fit here as well. My question refers to the Deepwood Lore in conjunction with allied wizards. Under DEEPWOOD SPELL LORE in the Sylvaneth battle tome it says: "Each WIZARD in a SYLVANETH army knows an additional spell [...]" (1) then, at the end of the paragraph: "[...] you can instead generate (pick or roll) one spell that will be known by all your SYLVANETH WIZARDS." (2) As far as I know (looking at lists) people just ignored the fact that (1) allows allied wizards to pick an additional spell from Deepwood. In my opinion the reason could be "RAI-thinking" or the kind of contradicting part (2). Final option: I am simply not aware of an erratum or designers commentary regarding this topic. In this case I would be happy if someone could point me towards the hard evidence - otherwise, a discussion on the topic is more than welcome.
  10. Gryph feather Charm doesn´t give Flying, "just" -1 to hit and +1 movement. But it´s still one of the "prime" defensive items for us (in my view).
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