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Everything posted by Fyrm

  1. This is the one I feel would be most cool, but also feel is the least likely. If only because one of them is a hive, which can’t really move, although I suppose it could just have no movement value...huh, ya that works, alright I’m back onboard to aspires being summoned/dispelled like endless spells, but controlled/fight like units!!!
  2. So, I’m curious. What are people thinking we’ll be seeing in the new Battletome? I know no one really knows, at least not that can say anything, but I kinda want wild speculation, because it’s fun. I’m thinking our wargroves are gonna be converted into subfactions, which is sad because that means no more 1 drop armies, and less items for my heroes. Also they’ll probably drop it down to 4, as that seems like the norm? Not sure which two get dropped though. So, anyone else have any rambling/wild unbased speculation they wish to share?
  3. That’s...huh. That’s kinda awkward, but meh, it’s still a neat thingy to do, and may open up options. Or not, and I don’t really lose anything.
  4. Yes, coherency would be a major problem. My main lines of reasoning were these two: first, it would allow more room for larger units of dryads to fit wholly within the woods, along side other units potentially. Coherency is 1” horizontal, 6” vertical, unless I’m mistaken. Not a huge use, but something to keep in mind. Second, it could make a hiding place for a little hero. Don’t want that branchwraith in combat? Port her to the treetops, where nothing can get to her. Sure, she can’t do much up there, but she should be able to buff or summon, and if the platform is <1” from an edge she could see out that edge. Turn the woods into an even harder bunker for her, perhaps. I doubt this’ll be an end all be all strategy, but it is a potential tactic I could use to my advantage, if I build the trees properly, so I figured I should check to see if I need to be building the trees properly or not.
  5. Salutations. I was thinking of getting into Sylvaneth, and only then saw the looncurse box. So ya. Ironically I received my order of wyldwoods and a SC box the day the news about the new tome, plus new trees!, came out. But the fact that I can still use these trees I payed a lot of mons for is good. Anyways, I figured y’all might know the answer to something I was pondering. So, I haven’t had the time to assemble any trees yet, but I know the leaves are 2D. Hypothetically, if payed horizontal, could models stand on them? Could make for some interesting terrain setups, if you could have some trees with leafy platforms. Thought? Is this even legal?
  6. As much as I hope not, I suspect that will be the case. Which makes me nervous to build the models that have choices of which unit they can be. I suppose I’ll just have to build the ones that don’t have any choices, and save the rest for after we start seeing the new battalions. Fortunately I have other stuff to play while I wait, but I did kinda rather wish to start playing them as an actual army.
  7. I find it curious that they’re hiding all of the Sylvaneth warscrolls from it. Even for the models that already exist. Definitely indicative of changes on the way, and not posting any warscrolls means we wouldn’t know which ones are being changed [as opposed to posting some, and not others, so we can go “oh, those are the ones receiving changes”]. Or someone made a mistake and forgot to upload the Sylvaneth warscrolls and I’m reading too much into it... I want to see those warscrolls!!! Lol. Edit: And to be clear, I mean if you go to the product page and click on the warscrolls for Sylvaneth units, it fails, but the gits have their warscrolls there. I don’t mean in the specific units’ pages.
  8. Salutations. So, I’m almost done with constructing my 1k list. It’s basically just a Temple Nest. 1 Medusa on a shrine, 2 blood sisters, 2 blood stalkers. I find the concept fun, don’t mind not being hyper competitive. Anyways, onto the reason for my posting. So, while thinking about my 2k list, I’m planning on adding 20 more spear snakes [as well as a few other support heroes]. Easy/cheap to purchase. And again, seems fun to me. Obviously 5 go to a new unit for battleline. I was originally looking at dumping all 15 into 1 unit, so I’d have a unit of 20, and 2 units of 5. But after doing the math, I realized I could afford to not get the max unit discount, so I can split it up to 15/10/5 or 10/10/10. I’m not sure which combination would be best, or rather what the pros and cons are of each setup. Thoughts? Apologies for the rambly post. Edit: oh, and I thought about playing a handful of games with each setup, but I’m building each unit with a few different themes for what bits and colors and such I’m going with, so I can’t really build them until I have the destribution figured out. Fortunately it won’t matter for a while, but I’d like to start thinking it over.
  9. I’m planning on doing much the same, actually! I’m still debating which realm works best as their home base [mechanically doesn’t matter much as I’m using our items, so I don’t have to feel bad about crunch vs fluff], but I know I’m planning on finding snakes from each contenant for my Melusai units, and basing their “personalities” [read: how I plan to tactically use them] on that. So the hyper aggressive snakes would be the ones I throw into the thick of thingies, while more patient ones will generally be the ones I send off into tactical positions. Obviously if I need them to do otherwise, I will, but that’s just the Medusa ordering them to, not them doing them!
  10. I feel like it may be more fitting for Stalkers' arrows to deal an extra wound, rather than them getting an extra shot. I don't feel like their archery style is shooting a rain of arrows, but rather firing a few big/well aimed arrows. Keep the 6+ dealing one mortal wound i believe, so that ends up trading raw damage for sticky damage. Idk, I'm sure an extra shot would be stronger, but I feel having the shots deal 2 wounds would make more sense and still increase their damage output, in a more interesting way.
  11. This is kinda why I'd like to try out the Temple Nest, for the extra item. Also, I'd figure the Stalkers might be helpful to camp objectives? Or is that not worth it in games?
  12. Well, I haven't really played yet, only just now starting to begin my collection, but I'm working towards that list. Basically what you'd imagine, a ton of snakes with a hag or two as support. Still deciding the final details, but it is fairly straight forward from what I've seen. On that front, I've noticed something that I find quite disconcerting. The blood cauldron/bloodwrack shrine kits seem to be missing. Out of stock pretty much everywhere I can find online [even GW online store!]. Just found a seller on eBay that had 1 left in stock, placed the order really quick. I'm rather new to miniatures games, is it common that this sorta thingy happens and then the stock gets built up again? Or am I going to have to hunt if I want to get more cauldrons?
  13. Yes, I saw that battlereport, and was happy that it did so well as it is basically what I'm going for exactly [even thought about converting the Queens into snake girls, although I believe I'll wait till I have more experience with modeling for that]. I couldn't find any other videos with similar armies though, so figured I'd check opinions here too. Is that battle the norm for this kind of army?
  14. Salutations! Made the account mostly to post here. My roommate is looking at getting into AoS, and I wasn't hard to convince. I love me some snake people, so this faction was a no brainer for me. We're at starting with 1k armies, to help us ease into it. Obviously, as they are the reason for my enjoyment of the faction, I am going to want as many snake ladies as I can. So far I'm thinking this for a list: Khailebron Bloodwrack Medusa [general] Hag Queen 5x Blood Sisters 5x Blood Sisters 5x Blood Stallers 5x Blood Stalkers Temple Nest this leaves me with 70 points unaccounted for. Obviously I could grab another Hag Queen, but that would mean buying another box [as I would get the first Queen with my Medusa]. I'd rather try to keep it as cheap as possible for now. The reason I'm looking at Khailebron is because, when we eventually expand our army, I can keep the entire main forces in the battalion so they all get that neat rule. My general plans for expanding are more Sisters, and shrines/cauldrons for my heroes, as well as potentially more heroes as points work out. Still debating spells/prayers/items. Advice there? Am I being foolish for trying to squeeze in the battalion at this point cost? I was also considering dropping the battalion and the Queen to put the Medusa on a Shrine and get 5 more Sisters, either to beef up a unit or to be a new unit. My goal here is not to have a super competitive army, just to help learn the rules, easy into my collection, and have fun. But part of having fun is not getting rofl-stomped constantly. I have a feeling it should be fine as is, but figured I'd check with everyone here. Also, roommate is going Dispossed. He'a a bit of a dwarf nut, and would rather stick with the classic dwarves rather than any of these "new-fangled" offshoots. If that plays any part in this.
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