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Posts posted by Red_Zeke

  1. 3 hours ago, ReynakZhen said:

    New FAQ just dropped! some really good clarifications in there, specifically of interest to me was the Last Chance ruling.

    And finally putting the dagger in the 'what is a warband' debate.

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  2. On 5/31/2018 at 1:32 AM, Skellisquad said:


    Never scored the Tactical Supremecies. In10 games Momentary Madness triggered once and then missed. Card is now in the bin. along with Second Wind which was played once. Other changes have been to put in Quick Thinker and Sprint. 

    Sound like good moves to me.  I don't actually do a ton of charges early in the round with Farstriders, so I think that reduces the value of Second Wind.  Quick Thinker, on the other hand, is suuuuuper money, especially since a fighter can step away from danger but counterstrike later with shooting.  Sprint is an interesting one!

  3. I've found Escalation a little tough on occasion, particularly if I've successfully starved the opponent of glory. If they're not playing upgrades, not only do you need to spend three glory in a round, but you need to see three upgrades in your power hand. Of course, in that scenario, you're probably fine. I see it as a great card if you're neck and neck, or if one person's a little ahead. And those are the times where you probably really want a boost anyhow.

  4. At *least* two different directions. I've got that mid-range standoff and fight build. I have run into the same issue as @stickybluetoffee- it can be a bit of a downer for the opponent in some matchups. My last Reaver match went 19-0, 20-6 in my favor, and my last Fiends went 5-0, 14-0.  So... know your audience on that front, I guess.

  5. I've gotten some great mileage out of Furious Blow as well, though I'm not quite aggressive enough to be running Army of One.  Here's the latest version for me:



    Thinking about it, I don't think in 20 games I've ever even had to roll for tethered spirit, so maybe something a touch more aggro is called for there?

  6. @SkellisquadI did just rotate in Spectral Wings and Swift Stride with zero regrets for both. I carry a fair number if defensive upgrades, so do like getting a bit of inspiration in to compound the defensive buffs. They also serve to protect a fighter if I can't get them all out of danger.


    Also, can you post up your deck?

  7. There are absolutely some matchups where the only fighter I inspire is the one that I play Inspiration Strikes on.  Sometimes I'll sneak a second inspiration via Hidden Paths. I generally go for Farstriders and then whichever of the other two will be more useful (damage vs cleave).

    I've found the Magore's and Ironjaws matches to be very favorable because you can give ground, score passively while picking off isolated fighters, all while starving the enemy of aggro glory.

    Reavers have been coming up with big wins too, though they feel a little more challenging because their speed makes it tough to cut into just a few of the fighters while isolating the rest.

  8. Got another three games today. Magore's, Gurzag, and Magore's for a 5-0, 13-0, 15-0.  The first game I placed boards longways to starve the Fiends of Glory, but starved us both instead. It was so bad, it took me till the third round to even score Master of War despite holding it at the start.


    Dropped invisible Walls for Quick Thinker which was super clutch.  I didn't like Punishing Volleys at all, as it potentially dictated a lot of your round. Went with Defensive Strike instead, which seems fine.

    Record with this deck through all it's evolutions so far is 11-0, but many/most of those games are against newer players or decks also getting fine tuned. Haven't gotten in a Skaven, Slayer, or mirror match game yet. Also, no Katophrane testing, so... you know...

  9. I continue to be happy With Victory After Victory and Chosen Champion.  Alone in the Darkness has warmed on me. I recognize that playing into Sepulchral Guard was a dire test for that card, with so many bodies walking around.

    Now thinking of pulling Complete Victory for Superior Tactician and possibly Brave but Cautious for... something? Punishing Volleys? Defensive Strike? Ploymaster? Total Annihilation (jkjk)?

  10. I've struggled a bit with Flawless Strategy in a deck with lots of Score Immediately cards.  They don't help with Flawless and can make it hard to plan a score of your other End Phase objectives until you're partially through the round. I suppose the better you know your deck, the more you can plan for what is *probably* coming up.

  11. Experimented with swapping Victory After Victory and Chosen Champion in place of Victorious Duel and Behead the Beast.  I really like not having to get after that leader. It just feels too tough pull the assassination, even with the great range on the Farstriders because people can play so defensively with their leaders.  Victory after Victory feels pretty doable.  Chosen Champion is a dud draw in round one, but often easy in later rounds.  Only thing I might swap for is Heroes All.  With Inspiration Strikes as a ploy and the easy inspire condition, might be more reliable.   Then again, as soon as you lose a dude, that one's dead too.

    • Like 1
  12. There's only a handful of push cards it works with, right? The damaging effect is limited to during the activation, not the power step. Still, Striders can often get an attack off without moving, so that's an interesting option.

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Skellisquad said:

    Your card choice looks pretty solid, although I've decided against Lightning Blow as it is a wasted card if the first attack fails. I also generally avoid the Kill Leader objective cards as I'm very unlikely to score them round one and only might be in a position to score them round two meaning they can clog up my hand, but thats personal choice.

    Definitely had that sense in the last couple games vs Skels. Held Behead the Beast and Victorious Duel and they just sat there with no realistic shot at the Warden. Victory after victory could work quite nicely. Definitely overlooked that.

  14. Tried this one out:  https://www.underworldsdb.com/shared.php?deck=0,204,205,234,235,243,257,272,284,289,298,305,245,215,219,222,329,330,331,335,334,348,369,226,227,228,373,376,384,389,424,433,436

    Faction: The Farstriders

    Objectives (12)
    204 - Behead the Beast
    205 - Brave but Cautious
    234 - Advancing Strike
    235 - Alone in the Darkness
    243 - Change of Tactics
    245 - Complete Victory
    257 - Escalation
    272 - Master of War
    284 - Precise Use of Force
    289 - Skirting Danger
    298 - The Bigger They Are
    305 - Victorious Duel

    Ploys (10)
    215 - Lightning Blow
    219 - Rapid Volley
    222 - Warning Cry
    329 - Great Concussion
    330 - Healing Potion
    331 - Hidden Paths
    334 - Inspiration Strikes
    335 - Invisible Walls
    348 - Ready for Action
    369 - Trap

    Upgrades (10)
    226 - Furious Blow
    227 - Lone Warrior
    228 - Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol
    373 - A Destiny to Meet
    376 - Awakened Weapon
    384 - Deathly Fortitude
    389 - Great Fortitude
    424 - Tethered Spirit
    433 - Trusted Defender
    436 - War Cry

    First three games with the Farstriders, just curious to see what their deal was.  The idea here was to maximize points off of a handful of key kills, while keeping my dudes alive and well.  I played three games against three different players, the first two were newer, and mostly had only played each other.

    I played against Steelheart's Champions (just the starter deck) 11-2 win

    Objective based Sepulchral Guard: 11-2 win

    Combat based Sepulchral Guard: 9-6 win

    Objectives:  The objective deck feels kinda impoverished, but I'm not sure where to go with it.  I had a commanding lead in the first game, which in the past, translated to bigger wins.  I thought Alone in the Dark would be a little easier (though SG for 2/3 games made for a crowded board), but it was hard- people were shutting it down without even trying to do so.  Without having movement ploys (other than Great Concussion) it is a bit of a tall order.  Won't yank it yet, but it's on the bubble.  On the other hand, the right set is kinda amazing.  I had a dream combo of an on-guard Sanson charging to kill a petitioner in enemy territory, scoring 4 (Change of Tactics, Precise Use of Force, Advancing Strike).

    Ploys:  Hidden Path was fun for bailing out of trouble or hunting down someone who thought they could sneak away with a few wounds remaining.  Inspiration Strikes is a nice one for pushing up defense, or getting Eagle-Eye up to three damage unexpectedly.

    Upgrades: War Cry was obnoxious- you can blast Movement 3 fighters back out of counter-charge range with your own charge.  Might be more cute than good, though- not sure.  Deathly Fortitude was hawt.  A fighter that got in too deep could be protected from reprisal nicely.  Furious Blow is questionable, but stacked with other defensive bumps means Swiftblade can get be a bit of a daunting target.


    Very interested in other thoughts here.


  15. 12 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Good news, Chosen Axes don't auto-stink! ?

    I've been having a serious string of good fortune with them lately, scoring 12+ glory regularly, even against Skaven.

    Maybe it's because they are finally fully painted. ?

    Other than paint, what do you feel turned your thinking from being so down on them? 

  16. How's Ploymaster working for you? I'm thinking of cutting it from mine. Seems like decks in general, and Reaver combat decks especially are trending towards reactions which are powerful but may not get the opportunity to trigger.  I've struggled to score it sometimes, even with 3+ ploys in hand at the start of the action phase.

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