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Posts posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. While I am sure the vast majority of us that are interested in KB want a Shaman model outside of Dominion, I'm also reminded that Nighthaunt are super reliant on their heroes and the ones you want were exclusively tied to Soul Wars boxes, and they still are. Hopefully GW will have learnt since then and we get some clampacks for the heroes individually but there's a precedent for them to not do so. 

  2. I doubt they'll be in the Battletome, we're already getting 3 of the warbands in there IIRC. But until the new season is out they won't be shown and hopefully we're actually getting the new book well before season 5 starter box comes out. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    So they explicitly said just the Gutrippas counted as battleline (at the start of the game or at a point in the game they had hobgrtoz alive as well)? Sorry for bothering asking about those details here, I don't have access to the report...

    Yes, when talking about Grand Strategy they explicitly stated they needed to keep the Gutrippas alive to score it. 

    I don't doubt that it's a demo game to show off the contents of Dominion, however, they could have easily just called it Narrative or Open Play rather than Matched Play and not worried about the fact people might notice the Orruk list was not actually legal in that kind of game. 

  4. They did, however, when picking their Grand Strategy mentioned that they chose the one where they need to keep their Battleline alive, and in that report the unit singled out as being the only one to be able to achieve it was the Gutrippas. 

  5. Watching the Warhammer+ Battle Report on Dominion, they call it a matched play game and yet totally ignore that you need 2 Battleline units and the Orruks only have one in the Gutrippas, and didn't use the Big Yellers sub faction so don't even get the Battleline Boltboyz unless I missed something...... 

  6. Age of Sigmar page on Facebook is offering apologies to people complaining about no BT pre-order, saying it's still something to do with pandemic and plans are changing, but it will be here "soon" apparently the WarCom article that mentions August pre-order has also been changed to show "soon". 

    This shadiness of not telling people what is going on, especially after the shenanigans pulled with Cursed City is sus to say the least. Just be honest and open with your customers, we actually understand that sometimes things don't work out as expected, but don't go radio silent about it. 

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  7. If it's more Warclan previews, but without the pre-order, then I'm sorry but it's killing my hype right now. I'm on board for the Kruleboyz but I've already waited almost all this month for the pre-order and now we're not going to be able to do it until September at the earliest, who knows when we'll actually see anything. 

  8. I've not even assembled mine yet as I want to see how they're going to fit into the wider Battletome before I worry about them. If they're cheap and I can screen, or even Battleline, great, but if I have to be taking 180pts Gutrippas as Battleline to manage a full KB army, then that, plus the monsters, we'll see if there's any points left. 

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  9. Reading all of the above, really does echo my own thoughts. It feels like we are hampered by our choices and to even attempt to play into the meta we have to ally in coalition units to even stand a chance. I don't think any of the other Chaos books (even BoC) need to do that. I mean, we can do it solo with our book but, like you say, it feels sometimes like you're hamstringing yourself to do it. 

    Everytime I sit down and write a list it feels like a sacrifice, if I want to do A I can't take B or C, if I want B, then A, C and D are off the table. I don't feel that away about any other army I build for. Sure, you normally can't include everything, that's one of the fun things about list building to me, balancing what you can and can't take but Hedonites, man, it just feels like you are always giving more away than you want to. It's a an incredibly sexy army model wise, the fact it requires so much effort to have a chance of winning compared to other armies just seems, yeah, like they were targetted to be this way. It's almost like we got the guy who likes narrative gaming in charge of our book where as DoK, LRL, Tzeentch etc.... got the Matched Play guy. 

    I don't want to be back to 2019 and ROFLstomp everything, I just want to be able to take units and be able to have a good game without feeling like I've got to utilise quantum physics to play the army when others have a much more straightforward set of either Warscroll abilities or even just don't pay through the nose for units like we do, just because we can summon them. 

    • Like 1
  10. Pretty sure that come Sunday we'll know that pre-order will be up the following Saturday. As much as I don't want to join in on ragging on GW at the moment all the previews saying "available in August" meaning that no, you can pre-order in August but you're not getitng anything in your hands until September, that's bad in my book. Especially for a new "army" having nothing to go off other than post after post teasing what's in the book, it's not a lot of fun and my hype is almost gone. 

  11. I've got a sizeable amount of Slaanesh stuff, they've been a faction I've loved, and played, since Fantasy. I've had the goalposts moved on me before. I love KB aesthetic and am having a blast painting them, like others have said all I want out of the game is to not ROFLstomp everyone, nor get ROFLstomped in return. 

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  12. Anyone else feel like we've been waiting for an age for Battletomes? I don't know what Covid is still doing to the release times but it seems like this has been a huge wait since Dominion came out. Might just be me being impatient but I'm really eager to get my hands on the Battletome. Hopefully Warclans will be more like Codex Space Marines and less like Codex Necrons. First books in a new edition can be dicey. 

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  13. Honestly, while I love the KB aesthetic I'm disappointed we've not actually seen any more units for them. Hobgrots not being Battleline seems like an oversight, but without the book we don't know. Then there's the Gutrippaz and the Boltboyz, both are cool but you'll be forced into Yellers if you want a variety of Battleline. It's possible that our variety may come from Big Waaagh but it seems a missed opportunity that the hallmark release of a new edition is but a small subfaction into a bigger tome, especially with all the advertising hype about them being their own playable army. 

    I'm still interested in them and am having fun painting, but I'll just grab the book rather than ordering everything day 1 as I want to see what the army will look like and how I can get in the stuff I want and make it work as an army, ideally as pure KB but if I had to add IJ in, I do love some Gore-Gruntas, I'll want to make sure that Big Waaagh works rather than losing cool stuff because you're forced to soup in some other units just to make a workable army. 

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  14. Well Kill Team pre-orders are this coming Saturday (was really hoping that it was going to be Battletome weekend, but looks like that is either 21st or 28th now, as they're out in August guessing 21st is pre-order for release on 28th, so a few more weeks of waiting. 

  15. Sooooo many monsters that it's going to be interesting to see what ends up making an actual army. A lot of heroes, not a lot of units shown so far so hopefully more than just Gutrippaz, Hobgrots and Boltboyz otherwise the rest of the army is going to seem very bland compared to the awesome monsters. A few more units would really round out the range and make it feel really good just to have an army of KB exclusively. 

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