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Nighthaunt Noob

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Everything posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. I guess this means no releases until June. I'm surprised they won't be ready to do a pre-order next weekend for the collector's box.
  2. So are we thinking the prior comment about Eltharion sharing Tyrionic and Teclian elements was misleading, or do we think Eltharion has a spell on top of all of this?
  3. Points can always be adjusted. I'm just glad he got some truly interesting rules that are fairly extensive. Some of these HQ have 1 or 2 special rules tops which is just so bland.
  4. I take back all my concerns about how they'd treat him. These rules are awesome.
  5. What makes you think that isn't the standard length?
  6. I think FEC is more likely. No clothes and holding the sword in an unusual way.
  7. Even if that is the case, there's the risk they overvalue the points benefit of that flexibility, or there won't be enough different between the two aspects.
  8. Agreed GW doesn't tend to do hybrid characters well at all. Hoping they don't ruin a great looking model with trash rules. I think one of the things they do poorly is they seem to have an unwritten rule that models of a certain number of points won't have more than "x" number of special rules. Then if one of the rules is super narrow it doesn't leave a lot else. There's nothing wrong with narrow special rules but I think they need to get more comfortable giving out more rules in situations like that.
  9. How are people playing a roll of 5 or 6 on the boss table since the table is only 1 thru 4?
  10. I think we are saying the same thing. I was raising the possibility that he could be generic.
  11. Theres a non-zero chance that the Light of Eltharion is a generic hero too. After all he was referred to as a "shard of light" and is in the suped up start collecting box.
  12. Tassels don't look like they are blowing in the wind enough to fit the Lumineth.
  13. I know @JackStreicher has gotten flack before for the use of the word "objective" but I have to agree with his perspective on this. There is evidenced based research that supports the notion that, in aggregate, the typical person finds something more visually pleasing than others, even subconsciously. It makes sense to tap into these "truths" when designing. For example, many people find the OBR heads visually jarring because of the noses and jaws. This departure from what our brain expects to see when looking at a skull is going to cause displeasure in your typical person processing this image. That doesn't mean some people can't like certain things like OBR heads. However, these things may not be good design choices because of their likely impact on the typical viewer which has deep rooted concepts of beauty/good design.
  14. 1. GW rarely puts images of people in battletomes these days that aren't part of the release. The "dragon" helm guy is very likely a model (either a new lord, alt build of hammerers, or alt build of cavalry). I think the image was clearly meant to tease the unit just as many other units have previously been teased without acknowledgement during this release (art was how we originally got our first glimpse of the hammerers for example). This 2. In respect to the mountain setting in the art, the article says "They are not the delicate elves of the world-that-was, these guys are pike- and hammer-wielding magical powerhouses with backup from all the geomantic spirits of Hysh – some of which literally represent the mountains themselves!" This is yet another acknowledgement that all 4 geomantic spirits are in this army, of which mountain is just one.
  15. The article we got on the spearmen showed a better view of the models that shows the spears are very long. Some people were even debating if they might have 3 inch range. It is definitely understandable that someone might use the term "pike" to refer to them.
  16. If this read is accurate (and I think it probably is the best conclusion), it still doesn't mean that there isn't more. Clearly none of these tokens are for the veiled woman, and as someone else in this thread pointed out, the mountain mage doesn't appear to have a token on this sheet either.
  17. This is probably the right answer. It isn't an either or.
  18. Could just be an Eltharion ability. They definitely implied he had some magic in previous reveals.
  19. Yeah but it is also a shorter duration than last week so it will probably be roughly the same number of segments. Maybe 1 or 2 more.
  20. Doesn't it sorta look like the Herald alludes to a Lumineth/Chaos battle box? A lot of people did speculate that the Slaves Start Collecting kit recently released was originally made for a duel box.
  21. I'm gonna throw out a slightly different guess for the rumour engine. Maybe it is an OBR character for a special event release (like store birthdays).
  22. Thus why it is more likely a lot more is still to come rather than this just being the mountain aspect. You think they're just going to officially reveal the veil-lady and be like "yup, now we're done?"
  23. Maybe the hammerers could be a duel kit but no way the stonemage is. The whole floating base is related to her earth magic and the pillar on it has the mountain symbol. I'm not sure what exactly you could reuse in an alternate build.
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