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Everything posted by schwabbele

  1. True, but I am pretty sure they didn't mess up that bad and just placed normally but sce kept his 5 units in scions. It's funny the German version is equally bad translated ?
  2. Hmm I still can not figure out what we have castigators for? They are just bad. Maybe I will throw them at my enemy next time ?
  3. Makes sense, but how does one avoid high tide?
  4. Damn, should have just sprayed all of my sce gold und dipped them, so much to paint ?
  5. That's true, but we have to be extra careful when they are not used in a bomb. They melt pretty fast when anything with rend goes against them. Based on my last games I really like sequitors, especially with castellant buff - that is a nasty combo. I might even try a unit of 20 and just drop them in my enemy's face and watch him rage for the fun of it
  6. @Mark Williams how did your prime do? Had he any game changing impact?
  7. tbh I didn't think of that at all , because I usually charged something else but will definitely on my next games
  8. You make it sound that this comes for free, in this case he is spending 300pts for that.
  9. Haha that’s nice ? my local players always bubble wrap a prime target so i didn’t even think of charging around a screen. That’s neat but comes with a cost .
  10. Why? when we can drop them at 9" and only use 2 or 3 ? Makes no sense to me. And I am not sure Gav can target 2 different units with his ability, but if he can ( can he? ) it would make sense again to me.
  11. I guess this could work pretty well against non mw spammers , drop on objectives, hand dice to dice roll friend and go for lunch Sports points probably not a lot ?
  12. Take 4 + Ordinator. You wanna make sure you whoop his boney behind real good.
  13. You are right, +2 each time you keep him in heaven.
  14. Only when you run a unit of 5 - which Is pretty bad - source: did it last game , was not impressed ?
  15. I counted twice now, only 4 greatmaces in the box.?
  16. Really really bad rolls ? Try adding castellant buff and enjoy your opponents tears ?
  17. Damn, is there really no Sequitor Prime with greatmace in the box? What is GW smoking? Really mad now.
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