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Posts posted by smartazjb0y

  1. 15 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Rumour from someone at Dakka - new warriors and new lord on a beasty - from someone at the event itself. 



    Darn it where is TGA's spy in the events?! 

    Double edged sword, I'm sure those will be awesome but just got my set of Warriors and Chaos Lord on Manticore =/ hahaha 

  2. While I understand that we don't want to be off-putting to new players, I think acronyms for things like factions is entirely fine, especially with Age of Sigmar where they can be pretty long names full of strange words. Having to write out "Daughters of Khaine" or "Ossiarch Bonereapers" every time is kind of annoying. And sure, you can do the thing where you write it out once then use the acronym afterwards, but we're also on a discussion forum where multiple people post back and forth. I don't think every post in a thread about the Bonereapers needs to have "Ossiarch Bonereapers (OBR)." People use that formatting in things like scientific papers because they're abbreviating something that's going to be used a bunch in the next 10 pages, and those aren't discussions where people go back and forth. 

    I do agree though that generally acronyms for rules are more annoying than they're worth; e.g. BLT for battleline tax seems just kind of silly. And having the mouseover function isn't a bad idea either, Dakka does that. 

  3. 40 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    You are correct that my initial comment comes of as rather certain. I usually state things with at least a modicum of uncertainty, but that would have damaged the layer of sarcasm, I thought.

    As to the situation: Since Slaanesh is so far outside the norm, and average armies have only a 20% win chance against it, I would say the single data point does point towards the hypothesis that it is not balanced to most of the armies.

    I would even say that Slaanesh is not a relevant test bed, since it needs such a big nerf that losses against it does not really indicate anything. Wins against it do, however, indicate they could be equally wrong in balancing.

    So, If Bonereapers would be balanced around 55% overall, losing some 7 or 8 matches out of 10 against Slaanesh would not indicate anything with regards to non-broken armies. Being on par or over, however, indicates the balance team has lost the plot (again), and now needs to apply huge nerfs to two armies instead of one.

    Again, extrapolating from a single data point, so a substantial amount of reservation is needed. Slaneesh, however, is such an outlier, that fewer data points are needed to indicate balance in reference to the non-outliers being off. Do note that this just is a qualitative indication, and does not say where it is in relation to non-broken armies, just that it's outside of the desired range.

    Or, of course, it is a hard counter to Slaanesh, and every word I just typed is irrelevant.

    That's a fair clarification. I just think people are way too ready to jump on the "GW bad at balance, OBR are OP" train before any of us have gotten the models and book in hand and actually played games with them. I mean, this thread has a way overdramatic title and was made before we even got the points values (and the OP even admitted to purposefully making the title overdramatic). Can we not just like wait til we actually have all the information, play some games, and be rational about this? 

  4. 37 minutes ago, Lord of Bones said:

    It sits on ~720pts. Adding another 10 Mortrek Guard or the Cav. seems like the likely way to start expanding. I'm thinking

    + 1x 10 Mortrek Guard, 1x Boneshaper, 20pt spare (So could replace with the Bonemason or drop to the Soulreaper for another Endless spell option)


    Was that a reply about the Meeting Engagements list? Or are you continuing a separate conversation and I just misunderstood haha 

  5. Maybe a bit silly to ask this question so early, but any thoughts on a possible Meeting Engagements list I can build based off Feast of Bones? Obviously I'd have to buy some extra units to get to 1k but wondering if any make sense with Feast of Bones as a base 

  6. 5 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Since I think Slaanesh wins about 80% of non-mirror matches, we'd need about 20 matches for any sort of good data set.

    If it's balanced well with normal armies, that should not be more than 4 extra wins and about 15 losses.

    It just seems weird to acknowledge that "we'd need about 20 matches for any sort of good data set" while simultaneously making sweeping claims off a single data point. 

    If you know you don't have enough data points, you don't proceed to start making claims off said data points. It's like claiming a dice is weighted because it landed on a 6 the first time you rolled it. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    So far none of the battalions from any dual boxes, like the battalions from looncurse, have been usable in matched play, so I do not expect the one from feast of bones to be either unfortunately. Maybe you can get away with it until the next GHB.

    They JUST FAQed the GHB like two weeks ago to allow things like this; there's a screenshot of the FAQ further up

  8. 9 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    SCE total MSRP: $275

    Nighthaunt total MSRP: $255 (but this is artificially inflated by hexwraiths and chainrasps at full retail)

    Skaven total MSRP: $250

    Gloomspite total MSRP: $255

    What are we thinking price-wise for these? Maybe $200 now considering the price hikes they've had this year? 

  9. I would love Kurnothi but it doesn't quite make sense to me; there's too much overlap with Sylvaneth (though I guess it could just be Kurnothi additions to Sylvaneth) and as others have said there are still other aelves out there that have been hinted at for a long time, that are IMO pretty different from what we have and would seem way newer than Kurnothi. 

  10. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    GW is a lot more cully with AoS than 40k, it seems.

    I don't trust GW not to kill off warscrolls when the molds wear out. All molds for Cities are old, so in two years, they might just rip them all out, or reduce them to the remaining molds before killing them a bit further on the line.

    Endless spells, faction terrain or any new kit was a way GW could have shown more than paper commitment (no matter how good that paper was).

    They didn't.

    If I'm not mistaken, these are the only 2.0 books without faction terrain. Since faction terrain is free in points, this is ruleswise strange, so there must be another reason.

    Not wanting to commit a mold to the faction is a logical conclusion, and worrysome for people more heavily invested in it than GW.

    Orrukz didn't get terrain either. 

    But GW has stated that writing a battletome takes around a year to do. Those are not insignificant resources. If they wanted to squat those units, it would've been far more logical to simply squat them and not bother with a tome at all. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    Sometimes I wonder where people get their confidence from considering there's no precedence for such a claim so far.

    The cynicism of people who feel slighted is frankly exhausting. A new battletome with the largest variety of units that seems to be competitively strong and well thought out, but because they didn't get terrain they may as well have been squatted. Like @Overread said if they wanted to squat them they'd squat them. 

    • Like 2
  12. 57 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    As GW have now proved new players to the hobby will be in for a long painful shock when their army is squatted into oblivilion just after they invested hundreds of pounds into it. Imagine a new player who took up high elves at the start of 2019. Those people will be long gone and won't be coming back. 

    What a silly remark, as if the majority of new players in 2019 are solely getting into armies like High Elves. Sorry to say, but I'm pretty sure the number of players who started in 2019 by purchasing hundreds of pounds worth of high elves is dwarfed by the number of new players who are getting other armies. 

    • Confused 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Major said:

    My price list here is directly from GW. I didn't see the other leak but I am confident what i've put here are the prices Ozzies can expect on sale day.

    You misunderstood me; what I'm saying is because we know your prices are right, then we can say confidently that some prices in the leaks are wrong

  14. Yep, reposting my thoughts on the AUS prices: 

    Interesting, those mostly line up with the spreadsheet leak (though that leak was in USD), except for some outliers that seem to certainly be errors. We don't have the red painting handle here but the spreadsheet had the paint pot holder as $48 USD, quantity unknown, while this has it as the way more reasonable $13 AUS for 6 of them. 

    With that in mind, it's possible/probable that some of the other prices in the leak are also incorrect, i.e. the Warbands for Warcry re-releasing potentially alongside the StD battletome, but the items themselves are correct

  15. 15 minutes ago, Major said:

    Australian Retail Prices (AUS$) for upcoming releases of Bonereapers and others:


    Interesting, those mostly line up with the spreadsheet leak (though that leak was in USD), except for some outliers that seem to certainly be errors. We don't have the red painting handle here but the spreadsheet had the paint pot holder as $48 USD, quantity unknown, while this has it as the way more reasonable $13 AUS for 6 of them. 

    With that in mind, it's possible/probable that some of the other prices in the leak are also incorrect, i.e. the Warbands for Warcry re-releasing potentially alongside the StD battletome. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    @minthras the only time you would go halberds on warriors is if you anticipated taking a big unit (15+) where the 2" reach ensures more of them, if not all, will be in range to fight. More often then not hand weapons are the way to go for better hit rolls.

    Chaos knights should always be charging so glaives are the way to go. Maybe one unit with hand weapons if you have a few units.

    For warriors should it be hand weapon and shield, or double hand weapons? 

  17. 17 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    Did Feast have more stock than Looncurse?
    I'm also curious about how many boxes of Psychic Awakening they made, those don't seem to be selling out fast at all. So did they make less Feast boxes then

    At least for Psychic Awakening I wouldn't be surprised if they made more, but also that box is pretty expensive at $230, even compared to the Feast box which itself is already a price hike

  18. 18 minutes ago, Overread said:

    It varies and your budget also comes into it plus your style of play.

    At present spears to swords is quite a fine line to draw so many are half and half what they will take. Also you can vary it up. 20 guard with one weapon 20 with the other weapon and experiment and see what suits you and what works. 

    Over time steadily growing your collection. A box here a box there it quickly adds up

    Yeah budget is being considered so trying to avoid "just have multiples of everything with different loadouts to switch between" haha. I guess at the level I'd be playing at, weapon loadout decisions in my 20+ model units probably won't be the be all end all

  19. Maybe a bit of a more general question but how do people handle weapon choices on smaller models like the Motrek Guard? People are saying it's not worth it to magnetize, does that mean generally there's a better "overall" weapon choice and people just choose it and stick with it? I'm excited to build them when I get my Feast box this weekend but don't wanna like equip them with spears if it turns out the build I might want prefers blades. 

  20. As far as I can tell there's nothing preventing the Warband from being in a Gavespawn army; the warband has a warscroll and points and the trait for a Greatfray says "All BEASTS OF CHAOS units in your army gain that keyword" and the warband has that keyword

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