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Posts posted by AaronWilson

  1. Local to me there is a mix of very casual players, I tend to not take any real hard lists locally as I know people don't anything hard. I keep my hard lists for the events I attend, sadly often attend without any club members as they're very casual. 

    • Like 1
  2. I would love to a bit of a leveller for all the armies in AoS 3. Seraphon, LRL, Tzeentch have all pushed towards a shooting meta with magic dominance, those two things feel very oppressive to play against. I think a move away from shooting would be healthy but they aren't simply going to reprint every shooting warscroll.

    I think the best we can hope for is some new good scenarios & better terrain rules. 

    • Like 4
  3. For me in the Seraphon book it would most likely be Kroxigor, there isn't really another unit that I think doesn't at least provide some utility and I can place for. Kroxigor just feel forgotten about again, neither of the subfactions really do a great deal for them, there is no real internal synergy for them in the book that isn't more synergistic elsewhere etc. It's a real shame because I bloody love the models and have often gave them a run out, only to be sorely dissapointed and left with the feeling I'm short changing my self.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0oZQvUItpZpEW8C36qCsbg

    Hi guys, I've started my own labour of love in terms of my own youtube channel. I love talking about the hobby and engaging with people in discussion about it. My new channel has a guest on each week, where we talk a bit about the guest, there own hobby then a topic which ties into a specific game.

    This week I have Mark Wildman,  AoS event TO, amazing painter and general awesome guy. We're talking a bit about him self, his own hobby (which is gorgeous) and where we think the AoS meta is going to sit after the lockdown.

    I'd love if any of you checked it out, I try to interact with the audience as much as possible and would love to take any questions.

  5. Not really looked at allies if I'm honest. In regards to re-rolls 1s we have Bound Burning Head, Hand of Glory as well as Volley Fire CA.

    I can't think of any allies I want right now.

  6. I know as a Seraphon there are a few things I don't want to see

    Changehost 1 drop, able to reach my assets as well screen there own assets and instantly gain board control.

    MSU Idoneth eels, they can dictate where and what I shoot as well as cloud of midnight being a pain. On top of that the bases make it really hard to screen effectively against.

    Horde death list, something like 80+ chainrasps. Seraphon like to kill elite things and trade up in points, they don't want to play the attrition game.

  7. I tend to find that 3d3 per turn is enough, by turn 2 you generally have enough to summon 2x 10 skinks which another tier of screening, which is just fantastic.

  8. Think you guys make fair points about Kroak, he certainly needs a Balewind and Astrolith to be able to reach out onto the board. That said him casting 5 spells at +4 to cast with +12 range is just hugely powerful.

    I currently have a list for each subdivision that I'm super happy with, I think my nexrt article I will go ahead and take a look at each sub division and discuss how I feel about the competitive viability of them.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, The World Tree said:


    I enjoyed your article. I've only played vs. Seraphon rather than with, but it mirrors most of my thoughts. They've definitely become a more interesting army to face because of the removal of retreat from combat. 

    Slightly disagree on Salamanders - they need a point rise, but have a defined weakness (bravery from killing handlers) at least. Kroak is probably 100 points too cheap. Bound endless spells should be limited to 1 - they were a bad idea in OBR and are a bad idea here.

    I mean I don't consider that a weakness, as with Slanns, Kroaks, etc I tend to find It's easy to keep at least one CP back to negate any bravery issues on top of the units being base bravery 10 inside of starbourne.

    Agree on Kroak and bound endless spells :)

  10. So quickfired a list this morning

    Kroak, Mystical unforging

    Slann, Ancient Knowledge, Godbeast Pendant, Stellar Tempest, Godbeast Pendant

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer

    Skink Starseer

    Skink Priest

    4 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 3 Salamanders

    5 Saurus Guard

    Balewind, Bound Geminids, Burning head, Purple sun, palisade

    It is what it is and something I wanted to try avoid, doubling down on Slann and Salamanders but is a list I will try! :)


  11. Hey Swarm, yes 100% sorry for the small errors, 100% I didn't pick up the  Skinks priest Star staff only on Skinks until last night and 100% Razordons are 18 wounds for 240 not 12.

    @swarmofseals Yeap, shooting, charging and shooting another 3D6 rounds is great!

    Salamanders definately do do more wounds per point per model 100% but I've found that extra 6" range on the weapon pretty fantastic, all that said the next game I try with the list will be with salamanders as I have a good number of games under my belt with the current lis

    Appreciate your comments my friend, I think I will take a look at a list with a second slann and dropping the starpriest with rotating the razordons in for salamanders. Certainly want to try more lists rather then just my one, I'm like 15 games with the new book now and want to keep learning.

    I hear what you're saying in regards to the Bastiladons, I've found them massively useful in every game I've played, in regards to points per wound put etc totally agree they're average (though hitting on 3s re-rolling 1s is nice) but I have found they just have a lot of practical uses in the game outside of just raw points per wound.

    I'm currently working on something different, as I think people will get bored of playing v Kroak real quick! Looking at a lot more fun Koatls Claw list with cold one knights, 7 attacks a model has to be worth something!

    Appreciate you noting my errors and will tidy them up on the blog, appreciate your advice on the list. It's certainly not perfect, I've only lost 2 out of 9 games with it so far. I like the double slann heavy endless spell list, if i was to go that way I wouls just drop both bastiladons, and just have skinks as screens, salamanders and casters essentially. I think right now probably the most efficient way to play but I do like trying to make something other than the obvious work (ala salamander spam with kroak).

    I will probably make a version of my list with that is hardcore (Kroak, Slann, Starpriest, Priest, 4 x 12 Salamanders, 60 Skinks and spells) and then go ahead and make my fun Koatls Clawl list! :D




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