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Everything posted by Tzeentchmike

  1. One area I would not say we are lack luster in is summoning we have the strongest summoning in the game. Maybe this is hinting as a new summoning technique if/when the book comes
  2. Army and display board looks fantastic. In would say just play a few games and see what you like using then focus on that area with small changes to other stuff in till your happy. I've been using seekers all the time as the ability to guarantee charges is so strong. Pretenders is good but you are relying on the keeper doing a lot of the work for you and some armies just have a hard counter to that.
  3. Is the gaunt summoner the everchosen one as we can't be allies with disciples of tzeentch
  4. I've gone from 30 to 150 at my highest It is the best summoning in the game I feel at the moment. The 150 was against a soulblight army where everything kept healing thus generating more depravity
  5. Was good to meet you too and thanks it’s nice to see the army get appreciated. Yours looked awesome on the tabletop with all the chariots running around. Would like to see how that list gets on are you still running seeker host
  6. In other news just came back from the facehammer gt and had probably the hardest draw I’ve ever had at a tourney . Played legion of sacrament first with a zombie dragon with the doppelgänger cloak and a good alpha strike potential. Than ko with 24 balloons and 90 arkanaughts. Then Dok temple nest with 65 snakes. 4th game was freepeoples with 60 handgunners, 40 swordsmen 40 halberdiers and the griffon with ethereal amulet. Lastly dreadwood with alairielle and durthru. Managed 2 majors against the dok and ko and a minor loss against the free people, but literally lost all the important prioty rolls all tourney. Luckily the slaanesh in the chaos alligience is the killiest there is and managed to rack up 8940 kps which got me the best in alligience trophy and a painting nomination to help with the soft scores so only managed 39th out of 84 ish people. Nice to see chalmers with with the all chariot list doing well as well.
  7. Still not sure on this as you are right you can be selected a third time but you can only attack twice, so no third round of attacks. It similar to the doppelgänger cloak as with this you still have to select the unit to pile in but then it cannot attack so the activation is wasted. Selecting of units and attacking with them are different.
  8. Both traits say a second time or twice. The exalteds specifically says second time whilst the little keeper says to pile in twice which the exalted has already done.
  9. Congrats on the results. One thing though are you sure you can stack the command abilities like that, both say the unit can attack a 2nd time so can’t see it stacking.
  10. Looks interesting I’ve always fancied running archaon and it will be good to see another slaanesh player there. What are you aiming for? .
  11. Had a 1 day 22 man tournament down at kirton games in Exeter this weekend and the slaanesh managed to win it. Played slvaneth in scorched earth with 3 tree lords and majored that with 2000kps. Next was stormcast with a star Drake in duality of death, I got the jump on the star Drake who had the -1 to hit artefact and the keeper took him down to one wound in a round with a lone daemonette finishing him off. After that I was too far up so just ran over and killed everything getting another tabling of 1940kps. Laser game was against my club mate with his hard deep kin army. Got the luck of the priorities on this one and I managed to win 3 of them to keep me ahead in points as he took my army apart in turn 3 due to volturnos command ability stacking. The keeper managed to survive though as the defensive eels were stuck in combat with a helstrider on 1 wound wasting their 100+ attacks. This allowed the keeper to mop up anything in reach and allow me to spawn daemonettes to re secure an objective, allowing me a major win and another 1740kps. The list is still working well at the moment but deepkin are a very hard counter for it the defensive eels can tear through the army so quickly and you really need to alpha strike the attacking eels before they do too much damage.
  12. 30 daemonettes are so good not to take, in a 1000pt game they can do wonders for you. Also remember that the gaunt summoners spell is only models within 18 so you should be able to put a couple of models in that range to mak3 the charge easie for you. He is not the powerhouse he used to be.
  13. Thanks. Power level wise we are up there with the best with the right list, we can play the objective game well, we have a great summoning mechanic and the slaanesh build has the shock an awe approach it can seriously hurt people a lot quicker than they think due to our speed and damage out put. There is still a few bad match ups for us I personally believe fyreslayers is one of our hardest, but the slaanesh have the utility to play the scenarios very well. We also have the exalted keeper which is now a living torpedo I can’t think of another single model which has the sheer damage output and the speed to use it turn 1 anywhere else in the game. Plus her new whispered temptations means a lot of people are afraid of putting hero’s into her as an instant death ability is such a psychological weapon
  14. Just realised how long this is taking so will quickly summarise the last 2 games. Game 4 was against tony and his nagash vhordrai and vlozd lin shifting objectives tony made me go first so I put some chaff on the objectives to score 5 before he came and smashed them off the objective. I got the priority and sent the keeper in to nagash and a unit of daemonettes in to the other 2 characters and had all 3 units pile in and attack twice. I did 5 wounds to nagash and 3 to the vlozd. Tony then started wiping my army off and won the next priority to make it comfortable, I kept in the objective game for as long as possible but in the end tony had a well deserved tabling and I had scored 60 kps. Harsh game on a scenario that I felt I had an advantage for. Game 4 was against Mark and his clan skyre another army I haven’t faced in focal points I made the mistake of not asking him how close he can tunnel and was then promptly found out as all my hero’s were Killed by the storm fiends and warp fire throwers so I only had the Sorceror on foot left. My turn 1 I had managed to return the favour by killing 5 of the 6 stormfiends with 1 units of daemonettes whilst the others tore though 30 acolytes to put me 8 4 up. I won the priority and it was all over bar the killpoints as both units of daemonettes torn through everything within reach and absolutely brutal game but Mark was great fun to play and took the carnage in his stride as I racked up another 1960 kps. final results came and I had managed to place 5th out of 52 and achieved best in alliance as we,, as a painting nomination so was a good result all around. So the question can slaanesh win a tournament and gets that 5th win, in my mind no question about it we have the units available to do it and with our summoning the in game options to change things if needed. Cheers to boots468 for the company and nice to see another slaanesh player on the scene
  15. Game 3 was against Steve and his legion of blood in total conquest he had vhordrai, vlozd necomancer 2x 20 reapers 3 x 5 dogs and 20 skeletons. He put the 3 units of dogs down the narrow edge with his characters set back in the middle a unit of reapers in the middle whiist the second unit of reapers went to his far right with the necromaner and skeletons on his back objectives. I countered with the seekers down the narrow part daemonettes on the middle and the right with the keeper in support. He went first and pushed all 3 units off dogs onto the objective whilst the middle reapers ran forward and the others advanced onto the far objective to score him 3 points. My turn I I sent a unit of daemonettes and the keeper towards the dogs and all the grave sites there whilst the second unit of daemonettes went against the reapers in the middle. The seekers redeployed to the middle as they didn’t fancy 20 reapers again. I spent the command points on the keeper and the daemonettes in the middle to get them to attack twice and they took out all the reapers for minimum loss whilst the keeper killed 2 units of dogs with the second units of daemonettes killing the third unit to bring me level on points. Won the roll of for turn 2 and sent the keeper and middle unit of daemonettes dragon hunting whilst the seekers came back and circled my manticore near my objective. The keeper and daemonettes charged the vlozd and proceeded to fluff whilst he took his vengeance on the daemonettes killing them all. Luckily the vlozd was giving the exalteds temptation and I proceeded to roll a 6 to kill him off immediately. His turn 2the second unit of reapers ran to try’s and get back into the fight whilst vhodrai charged my keeper and took him off in combat. The score was 5 all and he won priority turn 3 charging vhordrai in to the second units of daemonettes and my chariot whilst the reapers charged the seekers the seekers were destroyed and the chariot was down to its last wound but managed to take 8 wounds off of vhordrai with the help of the daemonettes. My turn 3 I summoned a unit of 20 daemonettes to protect my home objective from the chainrasps and tagged the manticore in to to the flank of them so that only a coupl could attack and pinned them down. The helstriders charged his skeletons on his objective to try and thin some them down whilst the daemonettes killed vhordrai. Score was still 7 all but I won priority on turn 4 and summoned a second unit of 20 daemonettes on my in between the 2 objectives on my right whilst the unit summoned last turn charged the reapers. The helstriders retreated from the skeletons and managed to run onto his other empty objective on the other side of the battlefield before the daemonettes torn the unit of reapers apart to take my third win of the day and 1940 Kps
  16. Game 2 was against Andy and his nighthaunts which was the first time facing this army and the scenario was relocation orb. Andy a big unit of 30 reapers 20 bladegheist 10 reapers 2 x 8 unit of grave wraiths a knight of shrouds. Guardian of souls, spirit torment and reiknor. Andy made me go first so I swarmed the objective and bulbbled wrapped the whole objective with my whole army bar the chariot with the manticore and keeper in the middle counting as 40 models. The chariot did spectacular and killed the unit of 10 reapers with mortal wounds before I bunkered down for his turn. He ploughed the unit of 30 reapers with a roll of a 10 into the chariot and the seekers and the 20 gheists went into the seekers and helstriders on the other side and just tagged the daemonettes in. The reapers made short work of the seekers before my daemonettes piled in twice into the gheist and killed 6 of them before they fluffed their attacks completely and failed to kill any. Andy shifted his army to my right hoping for the orb to go that way but fortunately for me it went to the left. I got priority turned 2 and chose to take it to get the point as I used the manticore to chase the orb after he killed the spirit torment with winds of chaos. The keeper and 30 daemonettes charged the unit of reapers and piled in twice to take them down to half numbers whilst the other unit of daemonettes managed to killed the gheists, I lost half the daemonettes to the reapers return attacks, but had him tied down to fighting most of my army. His turn to reiknor charged the helstriders and the knight of shrouds and guardian of souls joined the reapers who gained models from the guardian of souls ,to kill all but 1 of the daemonettes who then promptly rolled a 1 for his battle shock and brought a few friends back. The exalted once again couldn’t really kill any as the 4 up save was being passed. The orb once again bounced the wrong way for Andy but he won priority and gave it to me so the manticore continued his chase. This turn proved fatal for Andy as the reborn daemonettes torn down his guardian of souls before the keeper managed to get past the saves and killed all 20 of the reapers in a turn. We played the last few turns to get kill points and I managed to collect another 1740 and a major win
  17. So another weekend another tournament this time at element games for their grand slam. I ran the same list as I did for blackout and this time their were no realm rules in play.. first game was against James and his nurgle who came 8th at blackout so tough draw round one. He had Rotigus, Guo 2x 30 x plaguebearers, 10x blightkings festus and horticulous and the scenario was duality of death. He went first and put the Guo on one objective and rotigus on the other failing all his spells in the hero phase. Luckily for me only the Guo was protected by plaguebearers as the 30 supporting rotigus didn’t run fast enough. In my turn one I sent the keeper and 1 unit of daemonettes against rotigus and his friends and the rest of the army against his other flanks avoiding the blight kings in the middle. The keeper made short work of rotigus attacking twice and the daemonettes took the plaguebearers down to below 20 as well with them attacking twice. The rest of the army just managed to getting the second unit of plaguebearers down to below 20 whilst the daemonettes tagged the blight kings in to stop them going for the exalted next turn. Only took a few casualties due to helstriders placements. I won the priority turn 2 and left the objective with very the keeper as I needed to clear the other objective to win, I created a nice circle with some helstriders on the objective and then proceeded to summon a herald onto the objective, so she couldn’t score this turn but would do next turn. The keeper then charged the blightkings and proceeded to rinse 9 out of 10 of them with her double pile in, while the rest of the army continued to chew through plaguebearers. James turn 2consisted of a few mortal wounds on my manticore before charging his Guo with bell in and rolling so badly that I took no wounds whilst the keeper took care of the surrounded blight king. James won the roll for turn 3 and caused a few more mortals on the manticore with the Guo and after attacking he the manticore was down to half wounds. Horticulous killed the seekers of and he scor3d the points that put him 7 1 up. A big turn 3 was needed for me and the keeper smashed into the Guo on the objective whilst summoning a smaller keeper to help out, but he failed his charge, and once again took him off in one turn and claimed the objective. The last of the plaguebearers also died which left James with 2 hero’s but a 7 3 lead. He won the roll of for turn 4 and summoned 20 plaguebearers to try and kill the keeper as horticulous and festus also prepared to charge. James failed the charge with the plaguebearers with a reroll and his 2 hero’s took 7 wounds of the exalted before she killed them both. We called it there as all James had left was his summoned unit of 20 plaguebearers looking down my whole army. So first major win and 2240 kill points whilst only losing 240. Good start to the weekend and the keeper virtually took out his army one handed.
  18. Will be good to see another slaanesh list there, and your 2 manticores will be interesting to see how they get on. Realistically I am aiming for top 15 with 4 wins which I know the list is good for. Would to push for that 5th but I haven’t quite made it stick yet. The list this weekend are hard though and as tough nurgle list first round will be interesting for me, just have to see what scenario we play. The exalted is an absolute beast though and I would always recommend her over a normal keeper, especially with the new rewording of her command ability
  19. I haven’t tried them as on paper they don’t really have a niche thing they are good at. The minus 1 is ok but with the new books stating an unmodified roll of a 6 does the special effects happen then the -1 isn’t stopping enough to bipedal worthwhile. The movement and 4 wounds are good but not enough for me to take them over any other units. I am looking at some to expand my summoning pool as the extra options never hurt. is anyone else going to the Element Games Grand Slam this weekend as I see there is a 2nd slaanesh list with 2 manticores in it.
  20. One if my club mates ran 2 in his brayherd list but they don't seem to do a lot. The unbind is nice but with no modifiers it's hard to stop spells consistently. The shooting attack only hits on 4s so you can't rely on it and they are really bad in combat. Saying that they are lovely looking models
  21. I quite like seekers they definitely have their uses and their speed allows them to stay out of trouble. I also use my unit of 10 as bubble wrap as needs be it does take quite a bit to get through them. Also summoning 5 of them is also handy to pop up and charge onto an objective to outnumber smaller units, especially when using the seekers host as the plus 2 to charge makes a big difference.
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