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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 2 hours ago, willange said:

    Those giant green earrings don’t seem very BoC to me BoC eschew adornments and jewelry. I’m thinking he’s likely a part of the “life resurgence” allarielle warned about, so probably order aligned. 

    A pure mercenary faction would be rad 🤔

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  2. 38 minutes ago, Cronotekk said:

    Yes, a board that pathetically small for a 28mm game which commonly has multiple large centerpieces for side will make the game worse. And part of the rumors state that charge reactions such as overwatch and flee will be added, nerfing melee and buffing shooting even more. I hope these rumors are false because playing a tiny, cluttered board is what killed 9th edition for my group (that and the overly convoluted process to just play a game)

    I hope you are aware that the reduced table size is the recommended minimum table size? It‘s completely legal to go bigger in 40K iirc.

    Yet I don‘t see why those changes are bad. They‘re just that: changes. I also doubt they‘ll just be a copy and paste of Warhammer Fantasy Rules. You‘ll probably have to pay a CP for those or you‘ll be restricted to one per Battleround. :)

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  3. 2 hours ago, Huanchi said:

    german rule book page 29. top right . second paragrahp. 

    "Kleine Feinde beenden ihre Bewegung immer einem Helden benachbart und im selben Feld wie ein anderer kleiner Feind, wenn möglich"

    If i translate that to english:

    "Small Enemies end their movement ALWAYS adjacent to a Hero and in the same field as another small enemie, if possible"

    thats why i was confused myself because on page 25 it says in German "..mit der Ausnahme das kleiner Feind seine bewegung beenden kann, in dem sich ein einzender anderer kleiner Feind befindet"

    Which means in English "... with the exception that a small enemy CAN end its movement in a field which is occupied by another small enemy.


    🤔 true. Didn‘t see that part. They basically want you to stack the little ones first in order to block less fields with them. If you do not play it like that you put the players at a handicap ^^

  4. 56 minutes ago, Huanchi said:

    I have one question regarding small enemies. Maybe my German copy of the game did a weird translation. Do i need to put a small enemie always onto a field with another small enemy?

    the rulebook in german says something like this at one point: "small enemies CAN end their move with another small enemie in the same field".

    At another point it says "small enemies MUST always end their movement beside a heroe if possible and another small enemie"

    It‘s a can not a must.


    I am a bit confused about the movement if an enemy is adjacent. Could s.o. Explain? The German of CC is a bit wonky at times. :)

  5. 2 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    The problem is, even if they say something, what are the odds the statement is quality enough to calm people down?

    I am personally not upset at all.

    However to calm down those people who are upset: Release a roadmap for the next 3 months. Let people know what they can expect (in detail, not just „new AoS“ release or some mystical new faction) in detail (new Idoneth while revealing all models)

  6. 6 hours ago, Doko said:

    I hope be something bigger than only grombindal with kharadrons.

    Its selfish but im an dwarf  lover but steampunk hater,i have dispossesed and fyreslayers but 0 kharadrons.

    I wish be something for old dispossesed or a joint army of dwarfs and not only kharadrons


    I’d love AoS-ified classic dwarves with crazy mounts, pikes and cool new heavily armoured units, which has a subfaction that can build an army out of all duardin models of AoS 😍

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  7. 27 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    agreed. I wonder if Be'lakor is in your army and is the general then demons can be included as battleline or something (for StD)

    Would be nice.

    or Be’lakor turning slaves to darkness into a new Grand Alliance Chaos with juicy Allegiance abilities and all the mortals (and Deamons) of every god :)

  8. 6 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    That Lord Kroak model is jaw dropping! Absolutely fantastic model- the detail.. what a centrepiece! 

    Also this fits into the prophesy - 

    Seeing as Kroak is surrounded by serpent iconography ... BR: Kroak is maybe a possibility ..

    Good point!

  9. 35 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Yes, they are meh and I'm not telling you this for free, I have more than 50 matches with lumineth and have tried every new possible build. Everything but Loreseeker and Ballistas are narrative.


    The Lord Regent is still such a cool Model that I got myself Mr. Lyrior myself :P (he wins, just due to style)

    Concerning Kroak: Amazing Re-Do of the old Model. I like that Seraphon receive more and more ancient Tech elements than they used to (Kroaks chair with the brass cylinders)


  10. 43 minutes ago, Wyliekyote said:

    Ohhhh. That sounds great!  That model always catches my eye, and tempts me for a conversion.... 
     Pics or it doesn’t exist!  😉

    ATM I only have the crude basic shape finished (indeed, he‘ll be a floating dragon). The armour plates I will make 3D models of first :)


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  11. Very nice looking models in this chat :)

    I‘ll be painting a small contingent for Settler‘s Gain soon (Lyrior or Lord Regent and 5-10 dawnriders) plus s Converter Black Dragon ridden by whichever Model version won‘t be used by the Lord Regent Kit (I‘ll mix Dark aelves, Lumineth and Freeguild with some mages)

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