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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 3 hours ago, Drezden said:

    shadow elves 

    Please no, by the realms, No. by Sigmar, NO!

    I already plan to toss Ironclads full of gold at GW when they put up all the soulblight -good- bloodness up for preorder!

    I can‘t survive such a release this close to SBL.

    • Like 2
  2. 23 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    It's hard to tell, but I think this might be a Great Unclean One skull, with an antler coming up past the Sylvaneth's skirts there.  But it could be something new too, certainly.

    It's the skull of a forest Dragon, you can see it in the video.

    I really love this model. It's graceful, it's floating and it has a dragn on its base! ❤️




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    • LOVE IT! 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Feii said:

    they have deleted all those social media interactions saying that so?  /s 

    They did. And they do it pretty often:

    I was very confused when I entered my local store (click and collect) and asked when they might have the Celebration Models in stock(the cool Bullgore-Head Stormcast), we quickly figured out that the Warcom article had been altered. Before it claimed that those models would be available once the lockdown in the shop's region would end. Now it said (very, very clearly) that those models would only be available for the shop celebrations... o.O that was confusing.
    I'd prefer them not to do that and instead put up an article with an apology and explain why the previous plan won't work.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Kaizennus said:

    I like the look of those ones that are completely clear and just lay flat on the table.

    Would it be too low effort to just measure and cut circles from laminate paper or perhaps those clear paper folders? I guess accuracy of measurement could be an issue in a tournament but they could still be used as mostly a visual with actual tape measurements being the “exact” tool of a disagreement occurs.

    I also really liked those metal “ring” circles someone posted earlier too.

    A sheet of a clear paper folder is too small. For AoS you need a 12“ diameter per objective 😅

  5. 16 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I've seen BR Kragnos. Alarielle files for divorce with Kurnous and marries Kragnos as the Realm's biggest rebound

    The main conflict centers over alimony debates and whether or not the Sylvaneth will accept Kragnos as their new step-dad. It's really touching stuff.

    Also the Wanderers as Step-Step Children discover that they really dislike Kurnothi. A forbidden rivalry unfolds among step-step and step-ish children. 
    Who will Alarielle love the most?

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    All the changes mentioned in the list lab video seem reliable based on what I’ve heard.

    They’re also significantly changing unit size limits so that only certain units can be taken “overstrength” ie more than their base unit size. So hordes will largely go outside of some battleline.

    Seems weird to me. Adding restrictions to AoS usually isn‘t GW‘s style. It‘s been a rather open Ruleset so far.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ahlambra said:

    Yeah, I meant more that with the capped rule, it might make other Weapons or Artifacts viable. Before, I'd have a hard time not taking both the Tyrant Shield and Shadowsilk Armour for the +2. Now that it's capped at +1 I wouldn't care as much and might try giving him a Crossbow or a different Artifact.

    I agree.
    Yet, concerning the source: I highly doubt anyone with such insider knowledge could spill the AoS3 rules without being drowned in a sea of lawyers. So I doubt it's credibility though most changes sound reasonable

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