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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. C'mon I hoped Mannfred would allow to include 1 in 4 Freeguilf infantry units -.-
    Let's hope Neferata will get access to some living units.

    Overall Mannfred sounds good (used to be my fav along with Nagash in LoN), yet, sadly, it's mostly reprints . I hoped for a reinvention ^^ (cool new mechanics like blood or night tokens, winds of death etc.)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, NotAWzrd said:

    The rumour engine from yesterday looks like it’s a trophy being carried on the waist as opposed to a shoulder thing. Ties in to the beast slayer idea of Yndrasta, plus that store anniversary model is carrying a bullgor head. Could be another indication of where the Stormcast aesthetic is going for this edition, at least in some of the character models. Although those arrows look less forged like you would expect from a Stormcast model...

    Good reasoning. Yet Stormcast never ever had feathered Arrows (and the new rumour engine also has no feathered arrows). 
    Also take a look at the arrow fletching of orc arrows in general:


    they are very similar to 

    However maybe this ist just the way arrows are fletched in the mortal realms and thi could be more Witchhunters or even new Freeguild huntsmen? :D

    • Like 8
  3. 51 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    That does sound reasonable.

    In which case though, what will be our answer to tough, heavily armoured units? It's looking like it won't be Blood Knights, at least not in units of 5 when they seem to be most effective. 

    Will the Terrorgheist become a must take, or a Vengorian Lord? 

    I guess we have to wait until saturday. Low rend was a issue in the old book as well ^^



    46 minutes ago, El Syf said:


    apparently no longer part of SBGL


    37 minutes ago, pixieproxy said:

    Maybe fell bats are so big now because they're more murderous? One can only hope >.>

    I wished this was the case. Yet I only expect warscroll reprints with slightly changed special rules... ;/


  4. 46 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    I think there is a subset of us who were expecting GW to make vampires absolute murder machines in this book. 

    I don't think that's unreasonable - look at the glow up high elves got by becoming Lumineth. 

    It seems however that vampires remain at "alright" damage but are cheap enough that you can field plenty of them. 

    So for example, I wouldn't take 5 Blood Knights to do the work anymore, instead I'd probably have to take 10 for them to be the super scary hammer unit. Or even 15.

    Though...that large base and 1" range do pose a problem for larger units of them...

    I dunno, I'm excited to see what buffs they can get from what sources. Hopefully mounted vampire lords are still a thing (poor now nameless Manfred).

    Imo fielding units of 5s will be the way to go: You can abuse the Mortal Wound mechanic more and you get +1 attack in each unit for the Castellant. Also the 1" Range screams "Please take me only in minumum size!" (it's frustrating to have a big, choppy Block of Knights of which 3 Models can actually strike....). :)
    The range issue combined with the big base is what makes Chaos Knights lackluster for example (even with lances imo)

    The Weird part about the new Blood Knights however is that they received new Weapons (maces) which aren't even mentioned (It's neither a lance, nor a blade). So the rules were (possibly) written before the Models were finished?

    • Like 2
  5. The knights are okay as a unit. It seems like they tried to make them interesting but really shied away from giving them that little notch of more hitting power they deserve. It sucks that the increase in power by killing anemies is locked to a subfaction -.- ....

    I imagined them to be 2 damage base or at least rend 2, or impact hits... idk, this is a very small step in the right direction but it feels like we'd needed a big step.

    I love the trample rule though! (riding across 4 support heroes will hurt XD)

  6. 7 hours ago, Sception said:

    For the foreseeable future, this is it.

    She's not actually that big.  us$80 is actually a pretty significant markup from her euros equivalent price, iirc?  Actually, no forget it, I can't even remember what her euro price was.

    https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2021/05/this-weeks-warhammer-products-pricing-confirmed-hello-gravelords.html yup it's 60 USD which is a very cheap conversion rate!


    3 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    I am hoping the Nagash icon is the “lon” style sub faction that allows for some soup with other death for a more classic style VC book

    Maybe it allows Morghasts back into the army :) (I've got 6 painted up... would be a shame if they just vanished from the army). Also: Yeah! Nagash's Legion! :)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    i feel some doubt. If the vengorian lords are an avengorii thing, then is it ok for me to use them as heroes in a kastelai dinasty?

    They‘re called Vengorian Lords and Not Avengoriian Lords. So I guess that will be possible ^^

    Edit: Yet this might be just the short version of Avengorian xD

  8. 1 minute ago, Liquidsteel said:

    What makes you say that?

    It's always been in 10's for hordes like this.

    The increments in which units sizes are increased are generally in accordance with the amount of models in one box


    Edit: Yet there are some exceptions especially for older boxes.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ghoooouls said:

    On the subject of the hunger special rule, I'd imagine blood knights will stay 3 wounds each... flesh eaters have multiple 'royal blood' type abilities where the arch regent heals 3 vs d3 for kings etc. So we may have different versions of the hunger for the knights and lords.

    If the BK hunger could return slain models it‘d be great.

    • Like 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    I'm very pleased they made Zombies and Skeletons as 20 troops boxes.
    Hoping, if the new swamp factions will get some grots, they'll mantain that....

    I guess we‘ll only get to increase the unit size in increments of 20... would make the 10 skellies and Zombies from CC utterly useless 🥲

    I‘ll wait for GMG‘s Battletome review before buying anything ^^



    • Like 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    rats and whatever craziness is about to materialise. 

    I really hope we‘ll get a corpse vermin swarm (including bat swarms and rat swarms)

    However I also hope they didn‘t reprint LoN with new subfaction but made the Gravesite mechanic more interesting to play around. I also wish for a blood token mechanic xD

    • Thanks 1
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