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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 17 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Soulblight part 2? There are still some pitted, decrepit swords in unsolved rumour engines.

    I hope it's Flesh Eater Courts, though, they need it way more and I don't want to buy a new battletome for Gravelords again in a year.

    I hope it‘s SBGL 2 or umbraneth

  2. 1 hour ago, Lengthster said:

    Do we know how much the vulture kit is gonna cost? 

    According to the latest calculations it should approximately cost two Kitneys and your unborn child 😂

    just kidding :D
    I am guessing it‘s 90-125€

    • Haha 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:


    i was in this tavern see, and there was this fella looking for adventurers.

    He telt me so it must be true.

    Dude.. its the rumour thread not the news thread.

    Hower != I've just made something up
    So do you have an actual source or was it just some random guy? ^^

    • Like 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Almost everything oldcast and sacrosanct got shafted. Heroes especially almost all lost something, got worse, or went up in price.

    Overall I am pretty happy with the new book though prices are about 20% too high on the older units.

    I am sad about the Lord Heraldor losing his retreat and charge. Overall most heroes seem redundant now. The army will struggle to get enough bodies on the table and your list will pretty fast get to 2k points. Meaning one can't afford heroes that don't really do anything well, especially if they're too highly priced.

    Apart from that I am seeing myself playing a list with one chariot, 5 Vigilors, 2 Drakes, 1 Hero Drake, the God Drake and some foot sloggers like Annihalators, Protectors and Vindictors. Maybe some dracoths.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Nizrah said:

    Yea. Thats why Iam best stormcast player in Poland, was 8 in general Poland laederboard  in 2019-2020 season and scored 4-1 in our last Master tournament. I don't know anything about this army mate :)

    How dare you taunting him for his insult!? 🤣



    I am a little worried the point increase might be too much since I am not sure Stormcast are elite enough to win with so few models on the board.

    but let‘s wait and see :)

  6. 8 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    I don't really get it either, and yet you have the actual world where there are heaps of people who do exactly this, happily.  So even though I don't get it, I'm not going to stand in their face and tell them they are doing it wrong.

    There’s a myriad of reasons:

    -People want to play, once the models are assembled they‘re ready to be played 

    -People don’t like to paint and commissions are very expensive

    -People might feel like they can’t paint well enough 

    My personal reason: The painting takes ages (in my case since I want the models to have a certain level of quality) - so I end up with ~30% of all my armies painted. Do I feel bad about it? Nope. Why I want the quality? The models were expensive so they should look decent, otherwise it feels like devaluing them.

    It might sound harsh, yet I‘ve faced a lot of armies (40k mostly) that‘d rather stayed grey, boy did the miserable paint job and taste of colors annihalate the immersion. Yet I don’t mind playing those people since both sides still have fun.

    in other words: Painting the minis just for the sake of having them painted is stupid in my opinion.


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    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's a slow beatstick hero with comparatively low armour. That's an uphill battle in AoS. 5" non-flying is pretty back breaking. Maybe it's cheap though.

    * and it does not bracket
    seems fine to me if it costs around 300 pts.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    They are already doing this in the form of faq's and white dwarf releases. And what about new models that arent included in a battletome. Sometimes it is already outdated after a month or 2. Slaanesh got 2 battletomes in 2 years.

    exactly. They could just print the rewritten rules and you could put them into your spiral-binder-book :)

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    It would be nice to have one of these that does NOT lead to a new edition.

    I also don't get why Battletomes aren't Spiral-Staplers like the new GHB, yet you can open the clamp to add new pages.
    So GW could simply add new Rules in books and White Dwarfes, make them extractable from that book to be put into your Battletome-Spiral-Stapler... easy and always up-to-date.
    Yes Spiral-Staplers don't look nice, yet it's utterly practical and it'd be great to keep up to date, add rules, change rules, rewrite rules and update rules.


    EDIT: And it saves production costs *wink wink*

    Quick mockups to drive home the point:







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