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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. I just had a thought.

    The Vyrkos were created by a Wolf-y godbeast, right? In the end times The First god of humans, (Wolf and hunt god) and Patron god of Middenheim Ulfric, took possession of a human captain and fought alongside vampires and all of the survivors until the bitter end.

    Would be cool if he was reborn in a slightly twisted manner in Shyish. :D * and created the Vyrkos. Their somewhat Slavic Design would fit as well.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/9/2021 at 7:56 PM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I see the Coven Throne as a unit that is there to support others. It's main draw is the ridiculous command ability. +1 to hit, wound and save will turn any unit capable of doing even decent damage into a ridiculous anvil-blender. It works great with Blood Knights or Grave Guard, possibly also Vargheists, Bloodborn and Nightguard under the right conditions. The warcroll spell of the Throne, Shudder, is also notable, because if you get it off you can use the throne to lock enemy units into combat, but be unable to attack anything. It's just pretty risky with it's short range and high casting value.

    The challenge lies with keeping the Throne alive, because a 4+ save at 12 (I think?) wounds does not go super far, and it can't get cover anymore in AoS 3.



    Sadly the throne is overcosted by a lot. Apart from buffing and eating CP while having only one spell it does nothing in the shooting phase and the combat phase. 320 pts for a command ability carrier is well over 50 pts too much.

  3. I had another game yesterday 1500 of my Har Kuron (test) VS Seraphon.

    The game was fun! The interactivity of Heroic Actions and monstrous rampages really make a difference.

    This was also my first game against a „shooting“ army.

    I played:

    Medusa on Shrine (2spells)

    Sorceress (one spell)

    Sorceress on Black Dragon (General, 2 spells and can chant the prayer)

    20 Black Guard, 10 Executioners, 5 Bow Snakes, Scourge Runner, Hydra





    Veteran on Carno

    Skinkpriest on Engine (General)


    5 Guard, 2x 10 skinks, Terradons


    I gave him first turn, he spiked his dice and my main unit received 17 hits of the double shooting, coalesced bastilladon and was pretty much wiped. Star Priest and Slann spiked their comets and dealt another 14 wounds to my army. At this point I had lost ~ 20 of my army 90 wounds.

    In my turn I failed the prayer with a one. My Medusa was supposed to tank the Guard, the Bastille and the Terradon. I was surprised  since I thought the terras needed a normal move for their bombs, yet piling in was enough... my Medusa failed all her All out Defense bolstered saves and died to the 5 temple guard after receiving the Terradon bombs.

    Turn two: he got priority and spiked his bastilla again. I had 3 Black Guard left now and I rolled zero sixes for Rally. His engine charged my Hydra which dealt 7 wounds to it while receiving 10 itself. My mage miscasted... his Carnosaur and now charging bastilladon wiped my Scourgerunner, my Executioners and my Sorceress. 

    Bottom of 3 I was wiped and he had lost the Carnosaur, 2 Temple Guard and 1 Skink. He won 18 to 8.


    well what am I supposed to say. My list was a Test list so not that strong and I rolled really poorly (failed almost all armour saves, miscasted, rolled a 1 for the prayer two times and was utterly incapable of rolling 6s except when it came to damage I took)

    Yet, the new Commands bolster shooting as well and the one bastilladon had wiped 1/2 of my army by turn 2 combined with the map-wide mortal wound Spam of the mages... well. I was also starved of CPs while he had 5-6 all the time (2 for rolling too well for the Slann and 1 for the Star priest.

    So in the end a mixture of WTF shooting and the stark contrast of rolling like a god all the time VS my usual roles.

    It was also my first time vs shooty lizards. My gf usually plays melee lizards. Imo my Soulblight would have wiped his army, however hat Luton lacked the bodies, the damage and the numbers to deal with his list ^^

    Yet as I said: fun game and very nice opponent 👍🏻

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 3
  4. 33 minutes ago, Xil said:

    I really don't like the new edition. I have lost all interest in the game over my last 3/4 matches. 

    Shooting is mandatory, MW spam is still king and if you play an army that has no wards you just plug 600 points in the first hero phase of your enemy and shake hands. 

    Core rules might be OK ignoring the shooting stuff. 

    But The Battletome balance is soooo much worse than ever before. Especially the FAQ effed up so much and kicked some armies hard again, which already were down in the dirt eating the waste products of the few top tiers. 

    Curious. Against which armies did you play? The two games I played were more enjoyable than any 2.0 or 1.0 game I've ever played

    • Like 3
  5. I really prefer the clean, well proportioned new Stormcasts.

    -> Very nice new Stormcasts imo

    Yet I have to agree that I don‘t want any 40K-esque SCE (Knight Relictor aka Blood Angels Chaplain). And they really need to stop the flood of heroes, especially the flooding of Hammers of Sigmar with named heroes while other hosts have none.

    -> More named heroes for every Stormhost except HoS. Stop the hero flood.


    I also have to admit that I‘ll hold off buying the new SCE for quite a while since I strongly dislike at which pace Battletomes and Models become outdated and redundant. Long term this shortened lifecycle will hurt the hobby in a big way.

    -> We need way longer lifecycles if Editions, Models and Battletomes

    • Like 2
  6. Alright.

    I had a game yesterday which was very fun. :) It was the first AoS 3.0 Game of my brother who enjoyed it (he‘s a comp. 40K player).

    I‘ll attach some images but I won‘t write a whole detailed report ^^

    we played 5 rounds.
    I had:

    Legion of Night 

    2x Blood Knights, 1x Vargskyr, 20 Skeletons, 1 Radukar the Beast, Necromancer, Vengorian Lord, 1x Dire Wolves, 1x Vargheists, 1x Terrorgheist 

    He played the Taker Tribe with 2x Megas (Krakeneater and War Stomper), 1x 3 Giants, 3x1 Giant.

    Highlights: The Vargskyr tanked the Warstomper for 3 Combat Phases.

    A Giant snatched up a Blood Knight and put it into its (huge) bag xD, the Warstomper felt inspired and picked up the Castellant (last model) and tossed it into the Vengorian (missing). - Cinematic end for the one Knight Unit ^^

    Magic: out of 10 times I could cast, I managed 5... the rest was failed (3/5) with a 3, and two were unbound by the Krakeneater’s Magic lantern. So I managed to cast 2x Fading Vigor to hinder the Warstomper and 1x Flaming weapons on the Vengo. The Vengo failed all of his „wildness“ tests and only managed to use a command ability once in the whole game... I really think this ability makes Vengos really bad in this edition ^^

    Giants won 25 : 21 as I failed to kill the last Mega off to grab the objective. The mega would‘ve been dead if he hadn’t had thrown one of my blood knights against a house before it could strike xD

    It was a very fun game with Giant doing Giant stuff and the Terrorgheist actually being good! (Lost a Knight to the exploding Terrorgheist 🤣) „What is this, bats? Oh no, not bats, that‘s my weakness uuuurgh!!“

    I wrote this on my cellphone, so please forgive my autocorrect :D








    • Like 5
  7. 41 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    In rumours:

    Thryng has changed to only allow Duardin from Fyreslayers or Cities.

    That might imply incoming dwarves that would not be a logical ally. Perhaps of the kind that deal with Hobgoblins.

    Let‘s hope so :D

    • Like 1
  8. Idk if anybody of GW is reading this. Yet: Thanks for making the CC Models usable usable as several units! :)

    Edit: I instantly ordered more Kosargi and Blood-born! Would be cool if every Dynasty would get access to such units ❤️

    • Like 4
  9. I had a 2k game Soublight VS Idoneth and it was great fun. I didn't even notice the board was smaller.
    We did some minor mistakes here and there but the game was really fun and I enjoyed it more than any2.0 game! :)

    edit: to elaborate:

    - We forgot that only the hero performing heroic leadership can use the CP.

    - The 20 Namarti Reavers could‘ve rerolled all of their Unleash He’ll rolls due to being Nautilar

    - We forgot about monstrous rampages for two turns (oops)


    • Like 2
  10. I don't assume I can judge the whole situation since I do not have enough data to judge whether the interest in AoS has dwindled, the request was saturated or Gw simply produced enough.

    What I can tell however is what my gamign environment is looking like:
    In my gaming groups the interest of AoS is unbroken. In addition there are about 3-4 people in the 40K group that want to start AoS now.
    I personally ordered the Dominion box due to getting a huge discount from my FLGS and because I can share the orcs with someone else. I actually preordered the Box since I considered it to be a good deal. After the Box however I won't be buying anything for some months since I already have my Soulblight army to paint and before I buy anything new I want to get in some games. So new Products can wait, as they won't be running away anytime soon.

    To me the mixture of Collecting, Painting, Story and Gaming is important. I would never ever start a Warhammer Army if it was only for collecting reasons since  being ab le to acively use the miniatures is important to me (I despise dust collectors like Action Figures and the likes) ^^.

    Maybe others find themselfes in a similar situation

  11. 30 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    No, that's not it. I actually think this is the box with the best average quality GW made.

    I'm just not a fan of AoS (or other GW rulesets) in general, and a three year turnaround is too fast for me so it doesn't have the advantage of GW's scale for me.

    While I think GW's infantry heroes are too expensive for what you get, that pales when compared with GW's books. At least I sometimes like the models.

    A valid point of view. You echo some issues I’ve been having with GW as well. Thanks for explaining :)

  12. 1 hour ago, Molkaice said:

    You're right I can't find the calculation method that the quote references.  So hopefully we can keep that 2+, however I do need to reevaluate the way of using Morsarr (however when I tried some 3.0 rules it was against FEC terrogheist only army).


    I think we can keep the 2+
    I was referring to the sidebar where calculating modifiers is handled (however I can‘t check it since I currently have no access to the core rules) 

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