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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 8 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Deff Two handed axes + shields. Gamewise the best. Unless you really dislike the shields on their back/hip of course :D 

    I don't mind their battlefield role, although they are not really exciting to me, but they don't look unified compared to the more elite. It's more a unified look than anything. And in that case I'd prefer the gromgril encased dwarfs.

    Same here. I despise the pseudo-Viking horned helmets (spoiler, Vikings never had horned helmets).

    I‘d also like the whole range to be clad in gromril plus granting them more energetic and dynamic poses.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, RocketMan said:

    I understand that, but I don’t make the rules  

    So with this house rules you don’t suggest starting a fec army right ? 

    I would not make any sense. You better talk to the ones who make those rules and argue the fact of summoning being necessary. And that they perhaps rather try it than restricting it.

  3. 11 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    Looking forward to seeing the warscroll for the archregent! Might be time to start dusting off my ghouls again and getting the FEC in order.

    Same here


    19 minutes ago, RocketMan said:

    Wait, I’ve been playing aos since d1 With stormcast and beastclaw so I’m new to summon mechanics in ghb2018 but not new to aos in general.  We use some house rules to balance some armies. So rule of 1 on command ability and evocations only is you don’t go over starting army point. 

    Btw I really like the monster list, and is also easy to make with just 3 start collecting but what about a 1500/1750 list? 

    I am sorry to point that out but that house rule is utter BS. Most factions with summoning (FeC for example) need it and it‘s an important part of their playstyle.

    I know old WHF players might think it‘s broken but in truth those factions with summoning really need it in order to be able to win.

    if you want to play FeC without summoning your opponent should grant you 30% more points.


    sth. Actually warranted to restrict via house-rules is the buff staking of DoK armies, apart from that I don‘t see anything broken apar from insanely good rolls 😄

  4. 18 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    The Gloomspite Gitz also can no longer ally with Ironjawz!


    Edit: Also I am a bit confused about the Bad Moon mechanic. 

    Does the Bad Moon only travel in one direction and dissolves if he reaches the edge of the board  or does he move back and forth?

    I thought maybe that the Bad Moon travels back if he reaches the other side of the board, because the arrow points backwards.

    Also another question: How does the mechanic work with 6 board tiles instead of the 4 tiles shown in the illustration?

    You simply divide the board into 4 tiles again...

  5. Troggboss costs 300 pts
    which is good.


    Moonboss on mangler is also 300 points, seems a bit too cheap for his damage potential and speed, but it's still okayish...I guess 😃

    Boinggrot Bounders are 100.


    I predict a chain-squig and boinggrot spam to kill the enemy with MWs alone.... XD #CompetetiveSucksNow


  6. 7 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    His healing is a bit bad though... 4+ for D3 wounds back,,, maybe all trolls are dropping to a 4+ as they are currently a 2+.

    There is so much more to it than only the healing. Monsters at his powerlevel are 380+ points and they degrade, don‘t get cover, csn‘t Heal themselves, don‘t have 4 D6 dmg attacks, aren‘t Immune to magic and they don‘t get -1 to being hit if 3 grots are around.

    + a free CO ever herophase... well.


    I‘ll seriously deny games against armies with 2+ dankholds then. Spam 4 and put the rest in normal grots and mages GG.

    ... and now compare him to the Leviadon.



  7. 28 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    Jeah. That is what I also thought. I mean compare him to other big models, like the great unclean one for example:


    The GUO costs 340 points.

    Well the Dankhold does not degrade, is no Monster (-1 to hit, cover, recovers wounds), has absurd dmg (without even an artefact), he buffs, is immune to magic and he has an instant kill attack build in.... he should be priced 50-60pts higher than a Leviadon and be closer to a Stardrake pointswise, everything else is mildly put absurd.

    otherwise people will just spam him 3x and 180 grots.

    I am complaining though I‘ll Propably start a Troll army, I still dislike absurd cheap powerful units just so they can sell more of them.


    but we all k ow that GW lately sucks concerning good or fair point values 😕

  8. 5 hours ago, Overread said:


    Honestly you can't really compare. In the past GW used to roll out Battletomes and Codex MUCH slower and each one often came with a full army revamp which would often mean new sculpts for existing models (updates) and also new things. So they were big launches.


    Yup. Additionally they hired more people for writing AoS Rules (like the guy who worked on BoC rules who was interviewed in the last Stormcast Episode)

  9. 1 hour ago, Rollcage said:

    Battletome Fyreslayers in Feb, Skaven release March (end of month).

    Speculation: Ironjawz Second release, Deathrattle skeletons and Darkoath/Slaanesh later in the year.

    I doubt there‘ll be any relaunch of Battletomes for factions who already have one, at least that would not make much sense imo. I also don‘t see Deathrattle getting anything new.

  10. 1 hour ago, Infeston said:

    Another question would be how the mechanic works if there are two Moonclan armies facing each other (or even more). Are there multiple bad moons?

    And does each Bad moon affect enemy gloomspites the same way it affects friendly gloomspites units? 

    Common sense suggests it will be the same as with the Idoneth: there is only one bad moon which counts for both.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Oreaper84 said:

    Enemy Units anywhere on the board are bombarded with meteors from the Bad Moon, and take damage.

    o.O if this happens every turn no matter where your units are (assumingly D3 MWs on a 6+, and you have to test per unit and perhaps a higher chance if you are on the quarter with the moon) this feels kind of broken o.O.
    On a 6+ may not seem like much but everyone who ever played a custom scenario in which a unit suffers D3 MWs on a 6+ knows that it's a game changer (byebye heroes)

    If this effect is more like: Roll one die at the start of the turn and the enemy takes D6 MWs on a 5+/6+ and the enemy can distribute the damage among his units as he/she likes,  it might be more fair.

    Let's see how this gets implemented.

  12. 1 minute ago, sorokyl said:

    If you buy a bunch of these, you want them to look unique right? It's great, see how there are 10 hoppers pictured and some people still think there are 10 to a set of sprues, despite the fact that there are clearly 2 sets of duplicate bodies

    Identical bodies are no evidence of it only being 5. you also get multiple bodies in space Marine boxes, Squitor boxes etc.

    I still think it‘s 5 per box because it‘s GW we‘re talking about.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Clinch said:

    I've not followed new releases this closely in the past. Is it normal that units that are not having their sprues updated are still pulled from the web store? Noticed that Moonclan Grots are no longer available. Do you think it's just to change the box art?

    I suspect new art, fewer grots, price of the Chainrasp Horde (32,50€ for 10)

  14. On 12/28/2018 at 11:15 PM, Overread said:

    GW - testing the limits of the strength of plastic! 


    Someone please show their sculpting department how to make running poses with two connection points on the ground ;)

    Which is not to say they look bad just nightmareishly fragile!

    I don‘t know how people handle their models since I never had any issues with plastic minis. My Khinerai never broke their tales as well as all other models.

    those squigs look incredibly sturdy imo (as a 3D modeller). I would agree with you if the Naterial was Resin instead of GW-Plastics. The designers are using the high resistance to breaking of the material to get the most out of the models which is great.

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