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Posts posted by dicebod

  1. I've been thinking of buying into OBR for quite a while, to the point that I bought the Broken Realms OBR box (Liege-Kavalos & 10 Deathriders) back when it came out with BR:Teclis. I think that box + this one gives me a great foundation for an OBR army...but it certainly sounds like I'm a bit of an outlier.

  2. It really comes down to the context in which you're playing.

    I'm one of those people who (generally) maintains a pretty ironclad standard of it'll only go on the table if it's painted. I like the feeling of having a fully-painted army when I play a game, I like getting compliments, I like the feeling of laying everything out...it's what I like out of the hobby. As some other folks have said here, I have no problem with playing an unpainted army, but if I had to pick I would absolutely pick an opponent who has labored over their army as much or more than mine. It's a mindset thing - they want their army to look awesome, I want my army to look awesome, therefore we have more to talk about. The connection is stronger.

    And you know what? I bet the player who only sees blocks on stats when looking at a model would rather play against an opponent who is much more game-focused than I am. They'll get what they want, I'll get what I want.

    Let's talk specifically about tournaments for a moment:

    A tournament is just that same idea blown up to 50/100/200+ people, instead of just 2. Big tournaments are the pinnacle of the game in many ways, so naturally they should showcase the best the players have to offer, in terms of both presentation and in-game ability. At least that's what I expect when I go to a tournament. Is that a barrier to entry? Sure, but is it necessarily bad? I don't think so.

  3. Finished up my Twinsouls, converted up out of spare bits from their box/elsewhere and a box of Namarti Reavers gifted from a friend. Some are definitely better than others, but on the whole I'm really happy with this unit! Plus I still have all the parts I need to build 10 Painbringers. Waste not!






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  4. 5 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Generally, in fact in nearly all cases especially with exploding 6s, rerolling hits is better than +1 to hit. So if the choice is between that and +1 to hit, the LoP command ability is better. All out defence (and Lurid Haze) is also in competition, but they tend to be used for different reasons, and may be needed elsewhere. 

    I don't tend to use the LoP CA loads, but I do have him follow around Twinsouls to help them when their ward's up. Mostly I find his use in making Twinsouls battleline and everything else is extra. Tbh his damage isn't too bad!

    Completely agree. As far as foot heroes go he hits decently enough (2D is nice) and already comes with a 5+ ward. I used to just think of him as a tax but honestly he's growing on me.

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  5. 1 hour ago, whispersofblood said:

    I've found with LRL its just as unintuitive as HoS, which is probably why building HoS list has helped me build LRL lists that have been doing a bit better in 3rd.

    You have to

    a) build to achieve your secondaries; LRL don't really have monsters that people are going to immediately include, so you are not getting tons of bonus points. If you don't include monsters you need to make sure you get every single battle tactic you select, every game. 

    b) You can't build and play a defensive game and win games. Now that modifiers are limited to +1/-1 to die rolls and army of 4+ saves, is just an army of 4+ saves. So you need to actually engage in combats and be decisive, because if you let people decide when and with which units they are going to fight you aren't going to be able to special rule your way to victory.

    c) the magic isn't actually super impactful, and the shooting isn't incredibly impactful either. It's all quite tame damage wise.

    Generally you have really plan your list, and include maybe 1 cute thing from the list of things that LRL can do and maximize the efficiency there.

    HoS similarly has a bunch of random units that you want to take that probably aren't even worth the read. But, at its core it has a simple, playable, even good strategy if you can ignore all the noise.

    This is my experience playing against LRL as well (as said above I only have 1 game of 3.0 under my belt so take this with a grain of salt!). The biggest change hitting them in this new edition really has to be the cap on modifiers: they can't pile on a huge heap of debuffs like they could in 2nd and as you said the general save in the armor is middling. I think it may be time to reevaluate the inclusion of units like stoneguard for their durability and decent damage output and of course the mountain spirit.

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  6. Had my first game of 3.0 against @Athrawes' Lumineth - a quick rundown of the armies:

    Hedonites - Lurid Haze, w/ Sigvald, A Lord of Pain, the Contorted Epitome and a Chaos Lord on Karkadrak; my troops were 2x units of Hellstriders, 2x units of Slickblades (the riders aren't done yet), and a 10 man unit of Twinsouls (proxied in this game as Chaos Warriors).

    Lumineth - Helon, w/ a Lord Regent, Cathallar, Loreseeker and Wind Mage; his troops consisted of a big block of 20x Wardens, 10x Sentinels, two units of Bladelords (one 5x, one 10x), two units of 5x Windriders and a Spirit of the Wind.

    (so it should be pretty obvious that these aren't truly "optimized" lists on either side, which I'll get into later)

    We rolled up Feral Foray from GHB 2021 - Hedonites had 4 drops w/ battalions, Lumineth had 6 so I placed first and chose to take the first turn.  The small table size (and deployment map) played to both armies' strengths, to the point that I was able to charge both units of my Slickblades and Sigvald (outflanking via Lurid Haze) into his lines first turn, killing his Cathallar (deployed forward on his shrine), a handful of Bladelords from the smaller unit and 9 of the 10 wounds off of 1 Windrider unit. Bottom of turn 1 he was able to wipe the one unit of Slickblades through a combination of attacks/battleshock (ouch), and heavily damage the other. Objective-wise though we were pretty much tied, except for the fact that my opponent missed out on scoring a battle tactic early game.

    From there, the momentum shifted back and forth, with him burning one of my backfield objectives (from the mission rules) in turn 2 and then again in turn 3 (because of the realm rules). However, key summoning meant I was able to drop bodies on objectives to effectively lock the down while my harder hitting units were able to whittle him down.  Of special note was Sigvald, who tremendously benefitted from Heroic recovery to kill 10 Bladelords, 4 windriders and the wind spirit. On the Lumineth side his warden blob was able to take advantage of their re-roll hits triumph to obliterate my warlord.

    So I have a couple things to say here:

    • White hot take, but Slaanesh is competitively underrated. The army can hit reasonably hard and the summoning is good, probably the best in the game. Yes the starting force is small but getting the summoning engine ramped up brings a lot of momentum to the army. Would be very curious to play against a very offensively-focused army.
    • Lumineth in a non-sentinel spam army list is not nearly oppressive as the community suggests. We had a close game with the two armies that are considered to be opposite ends of the power spectrum. Sure this is one game and we both probably made the same amount of game-altering mistakes, but as WHW has shown player skill means so much more than army power (in general). Also the cap on modifiers in 3.0 makes all the debuffs Lumineth has at their disposal much less oppressive.
    • Also there was some awful rolling from the Lumineth - my favorite (sorry @Athrawes) was when his Loreseeker failed to cast Protection of Hysh and spent his Aetherquartz to re-roll it...into a double 1 miscast and 3 mortal wounds!

    Overall really liked 3.0 and am pumped to play more. @Athrawes is a good player and despite what the internet says we've always had nailbiter games with Hedonites vs. Lumineth.

    A few pics:








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  7. I feel like I know the answer to this question, but just want to confirm...

    Heroes off the board that don't arrive until the movement phase can't do heroic actions (since they happen in the hero phase), correct?

    i.e., I couldn't have Sigvald outflanking via Lurid Haze, say he's doing his finest hour, and then arrive in the movement phase?

  8. 1 hour ago, Cambyses said:

    Does anyone have any experience with Syll'Esske in the new edition? I thought they were quite mediocre in the previous edition but they didn't go up much in pts and gained in both damage output and durability, which could be the push for them to be actually quite efficient.


    I'm envisioning them as second wave utility piece that sits fairly close to the screening units to provide buffs through casts & command abilities, which can reposition decently quickly to go after soft targets or counter-punch as needed.

    In some ways he's like a pocket Glutos with that battleshock immunity...I rate him pretty highly.

  9. 1 minute ago, Enoby said:

    That said, archers are probably best for quick depravity gains. 

    Don't forget too that a couple of cheap depravity engines got off relatively lightly in the points changes, mainly the Infernal Enrapturess and the Dread Pageant. Both are cheap and have shooting that's just as good as it needs to be to get off a depravity here and there, and in the case of the DP they have pretty good melee output and wound density.

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  10. Okay, try this on for size, should be 4 drops if you fit in in the Command Entourage and Battle Regiment battalions:

    Syll’esske - 210
    Sigvald - 265
    Contorted Epitome - 255
    Lord of Pain - 155

    Hellstriders -135
    Hellstriders - 135
    Twinsouls (10) - 370

    Slickblades - 230
    Slickblades - 230

    Decent magic, decent killiness, decent CP generation in Invaders.

    If I needed to, I guess I could drop Sigvald for a unit of Blissbarb archers and the wheel, as this comes in at 1985.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

    Over in the rumor thread they said we lose S2D battleline as battleline options. But we can still keep them in as non-allies. It was specifically addressed by goonhammer. 

    Yep, this was confirmed in the facehammer review of the book. StD is a "coalition army" to HoS (and other Chaos armies). They can be included without being allies but just can't be battleline.

    So grab yourself a warshrine for that sweet sweet priest keyword.

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  12. @Enoby - thanks for the fantastic rundown on HoS going into 3.0, definitely has gotten the list-building juices flowing.  Here's something I put together that seems to really play to our strengths:

    Allegiance: Slaanesh
    - Host: Invaders Host

    Keeper of Secrets (340)
    - General
    - Sinustrous Hand
    - Command Trait: Glory Hog
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny
    - Host Option: General
    - Spell: Paths of the Dark Prince
    Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (260)
    - Host Option: General
    The Contorted Epitome (210)
    - Artefact: The Rod of Misrule
    - Host Option: General
    - Lore of Slaanesh: Hysterical Frenzy

    5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (140)
    5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (140)
    10 x Daemonettes (110)

    10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (340)
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (200)
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (200)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Wheels of Excruciation (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 117

    It seems like this puts up a decent amount of wounds, has pretty OK spell output and has some major melee threats in the slickblades/twinsouls.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, AngryPanda said:

    Hopefully the points are balanced appropriately this time.... 

    I’m most excited for the potential of new subfactions or rules to build armies around. 


    I want to stay optimistic, but I think we're just going to get these two new warscrolls and that's it.  I highly doubt Slaanesh will be getting a lot of new stuff in Kragnos.

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