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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. For whoever is missing boxes Alchemist still have some: https://alchemistsworkshops.com Damn next Saturday will be a painful one for me, I resisted on the battle forces but I really need those Warcry books...
  2. Thanks for pointing this, City of the Damned was actually reprinted in 2019 as part of Reader's Choice 2018, hence the confusion. Golgfag's Revenge, are you sure contains Gotrek? Black Library does not mention anything. Death and Glory! is in Omnibus 1 and Lord of Undeath is in Omnibus 2. So a new Doom of Gutrek Gurnisson omnibus containing the remaining short stories could be possible and lo and behold, Omnibus 6 is actually a reality! In Amazon is scheduled for 8th June 2021. For who is interested Inferno volume 6 is scheduled for April 2021.
  3. The Lost Kinsmen is now the only short story about Gotrek from Myth and Legends never to have been republished. All other stories from the main story arc, Myth and Legends and Lost Stories are in a new omnibus.
  4. No comments on Zoats appearing in Total War Warhammer? That’s definitely their year!!!
  5. Ah yeah hence you have a separate army. But thematically I would see them taking advantage of merging with SCE or COS. Of course all depends from rules, but in the fiction a group of humans protected by Sigmar is nowhere on the same power strength as a stormhost...
  6. Well they are called Devoted of Sigmar not devoted of Grungni 😂😂😂
  7. That reminds me that if we will ever have a Devoted of Sigmar army, would be nice to have a 1 in 4 stormcast heroes to lead it and 1 in 4 Cities to complement it... that would be amazing as no one Devoted army would look like another and they would not even need too many new models...
  8. Interesting decision for the battle forces, disappointed OBR are not there but for once my wallet is happy as DoK are grabbing my attention this month. The Gitz would have interested me but I’m almost done with my Jaws of Mork and needed actually a Mangler Squig not a Dankhold... Forgot to say Tzeentch looks amazing, pity I gave up my Chaos ambitions for now...
  9. Super exciting! 6 days to wait! Is it this the first time we actually have no serious clue on what could be coming next? Slaanesh mortals maybe the only realistic hint?
  10. Is it me or doesn’t say really anything? 😂
  11. Also blood of the old world (the sequel) is on last chance to buy. Pity they never really sold the transcript of the sequel, the first one is a beautiful book.
  12. Neferata has a line of books dedicated to her from David Annandale while Mannfred does not appear since Realm Wars apart a brief mention in Soul Wars with the other mortarchs... difficult to say with BL but maybe her line of books is popular enough to deserve some merchandising? If we are listing old armies getting updates even the Morghasts, contenders of the best model with worst rules, got a brand new army around them (Ossiarchs). Personally I think Legions is destined to be superseded one day but Cities is much behind Legions on this side. You would need many more updates on existing ranges to be able to safely put to rest Cities, but it’s a so cool idea and so easy to keep adding that I don’t see logical just squatting them. Different topic if we wonder if they will get new plastic stuff. Possibly via Warcry or WU, but in AoS that’s a less safe bet...
  13. Rules aside the tidbits they released so far are super exciting, I’m looking forward to see the book and read it all!! If factions will drastically change because of this would be super interesting but Anvilgard to change rules need to change name as otherwise there’s no other space in the book (from the summary). Could it be renamed Har Kuron? Regarding BL novels this year has seen few already being published but consider also Covid. Inferno volume 5 for example was released in UK only recently but I had it from amazon months earlier, so clearly distribution was somehow affected. Court of the Blind King was released in December, since then proper novels AoS we had the Profit’s Ruin, Lady of Sorrows, Lumineth, Sons of Behemat (audio), Warcry Catacombs and now Covens of Blood and Bonereapers. But there are have been also few new Collections...
  14. Ah right thanks @RuneBrush, so I guess eBay it is...
  15. Sorry to necro this thread, but does anyone know how to find the extra ring binders if you are not subscribed from Hachette website? I read that in theory they would eventually sell it separately but so far I found them only in eBay at absurd prices...
  16. Well maybe canon is not the right word if you consider the literally English meaning “a collection of books recognised as genuine”. Surely it’s official, but I meant to say is that we can’t grasp any info of new army from a BL novel, we have better chances from the GW tomes. In Reynolds novel he described really well the Sacrosant chamber and the Nighthaunt plus the relationship between the different mortarchs and in one piece he described an army of Sylvaneth working for Nagash. The Antagonist of the book however never got a miniature or model to represent him. To have a dread wood type of army would be wonderful but give me a LoN expansion with zombies and vampires all day before that.
  17. Black library authors have “poetic license”, basically they can add anything they want, does not mean GW will make miniatures out of it. Also usually they don’t know about new releases much before us and that book is now 2 years old...
  18. In Soul Wars from Josh Reynolds, so not canon, he speaks about Sylvaneth refusing Alarielle for Nagash and being corrupted by Shyish
  19. Cool, thanks a lot @willange I thought that was it but was not sure. Thanks.
  20. That was a good story, I'm unfamiliar with the protagonists, at the beginning I thought were Bonesplitterz but they call themselves Gitz... Anyone has any clue what happened?
  21. I'm with you, also calculating the costs of those models they look all suspiciously similar and doable in a Start Collecting type of deal: Idoneth is £85, Slaves is £75, SCE is £85 and Cities is £79.5. Now at a £55 price those would be a good 35% discount that is not to be disparaged considering the recent price hike, Slaves would need to be priced £50 to have the same type of discount. Obviously they could be priced £60 for a more expensive SC, but still 25-30% discount...
  22. Lol, I kept all of them, but I have already 16 Glaivewraiths painted, so no need for 8 more, but I'll keep them on eBay, you never know if Leviadons and Allopexes become strong with a new Broken Realms book, then there's hope also for Glaivewraiths, between the most underrated mini in the range! Super excited by these changes, normally these warscrolls are valid also for Matched Play right? Wrath of the Everchosen ones were valid...
  23. Totally agree and I have my shame of unopened GW boxes! Ah the good times when we could afford hoarding... Now I have to be more considerate in my decisions. Anyway, as long as you tell your nephew to not lose any piece, you keep the box and instructions safe, you are good for when he becomes 18 and can sell it at least at double the price (depending on what it is).
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