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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. Isn’t that the most annoying thing ever? I mean they just printed a book with the rules of those war bands and now they add more... have to be honest I totally disagree with this move. I have a Nighthaunt army fully painted, I have the cards original and the Tome of champions 2019 and now I have to buy a new box of push fit or left overs Soul Wars box minies I have no interests in for one card?? And no other official way to get the stats of that card?
  2. I said it multiple times but if Tyrion would came out with its own Aelf faction that would be the n-th grudge against duardins heavily outnumbered faction wise 😂😂😂 In saying so no mention of Tyrion does not mean he may not be part of this Hysh Aelves but makes it highly unlikely at least in this phase. Maybe a wave-2?
  3. Hi @Overread in the Collection/Bundle you could add the following Age of Sigmar stories from the Inferno series: Inferno Volume 1 -> The Path to Glory, At the Sign of the Brazen Claw Inferno Volume 2 -> From the Deep, The Merchant's Story, Faith in Thunder, Ties of Blood, No Honour among Vermin Inferno Volume 3 -> The Prince's Tale, The Unlamented Archpustulent of Clan Morbidus, In the Mists of Chaos, The Book of Transformations Inferno Volume 1 has also 2 End Times story, will send the Inferno 4 later this month.
  4. Yeah and they could go as far as giving battleshock tests for every unit not in range of a hero and so on... but that is wishlisting. The point is that destruction doesn’t have to be green and ugly... or whatever colour the Ogors are 😂
  5. Yeah something like that but reimagined in the mortal realms. They could have been an underground race living in Ghur and the necroquake stirred them and now they are out on the prowl. I don’t see why we need to have Gorkamorka as god of every destruction race, although so far that’s what is mentioned in the description of destruction races in the core book. Easily fixed in a new Battletome...
  6. Can’t understand why we can’t enjoy a death army even if Nagash is behind it. He can’t be everywhere and that’s why he has Mortarchs. Lore wise both Neferata and Mannfred have plenty of stories where Nagash is just a background figure. Personally I’m curious to see what Katakros obtained in Eightpoints. In the lore there’s also mention of other death gods. We know Nagash hunted and assimilated most of them but we don’t know if all, in a malign portent story one was still hidden from Nagash and Shysh is immense so there’s always space for another death god assuming Nagash will hold the reins (soon or later he’ll need to deflate or he will be too powerful for the Order forces). Regarding Destruction there’s so much they can play with the theme of destruction without repeating existing races. For example insectoid armies eating anything they meet. A mix between grots and ogors but controlled by a central nexus, destroyed which, they lose control. Plenty of options also expanding the existing subfactions like the Spiderfang and whatever Rippa came from.
  7. This. Even arguing what spring means AoS will need something to release between now and March, and a single book can’t be all AoS gets in 2 months... Seraphon would fit the bill but I would expect also some other smaller things here and there.
  8. Best thing of Ossiarch release and a trend we have seen in the recent books is that every kit has its own purpose. You may not like it, or prefer other tactics but every unit has its own niche. If we compare for example with Legions or Beasts of Chaos, many models, much redundancy and even where something would not be redundant a terrible warscroll erased the model. That’s the trend I hope they will continue to keep. From high aelves I would expect an all-round army with infantry, archers, cavalry, mages and flying units. Balance in rules and model details will be important but all precedents look extremely encouraging.
  9. In Warhammer weekly they hypothesise a devoted of Sigmar factions as one of the chambers of the Stormcast. I think Tom referred to the Covenant chamber as priests with humans as the backbone and few more Stormcast to bolster them or alternatively able to include the usual 1 every 4 models of pure Stormcast. Personally I would like to see an expansion based on a theme, like priests or siege engines, and then most factions being updated with their response to their theme. For example if priest was the theme for 2020/21, then most factions supporting gods could get a new priest model and/or prayers or prayers mechanics in a book like the Psychic Awakening. Not all would fit the bill, and giving priests to all would be boring but could be an interesting idea.
  10. They actually joked that it could take 12 years to get a new book 😂 and then said was a joke. But they were absolutely not committing and generic.
  11. Actually still available on warhamner world on Saturday... with the old start collecting...
  12. I was thinking since a while, especially while reading often about the "battleline tax" (replace with more convenient name) and the usual complain about "monster being pointed too high for how they perform", wouldn't be good to divide the units in roles, similar to how WFB did (infantry, cavalry, monsters, etc.) and have a 2 layers of pointing system where all monsters would be compared between themselves and then you can have to split your army in a certain percentage/portion of monsters/cavalry/whatever? This way you still keep more or less the artillery/behemoths limitations and your battlelines will be absorbed in the core infantry units/whatever they are called. Obviously this would make a bit more complex to create a list, but isn't building a list one of our favourite parts of the game?
  13. Yeah it’s always a blast but I was really hoping to go there to see an AoS “show” I guess worst case I’ll just have a chat with the staff speaking of how much they are not showing us of AoS 😂
  14. Oops you are right I was sure was AoS only... now that ticket and the 2h drive assume much less value to me... oh well...
  15. That would be a good idea but would also diminish a lot the value of boxes after the first one especially for certain armies
  16. My personal opinion is that they are preparing small expansions like they are doing in 40k and those heroes would naturally fit being released as stand-alone with that small update. Regarding the AoS open day I doubt will have any 40k or Necromunda news, 40k open day I think had nothing AoS related. What I think we will see it’s a hint of the new army coming in H1 2020 and the Scions of flame, maybe a seraphon hint.
  17. Well Ossiarchs in itself got little preview before the first teaser. And even after, the lore was retrospectively added.
  18. I think we can easily rule out Slaves and in my opinion even Spyre Tyrants and Aqshy as they were already previewed in the Core book although it could be left to both interpretations. In all of this I believe Cities will actually be divided in one or more factions, maybe Aelves, Duardins and Humans. For the future they could add more random creatures, but I doubt a game can survive only with small additions. If they do a season thing like Warhammer Underworld they will add next year more warbands with more models. At least my opinion.
  19. It has been an extremely dry week for AoS, the wait for the Slaves release and what else is planned next year it’s almost excruciating... Almost I didn’t want to see the release schedule for the end of the year so we could speculate what’s coming next. Almost being the keyword here 😂
  20. I actually have my own theory on this and is similar to what Tom from warhammer weekly discussed in their Old World review. In few years time AoS could be only about the new shiny armies and the old legacy armies relegated once again in the Old World. This would mean that many armies that have been updated today for AoS 2.0 are placeholders until a potential drop of support in AoS 3.0 and Old World release in 2/4 years. If you think about it they are already doing it with Death by moving away from the old Vampire Counts with 2 brand new armies and one recycled from old parts. Another vampire army moving Neferata and Mannfred away and you basically can sunset everything else left out. Apart from that I strongly doubt there are 3 known chambers to be opened for Stormcast and we will not see any before AoS 3.0... All of this to say that some of the smaller and older armies may remain smaller and some of those kits may not be updated anytime soon. That’s just my opinion anyway
  21. There’s actually a logister chamber to be opened so could make sense. Or the ruination chamber maybe more appropriate for siege engines...
  22. Well Katakros against Archaeon is a weird one cause Katakros is called the Undefeated (in his last form) and him being defeated a month after getting his new name would look bad. On the other side can Archaeon or his general mentioned in the article be defeated in his own battletome? I mean they are Slaves to Darkness not Slaves to Defeat... I bet in a draw, maybe a bloody one 3-3 or 4-4 with last minute score of Archaeon saving a match otherwise controlled by Death.
  23. Yeah I think they had plans for Malignants but then dropped them. The Start Collecting is still branded Malignants, that is super funny cause it's an allegiance that never existed and is basically a Start Collecting for Legions but without any unit you would normally start building from to form a Legions army... The timing also of this announcement is weird because clashes with the battleforces. I know it's going to be over probably 2 years at least, but I can choose between few models now or both armies slowly across 2 years? I guess the answer is depends of what type of buyer you are... Personally I was undecided with Nighthaunt battleforce but since I already subscribed to Mortal Realms I'll just wait, not in a rush to paint ghost number 100...
  24. The 40K one did get expanded after a while, I believe Spain, France, Germany and Italy all came several months after?
  25. I just noticed that there is part of the Garden of Morr in the Mortal Realms subscription. What is that? 5th rebrand and repackaging for it? 😂
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