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Everything posted by Blueraven84

  1. I have strange feeling/fear, that chaos banner tops on Warhammer Fest link to just Chaos space marines and they only show Sylvaneth for Age of Sigmar.
  2. Are they actually releasing beastmen before skaven? Or maybe chaos banner is something totally else and "summer" chaos book is even further out?
  3. Repacked Skaven all good but I want to see metal and finecast models to plastic. Also while wishlisting give me couple new eshin units while were at it...
  4. Now give me new Skaven army with this quality.
  5. And don't forget Horus Heresy new edition. Good luck for Aos getting releases other than those two mystery books (skaven, sylvaneth?) and Thondia book this year....
  6. Imagine playing MINIATURES game and trying to get hyped over rulebook... Which are pretty much certain after battlebox anyways I don't have big expectations for this preview I'm afraid
  7. I really hope for xmas miracle and they show some AOS related on 25th latest. Otherwise tga might go mad with all wishlisting. "We want hints of next aos tomes" GW: here, have a picture of tau. "No we want aos content" GW: no naughty boy, you just got your two armybooks. Shut up and look at these glorious aeldar and chaos armies that 40k gets!
  8. you know what is sad? Gw themselves have revealed next upcoming 3 codex for 40k and Aos rumours are this level...
  9. Lets say stormcast with 40mm base wants to trace path between 2mm gap between pieces of terrain. Can he go through in movement phase with normal move? Movement and terrain rules say nothing about base size when measuring the "tracing the path", but I have always played that like for example: model wants to go through doorway it needs to be at least as wide as the models base?
  10. Now that faqs and erratas are out, I'm still wondering one thing. In PTG, there is a limit to wizards. But what about armies that have units of wizards like Tzeentch horrors or Lumineth? Is it a hickup and restriction in army creation and progresssion is ment for hero wizards only?
  11. Can't find that rule anywhere, maybe you are thinking no unique can be warlord...
  12. Just give me soup tome with added old or even new duardin models with round bases and I'm set for 3rd edition
  13. Heavy spoilers about latest WD: There is a story in the latest wd, where Grungni is watching suffering of duardin through ages. Everyone else is fleeing to Azyrheim for the coming chaos, but main point of story is duardin are made of stronger stuff. In the end he makes Grombrindal in his forge to unite duardin.
  14. Morathi back to being best buddies with Sigmar...I just don't get it I thought they would finaly kick Khainites out of Order or something for 3.0
  15. If these are the new starter/launch box destruction army then my interest just went from zero to hero
  16. Oh the teases, don't think I can take it much more...
  17. Back to rumours, stealing this from Jabber who got it from Reddit:
  18. What I want? That everyone gets what they want...copout🤗
  19. I'm so confused. 2 months it's nothing but it's bretonnia stormcast its bretonnia rumours... Now it's primaris stormcast instead and some other old world style? Kislev? Cathai? gah... Or maybe people are seeing too much and think we get horse riding stormcast...when in reality it's just different armour style sc...?
  20. Tinfoil hat on. Not a single AOS novel in todays preview?
  21. These rumours give me hope that they are not pushing 3.0 to the next year or something like that
  22. I have not heard anything about "big/primaris" stormcasts. Only rumours I have seen circulating are bretonnia style and new chamber opening... about Valrak:
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