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Ragnar Alpaca

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Everything posted by Ragnar Alpaca

  1. I think we’ll be put into a free cities tome, but as dwarf can dream.
  2. Also I had a bit of a thought here today, I watched the GG’s lore trailer and at the very end the guy specifically states that they’re from the realm of metal, which had me wondering. The Dispossessed also have a large presence in the realm of metal. Boom new battle for skull pass box in the future.
  3. Idk it has to fit the whole classic dwarf theme while still being unique, digging too deep is a little taken. Also I thought I wanted Ram or Goat Cav, but my god please giant mole cav.
  4. I don’t think they will get rid of any of the current kits. The warriors and thunderers/quarrellers kits are a little dated but I think they look pretty good still. Certainly better than some other factions and models. I do agree however I think we need a new hero like a rune priest of some sort. I think we all agree we need some sort of cavalry unit for a terrain piece I’ve envisioned we might get a mini cogfort or just a standard gun emplacement that might give some sort of buff and have a free cannon/organ gun shot each turn. Also Endless Runes really need to happen. I don’t know what I want for a centerpiece model. Definitely no steampunk stuff though imo, don’t want to be like the KO. I would be ok with a stone golem or some dragon or large beast though.
  5. I guess I meant less breakable, like many squigs are only attached by a foot, and the fanatics are only attached with rope.
  6. Anyone have ideas yet to how to make those fanatics and squig hoppers more stable?
  7. If we get placed in a free cities battletome we better get options to play by ourselves, that’s all I’m going to say. Or I will be the first in this thread to start the fanmade Dispossessed battletome. Honestly thinking that’s whats going to happen though, but I’m still hopeful we get a couple new models. Don’t think we won’t be able to use our own war machines.
  8. I said this because you lose the allegiance abilities of both. Might be personal preference idk. I definitely agree that they can be speedy allies though.
  9. Looks like a good list to me, why not proxy the cogsmith as the gunmaster? He is a dwarf. have you had much success btw with KO? If so what’s your list(s).
  10. First of all let me say I’m not a fan of KO, their models look great but they’re not great rules imo. Combining already not great armies and therefore losing the few rules they have isn’t great. Also if you take and Order list you’re going to lose out on the pickaxe artifact for the dispossessed.
  11. I apologize for derailing the Rumor Thread btw. *grumble grumble grumble*
  12. Aye that’s true, but like @Furuzzolo said, we’ve had this debated a lot in the Dispossessed discussion. Basically to sum it up, new cavalry, and maybe an avatar of an ancestor god.
  13. If dispossessed don’t get something eventually I will cry. If they happen to get the revamp I’m hoping for I will buy the collectors edition battle tome, a regular battletome and any accessories they add along their release. I know I’m just one person but I have a deep love for my dwarfs. Also as others have said doesn’t detract from me wanting/owning some of the new AoS only factions. I think it would be good idea anyway to have some more grounded factions that people who aren’t entirely convinced on the over the top setting can get into.
  14. Welcome beardling! And good luck with your hobby and upcoming match. Any chance we can get some pictures of you army?
  15. I wasn’t trying to be negative. It was supposed to be humorous and helpful at the same time. As much as I love my Dispossessed, we’re not very good. As for fyreslayers I think they’re teir 3 and KO are teir 4.
  16. No reason not to take the dispossessed allegiance, inspiring and hoarfrost aren’t that good and you miss out on the extremely necessary ancestral pickaxe. Also no reason not to take great weapons on the warriors as well, as either weapon choice still allows them to have shields.
  17. 1) Slow, defensive, can hit hard, good at sitting on close objectives 2) Good matchups: non battletome armies, other slow armies Bad matchups: the rest 3) Not necessarily and imo a grudge if you do so 4) Teir 2.5. Definitely not teir 1 with daughters and legions, teir 2 with nurgle and others you will struggle but can win against, teir 3 should easily be able to win Note none of this matters if the game modes has a bunch/moving objectives. You will lose.
  18. Plot twist Dispossessed get the next Battletome.
  19. That’s true but neither are new factions, I was expecting it to be entirely new.
  20. Yeah it’s karanak. I don’t know anything about khorne tbh and I just assumed it wasn’t moonclan. And the next logical faction I could think of was darkoath.
  21. Three headed hound... just going out on a limb here and saying new darkoath unit.
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