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Posts posted by Zplash

  1. 16 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    What do you need? Something to grab objectives but still contribute if they are away from an enemy? Or something to hit hard to take an objective or kill something? 

    Yeah they serve completely different roles therefore its hard to tell, depends on your armee, scenario, enemy Armee and situation... 

    With the point drop I think both are a viable option but not easy to play to really get the most out of them.

    But that's KO I think :D

  2. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Nice tournament! KO kicking hard and fast again!!
    And playing with less Endinriggers!!! Just awesome!!!

    I had a list with some useful artefacts sometime ago...  the only artefacts that I remember are:

    • The Aethershock Earbuster for another battleshock phase on the deep-strikining  Khemist.
    • The Gryph-Feather Charm for my general (I usually go with the "Prospector" trait to try to focus on offensive Command Abilities). 
    • The Aethersight Loupe to stop the Prismatic Pallisade (or any other Endless Spell). Main problem is that i had better results with a Runemaster or Knight Incantor than just using one artefact.
    • Ignax Scale for Mortal Wounds abusers on my general. Hate when some random Thundertusk just kills my general...

    Don't know if this artefacts are going to have enough presence on your games, but can't wait to see more KO winning!!!

    Maybe if you play a battalion and an extra CP you can think about the brooch too. On a 5+ getting a CP back is not too bad with the new command abilities like reroll 1s in shooting. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, Pellynor said:

    Quick question for everyone here; I'm experiencing some problems in my local meta in getting my plaguebearers to be useful. When I play them in 40K they are an absolute beast to try and move as the buffs they get from heralds and daemon princes makes them a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention that they have an invulnerable save plus they're disgusting resilience. However porting them over to AoS, hasn't been great over the last year as they seem to just get wiped off the table. I run them in blocks of 30 and one small block of 10 to fill out my battleline and they are usually accompanied by a Spoilpox Scrivener carrying the wither stave. Generally I think a -1 to hit and enemies re-rolling sixes should be enough keep them alive for more than a turn however they seem to be getting blended quite badly by Slyvanneth hunters and beasts of chaos (especially those bloody enlightened). 


    What do you do to make your plaguebearers work well? Are they just a tar pit to hold down what units while you're plague drones swoop in for the kill or do your plaguebearers also do some of the heavy lifting in killing troops? I want to make sure I'm using to the best of their ability and not just being cursed by the dice gods (which can be quite legendary bad rolling on my part).



    Pbs won't kill anything really :( even with GUO CA buff +1 attack and blades on them they are not an offensive force.

    I can only suggest you to try your 30 blocks with a LoB and use his CA on them to make them - 2 to hit in melee and - 4 in shooting. That way they can really tank lots of stuff. 

    Still its not too op because it's an high invest with the CPs and of course if you drop only 1 time under 20 models all buffs are gone and they getting smacked by kind of everything. 

    And of course horde killing spells or 2 dragons who don't have to roll for hits in shooting and doing tons of mortals are a counter... 

    Hope that helps a little bit. 

    Ps: if you scroll up a little bit you can read how a tallyband "can" work in the current meta. I would be happy over another tallyband player and your experience with it over the time :)

  4. On 7/27/2019 at 5:11 AM, Jamezorz said:

    Meeting engagement list. I have some concerns about getting the BKs into battle but man that’s a lot of wounds

    Allegiance: Nurgle

    2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (200)
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact : The Witherstave
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)


    I think with a tree and the small field you should be able to get them into battle. I'm more concerned about 1 or 2 minus to hit stuff and your whole Armee is doing nothing except being durable but with not too much models its even hard to play objectives that way... So vs non hit debuff Armee this looks very strong to me but beginning with debuff your first 10 bks getting it and you will only tank stuff but won't do any dmg anymore :/

    Im also trying to get harbi and some bks into a meeting Engagement format but with needing something fast on the Speer head and my old fear of the hit debuff are kind of pushing me away from it... Maybe you think about a blight cyst. Gives you smaller groups of bks and a rend and important with 2. Artefact you can choose rustfang to have a minus 2 rend. That way even a hit debuff shouldn't stop your bks to do some dmg. Excluding ghosts and eternal Amulette :D

  5. 6 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    To be honest I only suggested the witherstave change and endless gift, because to be honest, I had assumed the brioche didn’t fit with your plan. Yeah WS is obvious choice for GUO. 

    My thinking with festus and balewind is that I could think of anything better with 180 points left. In the reality that is realm spells, casts and denies are a must. Just hope the dice are on your side. Festus has 2 great spells (blades and curse). Or can cast realm spells. 

    Tje epitome is amazing for 200 points. Double caster. Native spell is great (d3 units rr 1s against) and RR all casts and unbinds. The strike last mechanic is just gravy. 

    The warshrine is there for a great RR all wounds prayer on blightkings and an extra 6++ on top of 5++ from harbinger. 

    Epitome is a great ally for a melee orientated nurgle list like blightkings or something with plague monks etc due to the chance of making the enemy fighting last and the signituare spell reroll 1s to hit. 

    For the tallyband or magic orientated lists it looses a little bit of its charme but still very good for unbinds or casting endless spells :)

  6. 8 hours ago, Ratcliff said:


    Looks great, what's the thinking behind the epitome, balewind and the warshrine?

    Just looked at the brooch, how have I not seen that?! Amazing call, thank you. I like the Witherstave on my GUO because of its larger area of effect. Plus I love the way my army deploys, with the GUO at the centre of this shambling plaguebearer infestation

    I think about the muttergrub on lob for wheel turning or tome on poxbringer for more reliable favored poxes cast. 

    The brooch with only 2 starting cps is not reliable enough anymore with needing 5+ :(


  7. 2 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I saw your post from before. You deserve a Kudos, because I will be honest, I wrote off the tallyband as expensive garbage. d3 plaguebearers a turn is literally nothing in the end. cp = 50 points. Lets just say the artefact is "worth" 50 points. average 2 plaguebearers a turn x say 3 units x 4 turns (which rarely happens in a tournament game anyway) and that's assuming none of the squads get wiped over the course of the game. That's about 24 plaguebearers which is 240 points. vs the cost of the battalion at 120 points.. In all likelihood its actually a net negative to take the battalion. 

    So in all likelihood you are an extremely talented player. God help us all if you ever choose a competitive faction :D



    Don't forget the big impact if those D3 plaguebearers saves you the 20+ models for 1-2 turns. Could be crucial. 

    With favored poxes, witherstave etc. you can play the objective game. 

    And last but not least when I play tallyband it's a 1 drop Armee so I guarantee to go first and make save to be first on those juicy objectives with my plaguebearers and LoB CA with - 2 to hit. 

    I know it sounds better than it actually is but still I think it's in the current meta even better than blight cyst. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Turragor said:

    If you get in the groove it really is the pacifists choice of army, the huge soft-in-the-head kid in the playground who cant really be bullied and never retaliates.

    Like Hodor maybe.

    Grandfather HODOR

    Aaaaannnd you don't care about the activation war :D

  9. 1 hour ago, Ratcliff said:


    Sounds like a tough list. I'm really starting to think that I don't really need the Monks either, and looking at ways I might replace them. Two Poxbringers is an interesting idea. The key to Nurgle is to keep it low drop, they play brilliantly in certain missions as long as they go first and you can establish board control early. Been looking at a Daemon Prince with Thermalrider cloak to be a slingshotting summoning beacon, might be an idea I explore in my next few games

    Daemon prince also triggers locus of your drones which could be cool at a flank. But it will increase your drops and a first turn is crucial with this list type :/

  10. @RatcliffI was running a quite similar tallyband but without monks (because I don't like cheese haha) therefore I had 2 blocks of 30 plaguebearers and 2 poxbringers for 2 favored poxes mostly one on the left side and one on the right side. It was a 2 drop list with Lob plus Tallyband. So tactic was to take first turn ran up the 2x30 plaguebearers on objectives give them flies and have the poxbringers in their mid for that sweet poxes and of course support GUO where you need the witherstave the most.

    It won games but as you mentioned you won't kill anything :D without monks even less haha

    It's a very nurgly style to play and the reason why I own 70 plaguebearers haha 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, grungolah said:

    Doppleganger cloak on a GUO:  could you choose not to attack in melee and not be attacked in return?  Im thinking it would be a clever way to get favored poxes off on a particularly nasty foe.

    I think you have to attack if you are in melee. With cloak you just can't be hit before you have activated in melee, but you have too if everything else in your armee fought 

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, TheVenerableBede said:

    The fact that they have been updating the errata in a more agile way now, and ours still remains untouched means we can finally put the Blightkings unmodified 6s thing to rest. Ain't going to happen until a new Battletome is out.

    Not sure if they just overlooked it because nurgle isn't a big thing today or if they chose to keep it modified because it would  be too strong  and would need an additional point increase too... 

  13. On 7/6/2019 at 5:16 AM, Malakithe said:

    Okay I made some tweaks. unsure about weapon loadouts and items though. 

    Skyport: Barak-Mhornar
    - Additional Footnote: Today's Foes Are Tomorrow's Customers
    Aether-Khemist (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Opportunistic Privateers 
    - Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm 
    Aetheric Navigator (80)
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    15 x Grundstok Thunderers (270)
    3 x Skywardens (100)
    3 x Skywardens (100)
    3 x Skywardens (100)
    Arkanaut Frigate (200)
    Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    Grundstok Escort Wing (130)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 127

    Short question about Escort wing. 

    All units in the battalion must attack the chosen unit to get the +1 hit. What happens if the chosen unit is already dead after only half of your battalion attacked? Are you allowed to shoot into other units with the rest? 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    Ah I didn't realise about that, thanks guys. My GHB is still lost somewhere in the great British postal system...

    I think I'll take on your advice @Zplash about having my caster in a different section of the army. Now it might look more like:

    Spearhead: GUO
    Main Body: HoD, 10 x BKs
    Rear Guard: 5 x BKs

    I think I'll get more out of 5 Blight Kings with a Harbinger on the board, but if we have time for 2 games tonight I might try a list with some beasts and Horticulous in. It would be fun to have two beasts bouncing around the board being a nuisance! They could do well in this format.

    I'm pretty hype about Meeting Engagements. I think it makes lower point games seem more exciting!

    I'm sorry :(

    A Behemoth isn't allowed in the spear head... Your GUO should be in the main body. You can take the Harbinger in the spearhead with 5 Bks instead. 

    All the restrictions for lists you can find on warhammer community search for meeting engagement ;)

  15. 4 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    What are people looking at taking for the new Meeting Engagements? I'm going to try a game tonight with a friend and I'm thinking of trying something like this:

    Spearhead: 5 x Blight Kings
    Main Body: Harbinger of Decay (Witherstave), 5 x Blight Kings,
    Rearguard: Great Unclean One (Bell and Blade, Favored Poxes), 5 x Blight Kings

    Not complicated. GUO there for spell support and the movement buff. A lot of armies at this size won't have a good answer to him, so he can probably throw his weight around and get stuck in. If the enemy decides to dedicate a lot of resources in trying to kill him or tying him up, that's probably good for me in the long run. The Harbinger is there to buff the Blight Kings with a 5+ Ward Save and be a more mobile Witherstave holder than the GUO if I need to reposition the buff quickly. 15 blight kings to do the dirty work.

    Good idea I just have to inform you that 3x times blightkings is not valid due to the restriction that a warscroll can be used 2 times maximum in your list :( you can take in the main a unit a 10 blightkings instead of 5... Then you have again 15 models in your list... 

    My feeling is if you play a caster you should try to have him in the Speer head or main Armee because in the rear guard in the most scenarios you only will have 2 casting phases with him and therefore caster aren't that efficient in the rear guard (only 4 rounds and rear guard mainly comes end of turn2). 

    I'm currently working a meeting engagement list with pure mortals and trying to make the lord of affliction work :)

    I'll let you know after I'm finished and had my first game. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Fluxlord said:

    Well I will get my handbook next saturday and most likely will play a couple of meeting engaments (1000 points games).

     I love it that I can take the following list now.

    Lord of Afflictions

    Harbinger of Decay


    2* Pusgoyle Blightlords

    2*5 Blightkings


    Ill most likely put the LoA an PGB in the spearhead. The rest of the army will be in the main body, or i might leave one unit of blightskings for the rearguard. Before i decide i must have a look at the battleplans and see how the three separate set-ups work in all those battleplans.

    I must say, Im a little excited I like to play smaller battles from time to time and this new format looks very attractive as a new playstyle.

    Yeah me too. 

    And maybe I'm too positive but with the rules for meeting engagement it looks that especially nurgle rotbringers could be very very strong in this format. Harbinger on a smaller field sounds awesome :)

    Let's wait for the battleplans but I'm looking forward to this new option. 

    • Like 1
  17. 25 minutes ago, Fluxlord said:

    But does so with 20 marauders. I find them great especially as a screan in the back against teleporting units. I still cant use my list though,  i normally brought portal and geminids for 100 points. So no more geminids for me...guess ill have to bring the quicksilver sword.

    Just hate the marauders models :D

    And love to be kind of "100% true maggotkin" :) but true 20 marauders could be better as 5 blightkings. Especially because they are cheaper hehe 

    • Haha 1
  18. 8 minutes ago, peasant said:

    Nurgle menagerie could be a thing?

    Dropped by 60 points... (for 3 beasts) 

    For me it don't feel that this makes it up for menagerie... If horti and the batallion would have seen some reductions too it would be a cool new way to play nurgle :)

    Bloab reduced by 20points  getting more and more interesting... But still very expensive in the comparison with e.g. the verminlords for 260.

    Let's see maybe some of you will come up with some cool new lists with blight lords etc which I can't see currently 😃

    Looking forward to your creativity hehe 

  19. It's still 1000 points for the minimun of the battalion.... 

    For 7 units... Not doing enough dmg to really threaten something even with deepstrike... And again only deepstrike 1. Turn which is limiting too. 

    You will need bodies for the rest 1000 points to have a chance on the objective game. 

    For me the pusgoyle blight lords are more like a expensive speedbumber. Maybe fast objective grabbers if enemy player makes a mistake and you can steal an objective with 16 move plus fly... 

    Best of these changes are the little point increases for the other factions haha 

    I'm so sad that they didnt touch plaguebearers GUOs or the 3 maggot lords :(

    • Like 1
  20. Thx for the insights @sal4m4nd3r

    I wonder how you could keep up in the slaanesh game? They usually love those tasty blightkings with a lot of wounds to generate summoning points? 

    And of course congratulations for the painters price! Very cool! At least something in which nurgle is still strong 😅

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